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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. As long as Dr Chris actually keeps on this bandwagon and shows he has some real ethics and morals I might have a shred of respect for him. But we shall see if he eventually settles back into his world of neuticles and petstore pups. As for not knowing about puppy farms - we all know animal cruelty exists and we all know there are people out there who breed purely for money and think it's OK to treat animals like shit until the day they die or are no longer profitable. If you DONT well I think someone's been living in too sheltered a world.
  2. I dont think Dr Chris has had an original thought in his entire white tooth, beach blond dazzling life. The mans an idiot. One minute he parades a PP pup on TV, not caring about it's health and care issues, then when everyone dives on him for being so stupid he changes his tune and now he's making himself out the champion of the puppy farm dogs. FFS his show perpetuated the pit bull 'lock jaw' myth I'd rather give my attention to the people who have ACTUALLY put in the years of effort, time, and personal sacrifice like Debra Tranter. Not the TV tryhards to use it as a popularity contest. You watch, as soon as this blows over he'll be back to his old self in no time.
  3. Kavik is right. It takes an experienced person to do this. Anyhoo I don't see what you're all arguing about. Training is horses for courses, what suits one dog wont suit another so technically you're all wrong AND right. Let it go *sigh* The empty carts make the most noise sometimes. Personally some people on this forum dont seem to understand that if you have nothing good or contructive to say then dont say anything at all> And don't make blind guesses that people may follow because you think it worked with your dog. But oh well. I just give my opinion and if it gets found it gets found. At least I can say I have dealt with and successfully trained aggressive dogs when I give my opinion.
  4. e-collar is the only reliable way to train a dog to leave snakes alone. Steve Austin trains his detection spaniels to leave snakes alone but he too says the only reliable way is with an e-collar. I have snakes and snake poo workshop time?
  5. bugger I'm in vic. I have a big dog and a huge dog who can both bark and guard on lead on command as well as play if there's some fluffy toys involved You'd have better luck listing this on Specialist Canine forum, or contact the Schutzhund clubs Jimmay ... who does a bag snatch in thongs OH&S nightmare there
  6. http://www.govegan.com.au/puppies/?p=200 http://www.alv.org.au/issues/puppyfactories.php banksia park aka ACA breeders kennels.
  7. they wont listen they're only interested in the money. I can tell you the trouble we all went through with the dutchie pups and they still ended up in the arms of completely wrong owners DESPITE the pet chain knowing what they're like and getting a LOT of professional advice. I have made up a shee to send to rescues with my contact details all you can do is the same thing if they happen to end up in a pound/shelter. Even local vet clinics, send them an info sheet as the pups will be attending them soon for more vaccs or check ups PP do move pups around, it's not a good business model to keep killing your stock.
  8. Thats what this rally was about. Oscars law wants pups to be banned from pet shops, to stop websites like petlink etc, to make the councils put their animal reg fees into proper dog education initiatives and to stop the wholesale factory farming of dogs. They rather people go to a shelter or to an ANKC registered breeder for a pup. Oscars law is not about the victimisation of registered breeders at all. If the RSPCA wish to float their own agendas (not surprising really after their previous behaviours) then they're riding on the skirt tails of this for their own ideals. They didnt organise the rally at all. It wasnt about better puppy farms, it was about no pups in pet stores and having NO puppy farms at all.
  9. if he's outside get him in off the dirt like in a laundry. He could be getting extra bacteria in there lying on the grass or soil and annoying it more.
  10. and why would this happen? Are you cornering the dog and beating the living daylights out of her with it?
  11. The OP has been told to use a behaviourist and she will. Aggression + internet advice only = fail As for muzzling, you should. You are building frustration anyway by not allowing your dog to 1) reach its target and 2) not showing it small dogs are not a target. So for the other dogs safety muzzle yours incase you have no choice in the distance between your dog and another. I know the lead you are using it is the Ezy Dog bungee leash. As for front clip harnesses and such why not try a check chain again. If your dog lunges he will be corrected and your bungee lead will take up the slack. A pinch collar would be better if you have a bad back. Either way you have a responsibility to society to minimise harm, and that means your dog that wants to bite small dogs should be muzzled, a Buster plastic muzzle is great http://www.atozvetsupply.com/Buster-Nylon-.../682-jrj884.htm very light, they weigh almost nothing, and withstand a lot of abuse without breaking. Put some treats in there when you clip him in and he'll love it. I think the other two trainers points are, and I somewhat agree, we've all seen shepherds that do this to some degree. THey do follow a certain pattern of behaviour at times, thats why we have purebreed they have an element of predictability. I'm not saying we give full advice to the OP because we have not seen the dog and owners tend to give their own interpretation of behaviours which is usually different to what is actually happening. But to make an assumption that this is something that has snowballed due to lack of control, training and with maturity is not all out there.
  12. I've read that ... where does it state each bowl must be named? Dogs and weaned pups need to have individual bowls. No where it states that whelping boxes must be X size, it simply says must be suitable ie, dont use a manky cardboard box or the boot of a car. They even provide requirements for animals in houses or backyard. Unless there is another section to what itsmeg provided. Whatever is in blue is the standard (ie minimum), guidelines are agreed BEST practice. I want to be a registerd breeder and frankly if I have to give each of my dogs their own bowl, keep basic health records, make sure my dogs are healthy and exercised and not living in cramped quarters then what is there to get upset about. As for the being inspected, why should anyone complying with the law worry, it's what the COE of you state canine council requires anyway. If you do not understand the law why not go straight to the council and ask them to explain it to you, sign it for you and bobs your uncle. shortstep you mention NSW but your info says QLD, which legislation are you then referring to?
