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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. rice and veges with a chicken carcass, skin trimmed off. Costs you next to nothing and I peel weight off all my dogs like this without them being hungry. Add some bran to help stop them getting constipated.
  2. gotta get your bum into gear pandii! Is there a temporary home or something you can borrow? you dont need a massive fence if you trim their wing feathers off
  3. no I have this for my dogs, my malinois will bregrudgingly eat her veges like peas and broccoli when I tell her I also get them to drink on command as well.
  4. I wouldnt be putting a breed that needs slow sustained growth like a bordeaux on a prey model diet. An adult is one thing a growing pup is another. I would stick to what your breeder recommends otherwise you could be seeing problems like pano or accelerated growth. Our modern dogs are not wolves, many breeds have a different growth pattern that doesnt always benefit.
  5. colorado bulldogs are a mixed breed - look exactly like large pitbulls though
  6. yes why not wait until the habits are totally set in concrete and harder to shift. I wish vets would give advice on things they know little about. Attention spans can be taught and moulded, finding the right classes would also help socialise the dog as well as teach basic manners
  7. because more people come in here now go to facebook as I know transport for western suburbs is being arranged, or if more people want then try and get a group together to save more chickens!
  8. yeah thats me i'm totally against dogs I guess I must be some Peta nut who has infiltrated DOL I guess thats why I am toally against BSL, restriction of training equipment to train difficult dogs who have no option and helping dogs stay alive through rescue and retraining. I am against random over breeding an not health testing as a person who is now on their third HD/ED dog. Yes I do report cruelty and yes, I do indeed know what this man does along with many others. Don't point the finger at people you dont know thanks. As for mixing up two issues, the DPI will go out to inspect properties as will the council. Council has a responsibility to ensure the applicant has adequate means to care for the prospective dogs on the application (which is the point of multi dog permits which you also need in most situations) as well as sorting out or reporting problems with the existing ones. As I said, it doesnt happen. My council has no issue how many dogs you have on your land if you have over a certain number of acres - so people register multitude of dogs, keep them poorly and nothing happens. Planning applications I understand are separate to animal welfare issues BUT when the person that goes out to inspect the property also has the power to say 'hey you're not looking after these dogs properly' and do something about it. The man I reffered to above has 5 acres and hence will need to have applied for a multi dog permit as well - and he got it. They may be separate but they do have an element of connection when someone applies to start a large scale dog business.
  9. I think it depends more on the genetics then the diet solely. Plus being raised more on exercise then being locked up in yards or runs, dogs were fitter from the beginning. My last shepherd lived until almost 15 years old. I cooked rice, pasta, veges and mixed in raw mince/eggs for her. Died of a tumour and arthritis mum had to have her PTS. grandmothers entire rottweiler lived until 16 on whatever she had lying around. Used to snip up cooked bones for her with pliers. Saying that the dog by that age had a couple of mammary tumours, severe arthritis, cloudy eyes and looked like crap. Dad had to convince her to finally let the dog rest as a life now lying solely on concrete wasnt nice for her. I see farm dogs come in to work and you can tell the ones that are fed on chum, pal or some other glorified horse food. Their coats are dry, they're not lean muscle and the older ones have stained teeth and usually 'joint problems' that they cant seem to fix. There is a difference between living at your peak and surviving. Not every dog can be its best on the smell of an oily rag.
  10. from the day they come home they're taken out. Please tell me your dog has not just been at your house up until this time and you have been socialising it everywhere? As for fear period, I still didnt lock up my dogs. Every dog is different and it is a rough guide as to when you could expect it. The point is you should be helping your dogs learn and cope, not just wait until all funny or hormonal or difficult periods may pass. If we all waited to take our dogs out I think most would never leave the backyard.
