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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. give him SOME credit Lo Pan ... it has some pop up's too OMG slow news day or what? plus really, the bloke is not that qualified to do anything else now ...
  2. Nekhbet

    Car Lunging

    you should hang back the flyball and work on your obedience and control. You're encouraging prey drive and now you see the after effects by the way I would not be doing flyball with a 6 month old puppy unless you want joint problems. Flyball and agility are for dogs 12 months and over. Put a check chain on him, if he flies out at a car let him check himself nicely, then when he's surprised call him back to you. Squirt bottle to a highly driven prey dog will do nothing, they need to learn there is a consequence before they throw themselves under a car. If you need a practical demonstration you're free to come down to my place, I live on a main road, and workshop.
  3. which breed? RC has many different products, if you go on their website they usually give a picture of the kibble
  4. make her some satin balls and give her some of those now and then, you can add a canine nutritional powder like the VAN one into it and treat it like her daily 'fatt adder and complete vitamin' ball. some dogs are just not big eaters. If she looks OK (and really, better to be under then over) and is active then I wouldnt worry. My dogs can really drop the weight at times, and I mean drop of a hat. They're just not hungry, usually its when the weather is hot or all over the place. Then they put it back on. Even our ferrets are all dropping the weight at the moment Unless she's starting to teeter on worryingly thin, I wouldnt fuss. Give her the satin ball while you eat and the rest of the time put her food down, doesnt eat it gets taken away. As for not eating for 9 days ... if she was still healthy and active after that period of food I think she's finding an alternative source of food. Either neighbour chucking things over the fence, rats/mice/birds in the garden etc ETA you can always leave her here for a few days my pack gets every dog into food when it comes to feeding frenzy time. They just cant help but join in the race to see who finishes dinner first
  5. I have an overwhelming need to tape his ears too put it in his bowl, if he doesnt eat it nothing at all until the next meal in a few days he'll eat what is put in front of him. Saying that Hills ... rubbish. RC is a nice rich food comparably.
  6. If they have it is rare. Most of the time they go like doctors, either the AVA (if they are members) do something or the Vet board will apply disciplinary action. if it is monetary then you have to lodge a complaint through your states civil court and hire a very good barrister if you want results, or good luck proving any true criminal negligence if you want it through the criminal justice system.
  7. do you have any mushrooms or funny coloured toadstools/fungus growing around your yard? Anything mouldy or rotten he could have gotten too? Do the treats smell musty or like mildew? Seizures, anaphylaxis, bleeding of the lungs, respiratory distress, vomiting, muscle pain, heart palpatations/heart attack, hypersensitivity upon repeat exposure etc are symptoms of reaction to the mycotoxins moulds and some fungi produce. Seal the rest of the treats up in a ziplock bag and place them in the refrigerator if you're suspicious. Check the garden for ANY mushrooms, compost or wet areas he may have been eating, even under mulch. Just an idea.
  8. depends on why you feel the dog needs it. If you are needing it on a young pup I suggest you take a look at your training method
  9. yup I'm a meany. For sores I let them hurt unless the pain is pretty bad. Lets the dog know to NOT run about like a loony for a while and let the area heal. I can also tell you good vets are worth travelling for. If you do discover a broken rib give the first vet a courtesy call and let them know what they missed. I had a vet completely miss a dislocated tail and tell me my very fit and constantly active dog had arthritis in her hips dogs do tend to yelp when you pull their hind legs out perpendicular to the body, oddly also an unnatural position too! Fancy that. Saying that my bitch had a cracked rib a few years ago and we never knew. She was sore for all of about 5 seconds. Now she has a funny lumpy bit, but it's never affected her adversely (and yes she has been seen by a vet multiple times since then) I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad owner
  10. it is broo-sell-wah (like Malinois )
  11. you need to get an x-ray ASAP, if it is broken you need to make sure it has not splintered or fractured in a dangerous manner pain medication wont help healing it will just help the dog dog have a false sense of bravado and possible cause further injury. I'd get an x-ray, lay off the pain meds or keep them as low as possible and a lot of crate rest and controlled exercise like leash walking in short periods. ETA dosing young pups with NSAIDS without knowing what is wrong is not something I would be doing either
  12. mason I'll PM you tonight when I have time. When playing with tug toys you need to teach your dog to target as well so you dont end up bitten. I have all my dogs play tug of war with me and I never have a problem because they have all been taught which part to bite when a toy is presented ETA it is not the teasing that is the problem it is the manner in which the play has been taught. The dog has not been taught this is a structured exercise and hence grabs whatever. Prey work is not too common in Australia compared to a lot of other places hence many people do not get to see the process of conditioning a dog to take a prey reward properly.
