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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. although the Malinois bailing up the drunk guy in the toilet for 20 minutes ... that was deserved ;) he made the stupid mistake of trying to enter the closed door where my OH was sleeping alone
  2. A dog will be receptive to your feelings and tensions, but it is not up to the dog to decide how to act on them. That is when things get scary. My own dog did what Kuma did once, when he was young, but at a friends place. Simply walked out of the room, we followed and he had the man in the corner of the kitchen, blocking his way and not letting him out or allowing him to touch him. Something about this bloke was not 100% to the dog, but still it is NOT his place to do this. as I tell people, the truely dangerous dogs are the ones allowed to make up their own minds how to deal with everything and are allowed to do so. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes non intentionally. (not saying your dog is dangerous KumaAkita just making a generalised statement ;))
  3. seems like the colchicine primarily stops the amyloidosis - so amyloid tissue being deposited in the kidneys and liver causing hepatic/renal failure. Apparently most sites say aspirin for the fever O.o I'd take that on veterinary advice. Funny though, the physiology for SPF is similar to a form of hot, scaley human psoriasis. Both conditions seem to be brought on by high stress As for a good NSAID, you will have to speak to a vet who knows peis about that. For the mean time, have you tried Swell Down (horse) poultice to draw out the heat from her hocks? Does a really good job
  4. what rubbish. They dont want to let go of a lucrative business. As for who walks in and buys $800 on the spot ... people with a credit card, and we all know those things are easier to get then herpes. I have not seen ONE pet store be responsible in their homing or care of puppies/kittens even PIAA ones. Same poop different smell. You hire cheap staff, you have a fast turnover and you cannot get dogs from good breeders due to COE in most states. It's money plain and simple.
  5. that dog sounded like it knows what it's doing. With a dog that does what this one did tell your child to stand behind you, preferably between you and a fence/wall and close their eyes/be very quiet. You did the right thing, just stay calm, put a large object in between yourself and the dog and look just to the side of the dogs face. You're not staring it down but at the same time keeping it in your sights. Sometimes gently saying 'hello puppy, good puppy' in a low happy voice can calm a dog or make it lose interest. If you want to attract a passer by just sound loud, not panicky or the dog can push you further. Saving that, and I know this sounds stupid, keep a tube of that reeking deep heat in your bag. When your child is safe, just squeeze the tube into your hands and the smell tends to turn dogs off getting too close to take a nip. If you have a strong spray deoderant too you can spray that into their face and eyes.
  6. if she's been outside and exposed I would say the pimples are dirt and dry skin combined with the normal CC teenage 'pimple' phase. Is nothing comes out they could be clogged pores or blackheads (hey I get these unsqueezable ones on myself from dirt/dust and exposure) wash EVERYTHING she wears and sleeps on, something antibacterial or add some tea tree to the wash. That much I know. Oh and you have to moisturise the skin (esp after a malaseb bath), all the time something that is fragrance/oil free and hypoallergenic, I suppose paw paw cream would be great I use it for my own dogs skin conditions. Now the important question... OMG CAN I VISIT, CAN I CAN I CAN I!!!! I'll bring you a tub of paw paw cream as a prezzie PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
  7. Never take a bitch in heat to obedience training. Her hormones will be throwing her all manner of ways, and the unwanted excitement/attention from the other dogs will be stressing her more. If you want to breed her down the track the last thing you need is a bitch in heat that has learned to stress around dogs giving her attention. learned behaviour? Have you been frustrated with her and she's giving you a signal to be more exciting/happy? I would pull her up into a sit happily and reward her, teach her what you actually want adn there is nothing to be frightened off. As for you not being happy with her - sorry but tough titties on that one you can't train a dog when you're not happy or frustrated. Yes, trust me I KNOW how it is and how frustrated you must feel sometimes but it means your dog will not progress, learn or trust you 100%. You can see your dogs compliance can go out the window when she's under pressure ... why should she turn to you when she still sees you as somewhat of a bad thing? Not being mean but do you get my drift I can tell you even with big strong a-hole dogs, I'm really nausiatingly nice with them when I train. Oh they get a correction if they need to, but that comes from the collar - thats what it is for. They learn I'm one to pay attention too because I'm so nice to them when they comply. If they don't, the collar corrects them and I say nothing until they do comply and focus on me. Once that trust is there the compliance goes sky high because in making the decision, they decide I am the better option between that stimulus and me. They are also more relaxed because 1) they are always near a source of confidence and reward and 2) I lay things out black and white, showing the dog exactly what emotion and behaviour I want from them and reward it consistantly, even if I have to add the odd 'good dog!' in there to keep the pace going. I would give her a break from training while her hormones take over for a while my bitch was the same when she came in heat at a younger age, by a few years old she didnt care and loved working even in season. I would step obedience training back a few steps and look over your body language and routine - are you subconsciously pushing her too far? Are your expectations of her behaviour realistic? Are you consistant in your training, praise and corrections? Are you reading your dog right? What have you actually taught when you taught all your obedience commands for example, one dog I have worked with. Owner says SIT and dog does this half assed, sloppy sit and is not paying full attention to the handler. Handler tries to get dogs attention, eventually does and rewards. So to this dog, SIT means plonk down, look over there, fart, sniff the scent of the horse next door and OMG FOOD WOW AWESOME I"M EXCITED! Extreme example, but do you see the one word allows the dog to basically hold on to excitement despite actually performing the action. What anxiety levels have you linked with your obedience commands?
