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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Distemper occurs down here especially in ferrets. It's why I keep thumping on about vaccinating ferrets, it's finally catching on a little but not enough
  2. put him on a bland chicken and rice diet with some of the water the chicken was boiled in, small meals a few times a day. Being a puppy he could have just eaten some dirt, cat poo, sticks, plants, insects, etc etc etc. Parvo has quite a distinctive stench of incredible rotteness, not just doggy loose poo smell
  3. very short walks, but free play is best as you incorporate training. Swimming and wading is great too :)
  4. One of mine would steal like a demented clepto when he was younger. He shredded an insane amount of stuff from clothing to my garden hose, which looked like someone set to it with a pair of scissors. Any opportunity he too would sneak off and grab whatever was handy then proceed to turn it into confetti. Now, doesn't touch a thing touch wood :laugh: going back to his then owner for a while seemed to set him straight Dogs will do what they think gets them a result, even if that is making themselves look and feel miserable.
  5. With her ear set, colouration and some behaviors ever think she's part catahoula?
  6. What do you think veterinary behaviorists mostly do - meds. Because the dog is not being taught to cope. If the dog can be the life of the party with another dog around, you can see it's a crutch. If anxiety is real and severe, the presence of another dog would not fix that for the dog, it would still exhibit the fear. The fact the dog wont progress without the other shows too high bonding and reliance on dogs. If Rosie can go to day care and be care free and well behaved, then her behavior is a learned conditional response to deal with stress. You can't always treat your way out of that. It needs to be separated and relearn to take guidance on how to behave from scratch. Reward based learning relies on the fact the dog is in a thinking frame of mind - now in a dog like this who has not learned to concentrate or think how far do you think you will get?
  7. Ahh yes more PP propaganda. We can make sweeping blanket statements about trainers but you can't say anything against us because we're 'scientific' and 'motivational' raaaa raaa raaaaah.
  8. You havn't called me yet :laugh: the dog is bonded to Gus, there's your problem. She's following his lead instead of yours thats why you're not getting anywhere with her focus or behaviour. She's made him her crutch and without him she's lost, when the basic should be she listens and trusts your lead. I can't believe the number of people that have already jumped straight to medication ... the dog has NO foundation learning or bonding which is where the problems are stemming from. As for the hyperactivity ... well what happens when an active working breed is left to its own devices with no way to calm down and constantly engages in self rewarding behavior ...
  9. clicker only works if the dog pays attention to you and is not always foolproof if the dog finds the surrounding environment of higher value then the handler and the 'treats' offered. Which by the way should never be the whole reward but the clicker makes it so.
  10. The point of a correction chain is to give the dog a correction just before it puts pressure on the leash. A quick pop motion, think of it as a reverse poke. If your dog is huffing and puffing you're using it in completely the wrong manner.
  11. You've thrown too much into the stew pot. Have a long lead, let her run around and when she is about to pull give her constant fast pops on the collar and turn in the opposite direction. Don't say a word unless she is right next to you and paying attention to you. Don't bother with no, short leads etc they actually make the dog want to get further away. She has to learn some self sufficiency - if you go pull you will get no praise, no reward and firm pops on the leash, If you don't pull, you get verbal praise, jackpot treats for looking at me and no pressure on the collar. Black and white. You will have to spend a little more time doing it now as she has a habit of ignoring you. But NO verbal chastisement otherwise, who wants to listen to someone that nags ;)
  12. Things like resource guarding, possession etc can be exacerbated if the breeder just lets pushy pups bully others without recourse. It's why so many puppies just left to feed from communal bowls constantly go to new homes bolting food like demons. Remember a baby puppy is learning to deal with the world. If it learned that growling and carrying on made the other puppies rack off, why not try it on a human? They figure you out from the moment you buy them, but we tend to forget that. What do you call otherwise normal? Majority do act like normal pups you just see them be more confident and pushy as well. If they want something they will just go right ahead and take it, they're usually bold as brass, no fear, no problem doing what they want. They got the A1 class A-hole gene.
