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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. ahh thats ok ... She is cute as a button ... but if she finds a loving home thats all that matters to me ... then I can get myself a show crestie maybe even a Xolo *cough cough* now there's a lazy groomers dream :D
  2. exactly. Now you know better they're such a FAIL sometimes it's enough to make you cry
  3. Remember Erny if the RSPCA says it they MUST be right, cos they know everything about everything O_o
  4. all aggressive and heightened responses need to be handled by a professional. Once you have the knowledge then you practice it and cement good behaviours. Corrections are not for every dog though, and not for every situation. But they are nothing to be shied away from as they are a valuable tool in the learning process IF THE DOG REQUIRES IT. You will ALWAYS require positive reinforcement in training, you have to be able to give the dog some way of cementing the new, good behaviours and make them want to aim for what you want. But sometimes to get there you need to apply some corrections in order to show the dog, if you want to take that route it's not very pleasant ... listen and focus on me and it's super awesome! It adds to your value and enhances the dogs ability to make a decision in what it will exhibit as a behaviour. You dont shout or growl at the dog, you say nothing, correct, then pleasantly command and praise when it does what you show it to do. I wish I had taken a video of a dog I dealt with today, 9 months old BIG dog ripping its owners arm out and no control. By the end of the lesson we had learned to heel on loose leash, focus, sit stay, drop stay. And the dog was SO happy even though the first few corrections may have confused her a little as she had never received them before. We worked through and the owner was so pleased, I even told them that dog is a natural at obedience work. She just learned that running off like a loony and hitting the end of the leash is unpleasant, but heeling and paying attention gets you treats, pats and cuddles. What dog could resist but to behave
  5. I think more because recently a puppy farmer was outed as being a DogsVic member and AFAIK ... they're still members The fact that they're not holding up their end of the COE bargain to maintain a professional level for all their members this rally has nothing to do with the RSPCA they will just be there
  6. important reason to teach your dogs food refusal and to leave objects alone when out walking
  7. if done correctly it doesnt. You have to show, and I'm speaking for some situations, that their behaviour is totally unacceptable. THEN you redirect the dog to the right behaviour. What your stating is partly old wives tail and partly when people were just cruel to their dogs, we've come a long way since then. I can tell you the classes I train at, we welcome aggressive dogs and most will receive some form of correction to help curb their behaviour. 99% go on to enjoy off lead group play happily and in a controlled manner. Leave the decisions up to an experienced trainer and trust me, you will be happy with the results.
  8. hey come on I'm trying to muscle my way in line here ... she doesnt really count as a dog ... she's the size of one of my ferrets so really it wouldnt be getting another one would it
  9. OK well I went down with a bag full of stuff for the little pumpkin OMG SHE's SO CUTE ... she fell asleep in my lap she's the most awesome little dog every *heartbroken* She's got malaseb, aloveen conditioner, tea tree organic shampoo and a fresh tub of paw paw ointment. Her skin is definately CC, it's smooth, healthy but she just has a line of pimples, she has the CC teeth pattern too. I even got to squeeze a couple (see thats why I want one, to fix my urge to squeeze pimples) but it wasnt really pus it looked more like creamy blackhead, none of it is sore, angry or broken so I think it's just CC hormonal pimples mixed with lack of maintenance. She does need a good exfoliation I think The edges of her ears are dry but not flakey or broken so some cream with fix that up. Poor thing has some 'acne scars' on her skin too where no one looked after her skin before but they're not that bad. *sigh* cutest. dog. ever.
  10. you never use human vitamins for dogs. If she's on a premium dog food then she doesnt need supplementation either you could create more problems then you solve. meats are better raw, especially if you buy pet mince that tends to have fine bones through it.
  11. Speak to the girls breeder. If it is an immune problem then he should not be investigating what has happened and if he should continue breeding those dogs. I have a feeling I know who you purchased from. Speak to Adelaide sportdog club if you want advice about breeders and maybe even meeting dogs from that breeder.
  12. It hasnt actually. Well, it has to those that believe dogs need constant coddling and love to be just great furry humans. His behaviour has been building, he has technically always had a problem with little dogs but now he's a big strong man he's going to act like an adult and not a pup. THe doors open, his behaviour is self perpetuating. THe lack of intervention has not been from a few weeks but a long standing problem now presenting in an adult fashion. My current suggestion is to keep the dogs separate, muzzle your GSD out in public for everyones safety and put him on equipment that you can control him on until you get professional help with someone who knows a lot about fixing aggression problems. As for Malsrock's method, it still happens and it still works. Especially for those that cannot access an e-collar. I think if you have not used a correction collar on him up till now you need to invest in one and dont take any bad pack behaviour from him at all. Practice your walks, start in the front yard at least for now.
  13. has he poo'd yet? intestinal intersusseption or blockages/tears can cause abdominal pain and temp rises through stress
  14. It's perfectly fine. You're giving the dog a correction for the wrong behaviour. Dogs need to learn consequences, if it's been recommended and works use it. A guide dog needs to be focussed this will achieve it. Remember to praise for good behaviour.
  15. wow non smoking dogs eh ... dont you hate it when you get a pup with a nicotine habit those little buggers just dont want to quit
  16. lamb flaps are the muscle that stretches from the lower ribs to across the abdominal cavity, it's pretty much a throw out meat. It can also include some of hte ribs themselves shanks are way too dear. Just ask for off cuts, if they dont have them find a better butcher. Not everyone gets whole carcasses so they have little cheap stuff to offer you
  17. I'm taking a very large overcoat with me because it's cold down here in geelong you know O.o tut tut what do you take me for I'll give an opinion when I see her, I do reckon that skin looks CC, too smooth. now gotta get that dog coat in the wash ... it's pink too with fwowers
  18. lamb flaps and bigger offcuts would be an idea if you're not confident about frames.
  19. Saying that a breeder who knows their lines and breed has made a recommendation on what is best for the pup. When the dogs health goes backwards due to improper feeding people are quick to blame the breeder for breeding a bad dog. If the breeder feeds raw then follow that, get a decent dry food (which really may be a little more outlay but you feed a small amount so is quite cost effective) or if you're not confident with straight raw try Vets All Natural mixes and supplements.
  20. OH YAAAAAAAAAY I think I also have some Malaseb floating around my place you can have the rest of the bottle hmmm now when to visit! PM me if saturday late arvo is OK ;) I can come bearing gifts, I think I have a dog coat around here too but it needs a VERY good wash
  21. where was the dog rescued from? I would be calling them and asking why it was provided still entire. As for the dog being mentally slow, seems like the family are before the dog. Legally, unless the dog is being denied medical attention, shelter, food or water they are doing nothing wrong. Morally ... well ... dont ever let me be on the phone with them they'll be deaf.
  22. totally ... he whinges until you tuck him in then you hear that one last massive sigh, and nitey nitey time ;) I'm so well trained aren't I
  23. I had the same problem lilli_star! They've been sitting there for days apparently ;) rottie requires full tucking before accepting crate ...
  24. I need to stop reading CC threads cos I really really want one ;)
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