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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Australia is a little arse about on a few things when it comes to dogs. We should be drawing on international experience and lines not making up our own ideas ... taking the long way round to no guarenteed result.
  2. yeah do a quick google, multi gen pups are $2500-$3000 + Why not just use a standard poodle? Oodlies need clipping anyway. ETA I'm rather annoyed that so many of the big money breeders are saying 'adoption' - it's not adoption when the family has to fork out a few thousand dollars. Bit of an insult to rescue orgs I think.
  3. and that exactly shows the mentality of the breeders. If you're outpricing most pedigree recognised dogs with unrecognised crossbreeds obviously your marketing comes before your care for a new breed. What makes an oodle more special then most of the other crosses out there in the pounds - the spin. For one of their multi gen 'breeding' dogs prices I can can get a working line dog that has a use, good pedigree and can go on to contribute to an international gene pool if I so wish it to. clueless peope with big wallets
  4. If people had a purpose more then cash then fine. There are always breeds in development but the breeders dont make outragous claims. How can every memeber of a breed in development be 'perfect'. They cant. The oodle people are more then happy to charge through the nose for these dogs and yet they have no clear outcome in sight for what the breed is meant to be. They want to create a fluffy pet. OK ... err ... planning fail there? Coolies are not being sold for stupid sums of money and rediculous claims made about them being the next perfect 'wonderdog' for everyone. If you want to create a breed you need a purpose in mind, there are plenty of dogs already fitting the 'pet dog' category without having to be hideously overpriced with over inflated marketing. People who want these dogs usually fall for the no groom hybrid vigour rubbish as well as the 'intelligent' bit (which is usually meaning 'train less!' to the credit card holder) They used working breeds to create a dog with no real working purpose which to me is a FAIL.
  5. they do it because they want to share the joy of the flava oh thats awesome. My princess Mali wouldnt go near it with a 10 foot pole ... rottie on the other hand
  6. Nekhbet


    You need to be firm with him If he goes in for the bite slip your thumg under his tongue and press down until he yelps. Dont say anything, just hold on until his tantrum is over. Then, give him a second, offer your hand and if he doesnt bite you praise him. A little bit of treat works well too. Then try again, if he tries to bite give him a chance with growling 'GRRRR AHHH' (dont go mental here lol, just firm and gruff) if he doesnt stop, thumb under tongue again. If he backs off, GOOD DOG, treat/toy. you need to stop mouthing ASAP. This method teaches consequence and what is acceptable. If he goes for your clothing same thing applies, after doing this groundwork give him a 'AHHH" and if he still goes on consequence. If he complies, big reward.
  7. Puppy Farm Awareness Day Rally Be a voice for the thousands of dogs imprisoned in Victoria's puppy factories! Help send a strong message to the State's political leaders that Victorians will not tolerate the factory farming of our companion animals any longer. Join us on the steps of Parliament House, stand up for all the dogs in puppy factories and support Oscar's Law. Speakers include Derryn Hinch, Moira Rayner (Lawyers for Animals), and Debra Tranter. When: Sunday, September 19th Time: 12 noon Where: Parliament House, Melbourne More details: Please visit www.oscarslaw.org or email [email protected] please make sure you pass this on, we hope to see as many people as possible rock up. I will be there with my badly bred crooked Rottweiler. Feel free to say hi, or Geelong people I may be able to drive a couple and a dog or two up as well. Diesel can go behind the cargo barrier.
  8. she;s looking for more Chihuahuas, any sex, coat or age.
  9. the lines she has chosen are hard lines. The dutchies and the shepherds. These pups are going to be hard arses, just plain difficult if you're lucky. The breeder of the German Shepherds spent a LOT of money on these dogs and wont be happy with the attention she has brought.
  10. Do you know how much a pure dutch shepherd actually costs? A bitch is worth more then a litter at the price these crossbreeds are sold at. Looks like poor Zeus is in the bargain basement too ... and how old is he really?
  11. told you ... no one ever listens to me
  12. PP has offers of support from professional working dog people if they chose to take the right path with the pups. THe point is to persuade them to do the right thing. ETA I have the original Advert saying they are ready to go on the 14th August, same price
  13. Kristina admits to having one bitch who turned 12 months in May. Yes the letters are regarding the fact pups from working backgrounds are being sold without future consideration.
  14. I dont think she has any trouble if she's looking for more pups.
  15. you dont remember stating more pups are going into shops today? Or was that made up too. Your story has changed so much Kristina it's hard to keep up I suppose.
  16. no its not - I have it in black and white in front of me. Along with other interesting things from Kristina. I dont make things up. because a randomly bred working mix is worth nothing at all. THe only place to sell them for profit is to clueless people. If they were great Kristina would have gotten the $600 + they were originally advertised for. THere are still 2 for the bargain price of $200 last check
  17. According to Kristina there is and probably more to follow if the shops are happy to take them
  18. uh huh. Along with the other litter they plan to take to the pet stores?
  19. Dont bother with this guys, I can tell you it will lead to nothing. Kristina doesnt think she has done anything wrong and is happy to see working pups in pet stores. You'll just frustrate yourself. And people like that arent worth it.
  20. Kristina by your own admission they are from working stock, and very high drive stock too. I dont see any point posting here as you lie left right and centre about this whole situation. As for not yours, I have proof you have them, more crossbreed pups and YOU offering them for sale to someone direct. Not looking good from so called registered breeder. ETA I can tell you one pup has probably gone to a dog owner with no experience already from the shop. Just really well done there. Jeff Jones is not Brad either.
  21. my bitch looks like a fatty boomba (well for a Malinois) after each season due to hormones. I just cut her dinner back a little, I find it strips off on its own after a couple of weeks
  22. It's easy to fit into the standard when its so broad. Its so vague most dogs would fit into it unless they're a complete disaster. Then again it's hard to know what you're aiming for when all you want is 'family pet'
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