  8. you poor thing how horrifying I hope your daughter is OK that dogs owner needs the full weight of the law thrown at him and the dog a one way trip to the vet
  9. whats the point of a school if everyone is already well behaved and knows everything? lopolla sent you a PM
  10. sounds like she's still under too much stress and all that has happened is her anxiety is pushing her into alternative behaviour. Does she just ignore you or start turning her head, crouching, rolling her eyes etc? I think this is something you have to start back from the start with. What would happen if you corrected her with the collar and then called her to heel/sit in front of you?
  11. where are you in Vic? We can recommend a training school or trainer I would put a check chain on her, correct when she starts getting excited teach her to look to you for reward (calm behaviour)
  12. Biopet Product Analysis Organic BiOpet Organic Dog Food (Adult 8kg & 1.25kg Bag) Protein 18% Fat 8% Fibre (Max) 5% Salt 0.7% Ingredients: Wholegrain cereals and cereal by-products, vegetable proteins, animal proteins, Omega 3 vegetable oil, sea salt. Natural preservatives (Vitamin E) BiOpet Organic Dog Food (Puppy 8kg & 1.25kg Bag) Protein 22% Fat 10% Fibre (Max) 5% Salt 0.7% Ingredients: Wholegrain cereals and cereal by-products, vegetable proteins, animal proteins, Omega 3 vegetable oil, sea salt, natural preservatives (Vitamin E) BiOpet Organic Dog Bones (500Gram & 4.5 KG Boxes) Protein 10% Fat 3% Fibre 3% Salt 1% Ingredients: Wholegrain cereals and cereal by-products, vegetable protein, Omega 3 vegetable oil, natural limestone, sea salt, natural preservative (Vitamin E) BIOPET VEGAN DOG FOOD (7.5KG & 1.25KG BAG) Protein 20% Fat 10% Fibre 4% Salt 0.75% Ingredients: Wholegrains, malt, cereal meal, rice, field peas, soybean meal, sunflower meal, green beans, maize gluten, wheaten millmix, vegetable oils, limestone, dicalphos, molasses, alfalfa, carrots, potatoes, seaweed meal, garlic, iodised salt, vitamins, trace minerals, natural antioxidant, yukka extract. I wouldnt feed any of these to my dogs EVER. Bleh JUNK
  13. topbuy.com.au crates are cheap as dirt and you can always keep it for another dog if want or sell it off
  14. what has the puppy school recommended?
  15. she's fine. Remember she's still a baby so wont be showing adult muscle tone yet! She's probably leaving food as she's just not that hungry and eating enough
  16. you need to set her a proper routine. Get her into a covered crate and make sure she has a last late pee.
  17. http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/attachment...de-practice.pdf gold coast city council mentions nothing about bitches not being in the house with you unless I missed it?
  18. ok if anyone has the links or documents I'd be very interested in reading them
  19. it's not always feasable to do it this way, particularly when some dogs are so habitually explosive in their reactions. The owners still need a way to get the dog to settle before they implement the redirection of attention back to them. Also some owners give you time limits and ultimatums.
  20. the point is not meeting face to face but parvo lives in the soil. An infected dog could have pooped there a while ago and your little sniffing pup can pick it up. That is the problem the first vaccination mostly mops up the maternal antibodies and the guarentee of any immunity is low. At most I'd be introducing it to dogs that dont really go anywhere and are well vaccinated and healthy. ETA My rottie pup got parvo, he didnt meet any dogs face to face either except my own on site dogs who were all well vaccinated .... 3 weeks on a drip and over $1000 later he just survived
  21. so you're talking about council bylaws which differ from council to council and not state legislation is it? Do you have links? problem is you produce a product and you sell it for money. Profit or not this is considered a business unfortunately.
  22. lets not forget that producers/manufacturers need annual audits at THEIR expense, plus the whole 114 page document on how to be and remain an organic producer, it pretty much contrains a lot of normal faming practices http://www.australianorganic.com.au/_files...L_low%20res.pdf
  23. organics have a higher loss rate. You cannot use commercial pesticides, fungacides, herbacides etc and hence you produce less or have greater losses. Same with free range eggs and some meats. There is less of it to reach retail/wholesale hence the price goes up. eta organic has to do with the process of the ingredients. Since not all preservatives are synthetic products there isnt a problem with putting them in manufactured foods to remain fresh. Without them most food would spoil by the time it reached the shelves or a few hours after you opened the packet
  24. depends how price comparable it is and can you guarentee the ingredients. Also will you end up having to import ingredients to meet demand? I wont buy a food that shuffles ingredients to keep the price constant. Will it be reasonable for people who, like me, have multiple large/giant dogs? 24kg, 50kg, 60kg dog that need at least one meal a day?
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