  13. I read the act and I couldnt find specifics hence I'm (for about the 10th time) asking for a link which no one seems to have. stop being grumpy about it and just dialogue. You're slitting your own throat with your poor attitude. and I dont want to hear 'you dont know what it's like' I do. Something I love was taken away from me because instead of doing something contructive everyone just argued, schutzhund was lost to Vic totally. People who try to train stand to lose everything at the hands of hte courts and the officers.
  14. where is the problem making it to size? I still dont see links to these laws. If they're going to impact on the breeders so badly why isnt the ANKC doing something about them?
  15. hmmmm yeah the do to a degree but if a jack russel could do it I reckon a Xolo could If they have some canines and a few back teeth they probably could. If nothing else they would love the tracking and obedience portions of it
  16. I think people need to realise that this legislation are for people who register themselves as a domestic animal business, IE you breed dogs to sell and you have over a certain number of bitches. Profit or not the law considers you a type of business. Provisions are also already in place for registered breeders as they are under a COE ... the fact the ANKC is not getting too involved to make it's COE, quality control etc known, I would be blaming them for your ills not people trying to shut down cruel breeding operations. As for these 'laws' about whelping puppies in the house no links have still been provided and many people still cannot find them. I'm sure enough people here would write letters of protest against such stupidity if someone would provide us the info on where this is all written and who supports it
  17. growing pups get a good quality dry food the breed and keep them trim for older dogs I love the Ethical Nutrients high strength liquid fish oil, and I use human 1000mg glucosamine/chondroiten tabs
  18. if you want to spend $50 on a pair of magnets that vibrate your dogs energy field to a frequency parasites dont like go for it. I havnt heard one good thing about them
  19. this country has an absolutely abysmal record of animal welfare and understanding/respect of living creatures. This is the kick in the backside local councils need to stop overlooking puppy farm issues simply to line their own pockets
  20. bacause now they're rare and exclusive and people will pay for them. Don't worry people still advertise in the trading post and websites pure pitbulls
  21. this very idea screams moron trainer ... no wonder the dog exploded I've seen some dogs with little respect for their owners try and redirect. With me they dont dare. If the owner is not confident getting them into a physical tussel with the dog has at least a high risk of accidental injury. If you use it as soon as the dog starts any excited behaviour it is effective. Few equipment is used at its peak effectiveness once the dog has exploded, and by then really you've missed the perfect correction window to help the dog. I have used the DD collar very effectively to stop dancing, pulling and lunging even for small owners with big dogs it gives so much leverage if used properly. Nice short leash and a bit of pressure on a well placed DD collar makes a world of difference.
  22. thats OK Xolo I'm used to high exercises LOL OH says Xolos remind him of hairless Malinois I just wouldnt have the hairballs following me down the hallway like a pack of demented furry minions all the time hmmmm first Xolo to have a Sch title?
  23. nice picking there oakway ... where do they state they're picking on registerd breeders? It says breeding establishments (ie mass dog breeding operations) and puppy farms I agree if you're doing nothing wrong and your dogs are healthy and well looked after what do you have to be afraid of ... nothing. Meanwhile for your own ideals your happy to sweep puppy farmers under the carpet.
  24. Oh Dobermum thats terrible ... Vic eh ... probably is who I'm thinking of then and if it is I'm not surprised you're getting the treatment you are about your beloved dobe. Is it a large very well known kennel that also has at least one other popular working breed? As for health, not much chance unless you start tracking people who own dogs from that kennel or breeding. Yup demodex takes hold because the immune system cannot fight it. It's genetic despite what some breeders want to tell you and those dogs usually have immune problems for life (unless it's simple demodex due to hormone fluctuations during maturation) If the parents are throwing a pup like this then at least one of them should be out of hte breeding program. You can try the Specialist Canine forum, there are many working dog people on there who may own dogs from that kennel or know of people who do. Or know the breeder. HGE may not be a genetic disease but the difficulty to help dogs with these symptoms, and parvo/corona, stems from weak immune systems. The 'black and tans' like rotties being known to get it easier and longer. My own rottie has an absolutely abysmal immune system, 3+ weeks with parvo, all manner of immune mediated problems and it's never ending. Thankfully Demodex was one thing we never had.
  25. I dont bother getting owners to correct without professional help, we dont know if Rocky will redirect and THAT is where the problems usually lie and owner confidence then hits rock bottom. Through simple loading and a mistaken action the dog can then be seen to be 'human aggressive' when in reality they are not and simply released their anxiety in a violent way. I also dont bother shouting NO, it can be the straw that breaks the camels back in some dogs. I'd rather teach a dog to calm down and learn 'LEAVE'. You also have to watch with air blocking that 1) the collar doesnt slip off or isnt in the right position and 2) you dont accidentally crush the dogs stylohyoid bones in the throat. Easier to do then you think if you dont know what you're doing. Dogs have also popped vessels in their eyes due to the collar pressure of hanging. You dont have to hang them, if you use a DD collar you can simply apply gentle pressure and the dog will settle without risking injury (ala Cesar Milan style) that I definately agree with
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