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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. yeah I lost more pee pee pads then used them rottie puppy thought they were awesome fun, then peed right next to them I just use a shallow large cat litter box and wipe a tissue in some puppy urine. Paper based cat litter is the best for it like Breeders Choice. Easy and hygenic (and you dont spend an hour pulling the darn sticky tape things on the back of the pee pee from the flooring)
  2. you know you'd all want the video of that ...
  3. OK I ordered an extra two crates, we decided we finally found something big enough to contain Diesel he can stratch out and eat his bones inside but NOT STUFF THEM IN THE COUCH WHEN HE'S DONE O_o My Malinois doesnt get the flap bit. They're so used to wire crates. she'll rush in, go to the mesh and even if its unzipped mum ... mum ... mum ... mum ... doors shut ... mum ... cant get in ... *get inside Mina* ... noooo .... doors shut ... open it for me ... mum ... mum ... then comes the pitiful look of woe that she's somehow locked out of the crate *sigh* suppose better she wont test it then have a gnashing malinois pop out the top like some demented hairy jack-in-the-box
  4. i'd put money aside in case the dog panics with foot caught in trap and injures himself too yes more human then the old steel ones but a tethered leg clamp still has some risks.
  5. tapf that part has a solution available so no doom and gloom please. Can we stick to the topic I dont want this to disappear while we still have time to be productive.
  6. Thanks guys, you're always reliable
  7. [email protected] I encouarge as many people as possible to email about these pups. Management is listening to the emails so send them in. Logic only please, dont bother going on about pups in pet shops in general.
  8. The Innotek one stopped my Malinois in her tracks. I love it, rechargable too (well I HAD two but they got CHEWED grrrr) I found after a few good stims the dogs learn to self regulate thier barking. You can up the starting stim level. THen just get a collar and fit a little box on it like a dummy
  9. http://www.animalcontrol.com.au/default.htm these people might know of a trap to borrow sounds a bit harsh but how about some lumps of meat with ACP tablets shoved in there. If someone is willing to camp out and keep an eye on him, leave the lumps in his kennel and grab him when he drops. Works fairly quickly The zoos have blow dart guns but you have to be fairly close
  10. DPI have large wild dog traps might be worth asking them is you can borrow one. Just make sure to cover it with something not too flappy
  11. as can anything from a shout from the owner, to a touch, to a tug on the lead even with a halter/harness.
  12. they wont endorse check chains, pinch collars, remote trainers. everything else is apparently the more humane option *sigh*
  13. dont you know genetics works by pure magic. Mix together two active breeds and you will get a hypoallergenic, non shedding, totally sedate, pops out of mum already trained dog. I should have taken my genetics degree from oodly breeders as they seem to have left the hocus pocus out at Melbourne Uni.
  14. RSPCA or Delta will never condone these things just to let you know. No matter how useful they are.
  15. The dogs I see most trouble with are labs. People have an expectation because they see a guide dog so calm and intelligent that all labs are like that. What they dont realise is how many dogs fail and how much training is involved to get the end product. People all expect that labs pop out that way - sorry they're retrievers, they're a hunting breed first. If they want recognition they should remove the stupid name - and they cant come up with one because really the dog has little purpose, and 'money puppy' isnt really that PC a name now is it. All they're really aiming for is a fluffy dog. Plenty of those around already without throwing shitty coats that I'm hideously allergic to. Even the breeds going into the mix is not going to create a self-valium oozing, no-grooming-required, stick batteries up its butt dog that many families seem to want these days.
  16. see if you can find a wholesale butcher, or you can even ask the abbetoires direct if there is one around there
  17. remember that guidelines are always just that - somewhere to start. You will always have to fiddle a little with a dogs diet. I have a 24kg dog that eats as much as my 60kg dog, sometimes she'll eat more and a 50kg dog that would happily eat both their meals, his own and whatever else is lying about
  18. I had eagle pack tell me if my dog is already running around like a lunatic, the power formula can make them more energetic and hence not allow weight gain. If you want weight, feed pig heads. Half at a time. Coats everyones ribs quickly.
  19. Same goes for rescues or shelters that may end up with one of these pups. There are working people around to help with assessment and even placement if at all possible so keep that note stuck somewhere prominent. If you know people in rescue, or keep an eye on dog sales websites/papers let me know too, i'm willing to take them for assessment and replacement if possible.
  20. sorted for now. Will post when settled.
  21. if he's getting so waxy and infected already I would be looking at changing his diet too. I know my rottweiler takes one food of the wrong food to get a lovely yeast infection. I agree I dont know why the amoxyclav was given as well, did she look at the smear under a microscope or just give you a hand full of meds?
  22. funnily enough they only ever had a problem when I wasnt there. When I am around they dont dare (well rottie doesnt) they're both still happy as Larry, mooching around ... OK who threw Valium over the fence O.o
  23. My boys stopped getting along months ago, they've had a couple of testosterone fueled blues so they've always been kept separate with at least a kiddie barrier between them. The fights were posturing then grabbing each other and laying there like 'errr what do I do now'. So I just get home, and I see The DDBs face at the door (glass window door) OK. OH must have left him in and rottie out. Strange but I'm sure they were the other way around this morning. Then a black and tan face pushes him out of the way to see through and the two of them are on the other side of the door wagging their tails like nothing else ... 'MUMS HOME YAAAAAAAAY' OK so I start to panic. If I go inside and they get too excited it can get a little out of hand and trying to get 60kg vs 50kg apart on my own is not going to happen. So round to the back gate and call Skoota over like he's going into the car. He runs out of the house and to me, Diesels at the back step like 'OMG FOOD TIME!!!' Obviously the two of them have been together all day long, the Belgian to all having a ball. There was even a piece of bone in the yard and no one cared. I mustn't have shut the door properly (which is really REALLY odd because the latch is fine) OK time for a stiff drink :D I can't believe they got along fine all day (well they have once before when OH locked rottie out thinking DDB was in his crate - 20 minutes later two sleeping dogs together in the yard). From the looks of it all 3 were on the couch watching television Never trusting them though ;) They're a pair of true meat heads.
  24. contact a behaviourist ASAP and no more bones. This dog has a serious problem that needs addressing as soon as possible In the mean time harm minimisation strategies should be put in place to not allow other people to get bitten. I agree why a dog that gave a child a bite hard enough to need stitches was rehomed is beyond me. And to just hand him over to owners inexperienced with these problems (nothing against you but this is a rather experienced area) is negligent. I would be calling them to pay for your first behaviourist consult at least.
  25. err is not one incident enough? How many more dogs does it have to damage before they do something about it. Stuff it, I would go straight to the paper with this. Someone has to pay the vet bills and it sure as hell shoudlnt be you.
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