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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. working in prey drive can be pressure for a dog. Especially when people build it more and more, the dog can't balance and BANG you end up with a lunatic. Yes training does have a part to do with it but if the nerve isnt there to help the dog through it then you have a problem. It's seen also in some Australian bred Malinois, bred for super high drive without the nerve to hold it and you just end up with a nut that is a PITA to train.
  2. it's not enough nerve to hold the drive before 'too much' drive. Lack of nerve is why many shepherds now whine and carry on like pork chops, they cant hold in the excitement, anxiety or drives.
  3. ahhhh. And from this we can see how much handler influence can impact on performance Could be a great dog just very poorly handled/trained hence you see the worst come out instead of the best. Saying that she also could just have poor nerve
  4. definately. I encourage clients with uncontrollable dogs to change the diet immediately to something with either less grains, raw if suitable or just artificial crud free. Always notice a change.
  5. I'd be wondering if this is a training issue in the working bitch. Too much drive without control work =
  6. don't worry I've given up on my OH. You would think that after a tooth mark to the face he would learn ... nope. Back to some old habits again
  7. but how many joe public know about the MDBA? Much fewer then those who even grasp the concept of pedigrees and what the ANKC is about. THey have to start somewhere. in encouraging the public to walk away from backyarders and farmers dont they? Because information has to start somewhere. Complicate the whole page and the average person throws it all in the too hard basket. OK so not everyone shows or just has one breed, they said that because thats what they consider an average guide. The average pet puppy purchaser who would chase a farmed/pet store pup is after just a pet, not a show prospect or working dog obviously. So it's aimed at them and hence has to be simplified. As for picking this apart why dont knowlegable, ethical ANKC breeders contact and help those at Oscars Law post out what it 'correct' then. They're trying to help, and instead of simply focussing on the bad why not join and educate as well as use their high publicity to an advantage? As you can see the website is trying to go on the right track, buy from a registered ethical breeder or rescue a pound dog.
  8. You need to work on your verbal control if he wont leave her alone on your command. I know what you go through Diesel will whine at Mina until she moves from the spot he wants on the couch If I tell him to go to bed he'll move off to the other spot unless she gets sick of him first and leaves. It comes down to a 'I want it' behaviour simply because the other dog has it, thats where the value lies. If he keeps whining or wont listen just put him out of the room or in his crate. Just tell him to go in there and settle down, it's not a punishment if you dont make a huge fuss over it. It's like telling him to go to his bed, at least this way he will be contained.
  9. I think their point was it has a code of ethics for its breeders Thats why they said usually and likely. But breeders usually send puppy photos do they not? Of clean environment/whelping box? They say why not to purchase pet store pups below Oscars law is not what the government is planning. The RSPCA simply decided to hop onto this rally and subject to get attention as usual. As for registration with the ANKC, they have a duty of care to monitor their own members as well. If they have a code of ethics it is up to them to enforce them as much as the council laws officers should enforce current legislation.
  10. get a dog crate and let him sit in there to finish his treat. I wouldnt feed Greenies and I also refuse to order them for the store. They are nothing but processed muck
  11. your dog doesnt need human food. Raw is better for meats unless the dog is suffering with a gastro condition as cooking destroys a lot of vitamins, proteins etc. You should get her stools tested and change the diet to something else but slowly. There is something else going on with this pup so it pays to investigate. Other then that she may have an intolerance to some ingredients. I teaspoon of yoghurt wouldnt go astray Hills isn't the best out there, try going to your local dog food supplier and see if they have any sample bags of Vets All Natural (for a raw diet), or dry foods like Nutrience, Nutro, Eagle Pack, Royal canin etc.
  12. The Oscars Law needs tweaking but the website encourages rescue and ANKC breeders. So it's not all cloaks, daggers and ulterior motives.
  13. Hey I agree. Buying a showline in Australia with the intent of Sch3 is like purchasing a clubsport and heading to Bathurst. There is a teeny, weeny chance you may succeed. But it's tiny and sheer luck on striking it right. For the purposes of basic prey drive training I would say there are some show shepherds out there that can. I wouldnt say many, most I have tried look at me like I'm stupid or go to sleep unless food comes out that is. Herding breeds like borders, kelpies, cattle dogs etc seem to still have better prey then a lot of the SL shepherds I have seen. with that I do totally agree. I dont plug away with the drive I want the dog to use, I let the dog decide what drive will be most effective and rewarding.
  14. It can depend. Some 'show' lines with imported or higher drive dogs can still have a decent amount of prey drive, you just wont see it pop up as often or at all in some litters.
  15. Nekhbet


    I have a couple of gripes about that dogstar link Most of the mouthy puppies I see are gundog breeds. Labs especially It's just all too complicated for most pups that have the attention span of a gnat. Also most puppies wont see it as humans are sensitive, they just go 'whoah weird noise' (as in noise aversive) or 'HEY GIANT SQUEAKY TOY' nom nom nom Dogs learn faster if its black or white. I never allow a dog to put its mouth on me at all, not even gumming. Thats what toys are for. All dogs that have been taught or raised by me dont dare mouth me ever, if they are in pain you get a growl and an open mouth but they dont even lay it on my hand/arm. Yup they're allowed to warn but no matter what the situation no one is allowed to lay their mouths on me, and it has stuck permanently.
  16. OMG And why are you being so defensive? OK so you guys did go beyond looks only, you also had experience with a kerry blue so you didnt go in blind. You didnt just rock up, open your wallet and go "oooh the fluffy one!" Even you would agree that is a bad way to choose a dog. You know what I meant by the response to the comment, dont pick arguments for the sake of it
  17. yup service dogs like autism, helper, hearing, mental illness dogs etc live with their owners just like a guide dog. The dog is meant to bond closely to its owner. If he's already obedient I think you'll be fine doing the therapy dog test ASAP. All he needs to make sure he passes is the vet clearence
  18. Look up Uta Bindells You can get a good heel with food. Work with what the dog loves. As for rolling over when you step back, have her on lead and give it little tugs to get her up, then repeat the exercise. Show her it's not wanted. Not every dog has prey enough prey drive to work in drive. If she's so submissive too I'd be working with what she loves then trying to build something that goes against her nature.
  19. therapy dog or a proper service dog? To be a therapy dog you dont need the CGC you just need to pass a test with Delta. Two of mine were therapy dogs. Service dogs on the other hand are a whole other ball park and need to go through a proper service org
  20. great dane x st bernard I think rescue dogs should be another avenue, so many good workers end up in shelters and pounds
  21. for some it can work - but pounds, rescues and advertisements are full of those who dont.
  22. yup I've seen it run before. Unless your dog is a total lunatic you'll pass it with ease.
  23. yes but did he just go out and buy one without giving consideration to the temperament, care requirements etc? That was my point
  24. http://www.cleardogtraining.com.au/pdfs/Ca...CitizenTest.pdf isnt it run through Delta? yup it is, found it
  25. bob marley the hearing assistance pit bull pit bull service dog - who mind you was asked to leave WalMart due to 'children being present' GSD are also popular guide dogs overseas GIant Schnauzer BMD Many breeds were already bred for assistance roles and to work closely with humans. Other assistance orgs use rescue dogs for some applications as well.
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