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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Nekhbet

    What To Do?

    what was the actual skull defect? Was it a skull that had not fused properly or had a hole through the bone?
  2. If you have other dogs separate them from them to discourage zoomies and play. As for being at work, if you can leave them in a laundry or alone in a backyard where they cant injure themselves, fence run or get wet (tip out any pools) then leave them out there.
  3. theyre intensively reared and only a couple of months old at slaughter due to being a fast growing breed. No baby can lay down that much calcium to keep up with bone growth hence many cannot walk under their own weight in the sheds. Also why chicken is so bland these days too.
  4. eating chickens are not in cages, they roam a massive shed. bones are soft because chickens are very young when slaughtered and grow so fast
  5. cripes are we getting that paranoid with vaccines now? Personally, I would get the third in a month just in case if you have not have the C5 done (get a C3 + intranasal). Then a year from the LAST one he has had. Not all vaccine brands are guarenteed after a 2 shot puppy regime either, so if your dog gets parvo you will be told it was because you didnt properly follow the manufacturers guidelines and veterinary advice. Protech Vaccines are made to be used in a 2 shot regime, but being a Fort Dodge product I wont touch it - my Malinois got a Fort Dodge vaccine when she was a baby and she screamed the place down her reaction to it was terrible. As for titre testing, I think it is a good idea, but another puppy shot won't hurt. Just dont go taking the dog everywhere after the vaccine to allow it's immune system to deal with the vaccination and create immune memory without being bombarded by external stimuli.
  6. I think every one of my dogs has eaten cooked bones (accidentally) Malinois stole half a BBQ chicken once and almost swallowed it whole makes you wonder sometimes! I think my guys are just tubes
  7. http://www.petlinedirect.com/HOLISTIC_PET_FOOD.php that one? Interesting concept, never heard of it before! Interesting to try though
  8. yikes. Doesnt look normal! Which area are you in? If you're western suburbs you can try Potter Chiropractic just behind Werribee Plaza, he fixed my dogue up. I dont know any good vets in Melb though that I would trust to properly diagnose teh problem you have.
  9. all very well if the dog is in pain or not, your concern is the fact the abdominal muscles have been cut and now the risk of tearing and herniation is VERY high. I have seen pups brought back with internal stitches ripped apart because the dog 'wanted to go play' crate the dog, walk it on lead as long as the vet tells you and go for your check up at the end of the 10 days. Better safe then another operation.
  10. Just monitor the dog, in all probability nothing will happen. I wouldnt make them vomit sharp objects as the strong contractions to vomit it back up can make the risk worst
  11. where does the law say you have to sell a customer an item if they want it? You dont. It's your store and up to your discretion whether you sell something or not. Pet stores want profit, I havnt seen one that gives a toss where their puppies and kittens go when they're relying on them for income
  12. sounds like he's just confused about other breeds of dogs he hasnt seen before.
  13. The reason roo is recommended is that it is not intensively farmed and the animals are not doused with chemicals througout their life. It doesnt mean you HAVE to use roo. If the dog is itchy and has an upset stomach then he may be hesitant to eat rich foods. Whatever the diet change it will take time for the itching to subside, there is nothing wrong with using antihistamines in the mean time to settle them down. Licking/scratching just perpetuates an irritation for a longer period then leaving it alone.
  14. dogs dont simply start being aggressive with no history. Sounds like your dog had a big fun day, saw the guy running and her herding drive kicked in so she thought she'd go round him up. As long as you have good verbal control, as soon as she heads towards someone call her back. If she wont listen keep her on a long line
  15. sounds like he's very undersocialised. Where did you get him from? Was he shy at the breeders? You need to get him used to dogs, he will in time, but ignore his sooking. If he tries to hide behind you move away and I find a fun game is to get the other dogs to take treats from you and ignore your dog. He will want a treat too, but he will first play scared, then think hey they're all ignoring me what do I need to do to get the treat!
  16. there is a fabulous DVD for the sendaway by Ivan Balabanov, he has made a series of training videos and they're a great help see if you can get a hold of it, if you cannot I might be able to make you a copy and post it to you
  17. bones are for hard chewing, no toy is designed for a dog to just sit there and gnaw on it.
  18. a dog will test positive for parvo after a vaccine, your vet should know that. The smell, consistency and general health of the dog can tell if its parvo or not to an experienced eye. My own rottweiler got sick the day after his vaccine, no point testing they all came back PARVO PARVO PARVO even though it could have been corona. The breeder over reacted, maybe she's had vets go a little overboard before. Doesnt sound like Parvo at all, probably just stress glad to hear the pups beter anyway
  19. mum has contacted many many organisations about dogs, she barely works, has a nice big house of her own and one toy breed dog. Not ONE rescue organisation has gotten back to her at all, even to say no. Well actually one rang to say, yep we'll call you back about this little dog, and no one ever did. She tried a couple of hello, did you get my last one, type emails and even then nothing. So she just gave up totally. She was very upset too. I almost feel like just getting her a companion dog out of the paper.
  20. My mums little old pomeranian would be good for this ... he ticks all the right boxes Call it ... Cujo Jr
  21. The last dog is Horand von Grafrat, what Max von Stephanitz considered the model of the perfect GSD. Renders most modern arguments invalid really when the inventor of the breed wanted it to look like this.
  22. Most breeds have a working line, although it may not be as pronounced as in some other breeds - gundogs/hunters - GSPs, Retrievers, most of the spaniels like springers etc - Herding breeds - BC, kelpies, cattle dogs - Guarding breeds - dobes, rotties, Mals, GSDs, BRTs, Briards, Giant Schnauzers, etc This usually stems from the fact that many people want the breed without the full on workability in it, hence the distinction. Such a shame for some breeds as it can also give a false image of what the true breed could be like.
  23. the dogs in his youtube are not that sloped. In fact theyre black/sable wl If you look the more extreme angulations come from lines that are majority not used for any working purpose.
  24. Good Yes he can be, don't be disheartened as dogs like this can take time and you do have some setbacks but hey, who said life was easy ;) at least you're the type of owner willing to do something about it. Keep an open mind, and I would be investing in a prong collar too to help your back cope while he's learning. It will give you good control over him without being pulled about.
  25. aussilover you are doing fine with your pup. A guide dog has to learn not to be distracted easily and dogs need to learn in a reasonable time frame and reliably not to just bound over to something because it's a higer value then the potential reward they might get. I dont see that aussilover is doing anything wrong. A couple of corrections on a flat collar wont hurt anyone, and she's doing the right thing praising for the right behaviour when it happens
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