  13. If it's just staring and growling, depending on breed, I would be more concerned about lack of appropriate handling, some pain and a smattering of a genetic aspect. Although a puppy some who have learned this behavior by fighting for resources or being harassed a different kettle of fish to actual aggressive pups. I remember years ago a rottweiler puppy that had shredded the parents. I mean actually going for gold on the adults arms, the woman was up on a chair once this 10 week old pup was trying to eat her. He ended up euthanised, it was like seeing an adult dog in a tiny tiny package and he would not stop for anything. One of my own bitches as a wee pup took on my friends when they came to meet her for the first time. This teeny tiny rumbling fuzz ball that launched at my friend off the couch to take him down... he's lucky he had about 100kg on her :laugh:
  14. Naaaaaaah it's easy lol ... 4 Malinois, a pug and a frenchie ... it's really manageable, you just get used to it as you add more.
  15. how ridiculous that poor goat was not happy at all being surrounded by dogs. Totally unnatural for a goat to be accustomed to at all especially strange dogs in that number. Owner's a moron
  16. scruff or thumb under the tongue. Don't get angry or gruff, just firm and fast. If he yelps or carries on like a pork chop just ignore him.
  17. I give the owners the skills to shape behavior and understand why things happen. I even hand people a dog that is not their own so they can learn where the gaps in their handling are. I'm not a rinse and repeat, on trick pony. That's too boring ;) I have clients that have gotten new puppies or another dog and we havn't had to start again from scratch with them they have the skills to kick off the training unaided. I just don't hold the belief that training needs to be so darn expensive that only the privilaged few are entitled to it.
  18. Holey moley, for that price I'll have your dogs titled and you'll still have change in your pocket.
  19. 45 minutes of talking is garbage. You are meant to be there to learn, not to be prattled to about products and money making procedures. If that's all it is they should leave the puppies at home. I don't believe that is too long for puppies to learn in. I run classes and I mix the young pups with slightly older pups and expose them to adult dogs too. Way more productive and the pups easily go for an hour with little breaks if they need them, but they get way too caught up in the fun of it all as we keep it dynamic. If people have questions about products, diet, medical etc we leave that until the end of the lesson and we can have as big a chat as we want then. Puppy preschools are a great marketing tool and money spinner for most places. Very little in the way of quality education for you or the dog.
  20. Would be nice for people to go overseas and get the experience with what is expected, how they train, get the skills up to deal with problems that crop up during the training process. I'm starting up my own titles this year which have taken from KNPV and some other sports but we have to leave out the bitework poo.
  21. Is it really that bad these days. Cripes I have my reactive dog classes behave better then that. How can dogs get titles in something called Community Companion when they behave like that? Why are these dogs not stricken from the field and made to pass a behavioral assessment? That's the problem when a title is based purely on a set pattern routine and nothing done to test the temperament of the dog. You can proof your dogs to being lunged at, barked at etc we do it at dog school even pups. I find that you get more concentration down the track and they bounce back fast or just let it slide if there is an incident
  22. There's always going to be politics when you start a club :laugh: I've had some experience with KNPV, it's absolutely another level to IPO and you can't blag your way through some of it. It is a lot more difficult though comparably but I can only see that as a positive for breeds and breeding :) There are decoys that have been overseas for ringsport, you need the suit work skills to make a good dog as they want a good grip right into the decoy, not pull on the equipment.
  23. Are the dogs not socialised or trained? Why would a dog who is going for an official title be freaked out by another dog going near them? Is the ANKC that soft these days?
  24. good luck stopping mouthing and crazyness like that. I posted what will stop it, and your police dog handler will probably tell you the same thing.
  25. Then it's a management issue, not a dog issue and nothing to do with the sit stay itself. I leave my dog in a sit stay. Nothing's killed him yet sitting there for 5 minutes and he doesn't lay down. He takes up less space and can monitor his surroundings more easily.
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