  13. have a go at this one and yes they're meant to look like that
  14. they're an american invention ... just like the Australian Shepherd
  15. ok now it doesnt say 'borken' anymore does anyone near me or coming down to Geelong soon have any old broken or just want to chuck away gazebos? Really need a couple ASAP, any size or shape, with or without the covers too chuck them in my driveway as you come past
  16. all ears have a cartilage component, thats what gives them their shape If you want a fattier option then pigs ears would be as they have a greater proportion of white fat. If the dog is doing exercise though I dont see what the problem is eating an ear here and there, just cut down or remove a meal Mine get halved fresh pig heads, no fatties here
  17. I always freeze the bunnies for at least a couple of weeks before feeding. Saying that you should be worming your dogs anyway with something that does Hydatids
  18. all I can say is try owning an entire male DDB ... it never ceases to amaze me how much money I've been offered on the spot. I should have trained him to run home like those gypsy dogs do, I would be a millionaire by now
  19. See if Wendy Mitchell will go that far, she takes great animal photos
  20. I think he still has a scar from his zipper removal somewhere
  21. we may have accidentally tripped over and *bought another ferret* cough meet Babs the 11 month old jill proven worker too ... now one more to make it a nice round 10 and just as a comparison here is our biggest ferret Winston and compared to our smallest Caramel (who mind you is puffed up from chasing one very wanted mouse around the garage)
  22. royal canin every morning, and a little at night to tide then over. Usually butcher scraps and bones a few times a week, if we go out fishing or ferreting then whatever we catch. If I run out of money then they get rice and veges cooked in meat stock with some lard melted in and livamol. If budget stretches then I add minced chicken frames too. I tried raw, I ended up feeding 1kg + each a day to keep condition on. Not worth it really between my 3
  23. that sandy one has darkened up, thats Widget, probably the hardest working out of the whole lot she's a great ferret and will stay down until the whole warrens empty then is ready for round 2. If she latches onto a rabbit that bolts back down the hole there is no chance shes letting it get away. We have a little caramel coloured jill that is extremely tiny and she dragged a rabbit out backwards we retired her as she was just way too small and one good kick from a rabbit would have hurt her too much so she's for breeding, she's full sister to Widget. Your big boy looks like my Winston, except I can imagine if yours gets a piece of rabbit he doesnt lick the fur then stick his head in the cavity and go to sleep *oh the shame* I use him for puppy classes, he never bites and teaches dogs to get along with ferrets. Winstons paws are so big he walks like a bear I call him my teacup polar bear when he's out on his leash your pole cats are so long in the face compared to ours, if you ever have a couple of working ones you want to sell give me a bell I'd love to get some more also where do you get your big nets from? We can get purse no worries but those long ones are hard to find down here, I've used some bird netting in the interim to catch the babies that slip my nets but the holes are not big enough for the adults. yup rabbits flying out, I learned quickly to keep my foot in the hole and always have a couple of nets slung around my neck. It gets really hairy when the buggers shoot out at hyperspeed and just launch out of the whole with ferret in hot persuit. I lot a couple of rabbits when I started out, I'm sure the ferrets just stared at me like 'you idiot ... I worked so hard and you MISSED IT' with a look of absolute disdain. p.s. you want funny ... me ferreting alone, getting myself caught in a barb wire fence and dangling there like a puppet, swearing my head off and tearing a big hole in the crotch of my jeans, then dive on the first rabbit, dispatch and drain but cover myself in blood. Little jill pops out of the whole all worked up and gives me one smell and proceeds to chase me around the paddock. I couldnt pick her up because I have hands covered in rabbit hair and blood too, no one around to help me... my OH pissed himself laughing when I told him. me 0, ferret 1. I had to let her latch onto the rabbit in my hand, quickly wipe the other one in some mud and grab her no problems. I think she was having me on a bit too ...
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