  11. OK then I will give you an example. A man here has just gotten approval to keep 50 dogs on his property. He is already breeding, takes them off mum at 4 weeks, sells them at 6 the day after they've had a vaccination. His pups are unsocialised and feeding consists of throwing food in the middle of them and letting them fight over it or starve. So not surprisingly we have pups from him that are aggressive, confrontational, severe resource guarders, fearful etc and some are just plain dangerous. WIth all of this known the council and DPI see nothing wrong with him now having 50 dogs and pumping out litters. He's UNDER noses and out in the open. He's well known about with the council, DPI etc and they see nothing wrong despite the fact of how many time bombs this idiot is selling to the general public and then who do you think has to try and solve the problems ... not him. So, now that he can increase from having 10 litters on the ground at once to god knows how many, what improvements are going to be made? None. He got his permit, he pays his fees, he's free to do whatever the hell he wants and breed his bitches as often as he can pull them back into season to make a buck. But i'm sure i'll sleep better at night now that he's going to be monitored by the magical fairies that make sure these people have animal welfare considered when they breed and keep their multitude of dogs. So under the logic of people here because this man did everything through official sources he will be monitored. Well thats complete BS. THe relevant people took their fees and left. Other notorious puppy farmers are known about around here and still nothing is done, hell one has wildlife convictions coming out of his ear and he STILL collects them. Their dogs are registered with the council and still no one goes to make sure they reguarly comply to bare minimums or see nothing wrong with frightened dogs being kept in their own mess and small cages because for some reason it isnt an issue until, as I have said already, shocking photos hit the media. Information if given to the authorities and no action is taken or we are fobbed off. Too many people I have spoken to say 'oh we rang the council with a complaint' or 'we have made complaints to the RSCPA' and nothing more is done. I think some people on here have way too much faith in the system.
  12. lets hope its true and the idea dies a horrible death it deserves. And the people that came up with it or supported it get a big slap upside the head and NEVER try it again
  13. dogs must be too well fed if they turn down food yeah pigs heads it is for my lot since fish heads are impossible to find. Although waking up to step on a section of pig jaw with all the teeth stabbing you in the foot is NOT fun as I found this morning
  14. If you are raising a guide dog your primary source of information should be guide dogs org not the internet. If your other instructor is a ex guide dog instructor then I would be sticking with them too. If you are finding it a bit out of your depth then harass them until they supply you with the necessary help. We can give you advice but then you could be teaching the dog the entirely wrong thing.
  15. The way we're going and the reluctance of international breeders to send their lines down here will mean we wont HAVE any working dogs. Well we'll have technically museum pieces - looks like it but has little of the original function.
  16. The ANKC is the only australian member of the FCI (only one allowed per country) and a contract partner is an organisation that is on probation to become a member with the FCI. Either way a condition of membership is that you ABIDE by FCI rules.
  17. how are you going to prove achievement if the pedigree has all working titles stripped off. Would you breed with a dog that has a 5 generation pedigree of just dogs with no titles at all? Then wipe all show, agility, obedience etc titles off too. Just to even the playing field. Then by your logic the dogs should speak for themselves. Beleive it or not titles have an important value in the breeding choices of working animals. Just a pity few here in Australia understand this concept, that some dogs have their skills ranked in higher importance then their beauty. I know my bitch too will have just dogs. None are show dogs or have show titles most are KNVP dogs. And that then proves what - that I have a 5 generation pedigree of dogs that have technically achieved nothing.
  18. putting over the council limit number of dogs will always incur an application, you cant hide a lot of dogs easily especially in country areas where people know everyone and everything going on. The problem is officers enforcing laws we already HAVE. DPI requires all animals to be seen by a veterinarian if required, that the animal has the minimum provision of water, food, shelter, care and health. As I said if you were going to do things buy the books and were going to look after your dogs then why would your application be knocked back? People who are going to rort the system and simply plonk 50 dogs on your property without proving you can provide the proper infrastructure then you should be knocked back. I suppose we should just let them set up shop everywhere and stretch councils even further trying to keep on top of people who had no intention of doing the right thing by the dogs anyway. You just open the door. It SHOULD be difficult to set up a dog property, not impossible but difficult and take into consideration if the applicant can actually provide a decent life to the dogs, no matter what your background. Saying that, considering the FCI encourages its associates to expell members breeding purely for profit, puppy farmers should never have ANKC papers. As I said, a more effective way would be to make it LESS of a business - mandatory health screening (which a good breeder would expect to do anyway) socialisation, nutrition, veterinary care etc - and put it into the hands of the people who want to do the right thing. One puppy farm knocked back is a win to me. If they try again we'll find them and put in more complaints again until the law makes provisions for large scale dog properties.
  19. go the thumb under the tongue technique. When the dog goes for your hand, place your thumb under the tonge and apply pressure. You'll get some squeaks and tantrum behaviour, ignore it. When the dog gives in remove your hand, say nothing and offer it again. If the pup doesnt bite then praise and even give a bit of food. If games get too rough, get up and walk off, if you're followed and tugged or bitten, a gruff ARRGGGG usually gets the point across, if not then scruff to extract pup from clothing and ignore them. no but you do have to be firm and stop things before they snowball. Too many people feel sorry for pups when in fact you have the tast of shaping that dog for the rest of its life in the next couple of months. Well I can tell you a weim at a few months old still biting and being uncontrolled is an aboslute nightmare so lay down the law early. Never tolerate mouthing or biting from your dog no matter how old it is. Being firm is not being mean or cruel.
  20. I thought too she might be hunting. Saving that, where was she raised? Did she come from a farm or backyard situation? Under the house may have been where she was raised and now she finds that the most comforting place to be. I saw somewhere dog igloos you buried in the ground so the dog can 'den' like it would under a house etc. Maybe try something like that as well as the electric fence? Or make the entrance to the kennel smaller so its darker and more comfortable in there
  21. it's all getting just way too exciting, particularly when you guys are there. You are a resource, an object of fixation or a stimulant to your dogs. When you are not there they nay have little to really fight over, when you are there WOW excitement goes up, and bang, big fight considering you have two bitches of more dominant and pushy breeds. If you want them to play together you guys maybe need to get someone in to see how your interaction is with the dogs. From the sounds of it (and dont take this the wrong way) seem to be pandering to the dogs. One gets a pat, the other does. They want to play, so instead of stopping the destruction and gaining control you let them go. Regain control individually and I agree, walk them together and if they get too excited turn them around and walk them away until they're calm again. You need to teach dogs how to interact especially bull breeds and bitches set a limit on their behaviour, reintroduce them on lead and in a highly controlled manner and see how far you get slowly, dont be afriad to find a limit and go, ok, they wont interact any further then this. I do agree though I wouldnt leave them together unattended, if they fight now you dont know if they will eventually find something else to fight over and unfortunately you wont be there to help. If they fight again, grab each dog by its hind legs like a wheelbarrow and start walking backwards. Dont pully them apart just apply enough pressure that if they let go your can then rotate them apart. If one has a go at you keep walking in a circle with the dog wheelbarrowed until you can walk it into the garage or the house etc. If they absolutely wont let go and there are enough of you, wheelbarrow the dogs and the third person grabs the hose on full blast and blast their noses/mouths. Dont say anything, just be patient and dont let them munch.
  22. anyone that lets their dog be aggressive and finds it amusing needs a swift kick in the shin. Then while on the ground writhing, the addition of the comment 'wow, looks like we both have a warped perception on what is funny' may get the point across. Either way, justice is served. I just carry a stick ( a thin bamboo cane is light and by god it hurts) or the rushing dog gets my boot. I'm not having my dogs attacked for the umpteenth time. I also never go to dog parks, all they do is attract idiots.
  23. do you know another dog that is bonkers over them? A little time with a dog that loves squeaky toys usually gets them into it especially when they see how much fun the other dog is having over playing with them
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