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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. thats it put more pressure on an already loaded dog - ever heard of the straw that broke the camels back? You NEVER do this for aggression cases - this dog has no issue with confrontation and you trying to intimidate it further will not work or end up with more people being bitten. Dont give advice unless you plan to stand behind the consequences. I remember a 50kg bull arab doing the same thing, totally hands off method without resorting to no's and water etc fixed it.
  2. if you're resorting to a DAP for such a young pup and it wont settle down there's 2 things to do - have a look if you're inadvertently encouraging the behaviour or not doing enough to remove opportunity (like wear the pup out etc) or give the pup back to the breeder if it's screaming like a possessed banshee after long a while. I wouldnt take a dog with such a screaming problem that wont make any effort to try and settle in (and I mean screaming constantly no matter what you do)
  3. coming from an entire family of non english speakers I dont see it as anything sus
  4. can St Lawrence or another charity help with the bill a bit? I know we got a lady on a pension come into the vet clinic and they covered the dogs vet bill for vaccination and health check
  5. dogs have to learn to cope and they're quite good at it, we just seem to coddle them and create more problems. All my dogs slept like logs when they first got home because I pick them up in the morning, spend as much time as I can, keep them up past 'bedtime' and no once screamed, bashed, cried etc because they were so exhausted they slept like logs. Bring home something that smells like the litter (like so rags or blanket) give them a soft toy and put them in a crate in your room so they're not 'alone'. The pup will be fine it doesnt need a DAP and all that rigmaroll.
  6. Jeezus Tapferhund lay off will you. Probably good they dont ask you for a puppy you would put them off the breed for life. Everyone has to start somewhere. Kashing are you in Queensland? Are you able to go visit the breeder? Or have a friend ring on your behalf that can translate for you over the phone if your english isnt that good? If you are new at this whole process sometimes just emailing a good breeder you can visit and ask to see the parents, explain the process to you etc can be very useful. If you are having trouble understanding what each part of the breed survey means private message me, I'm happy to explain
  7. any show titles means the dogs have gained enough points at show to get the title. Dads a Schutzhund 3 so I'd be happy enough with that if his temperament was stable. THis is his temperament test III. TEMPERAMENT TEST AND GUN SURENESS Character: firm, natural, lively Watchfulness: alert. Conditions of nerves: firm Confidence: self assured Reaction to gun test: self assured As for mum, if you dont mind her body shape them it's up to you, her scores are good. Saying that the prices of the puppies are quite high for lines with no proven guarding ability.
  8. If the group classes are set up by experienced people then I do not see what the problem is taking a problem dog out there. The dog school I teach at accepts ALL dogs, we have the space and the facilities to handle aggressive dogs and they sometimes need to be out and about. We're not stupid and let them stress others out but it does work. Also at $10 a class it gets people taking their dogs out and getting them trained instead of having them live in the backyard.
  9. any good stock feeds can get it in, it is used for pigs and chickens.
  10. they're cheap and they follow directions. What a knob. If you dont know what a dobermann is then you shouldnt be anywhere near a pet store
  11. you need 1 gram per day for that sized dog
  12. I saw this same situation once ... a family had bought a designer oodle and at 8 months old it jumped up and nipped the kid (we're talking nothing serious at all here) Father came into the clinic, OMG what do I do we need to put it to sleep because it will turn vicious idiot staff agreed well if the PUPPY CLASSES didnt work it must just be a bad dog! one dead undertrained and undersocialised puppy. Why do people bother getting animals? eta saying that I've seen the little spoiled oodlies and swfs and they're a force to reckon with. If they have attacked multiple times, honestly I too would PTS unless there was an underlying cause that could be safely fixed. Backyard bred dogs tend to come with poor temperaments anyway
  13. I havnt seen one that doesnt have dutch shepherd in it .... if you get the odd one it's a massive throwback but to get quite 'a few' I would be suss I know one person with 'black malinois' funny some pups were brindle and mum was non pedigree ... thats a deshonko guarentee right there
  14. make sure both are main register pedigree make sure you have a registered kennel name with you states kennel council do all the necessary health checks on your dogs find yurself a mentor anything out of this ... reconsider the whole prospect and desex your pets
  15. nope too late on that one i'm afraid ... even in europe sparring is a hobby they are cute though beaucerons are not really couch potatos
  16. yup when I get kennel runs I'll be investing in at least one or two males. Apparently make great personal protection dogs
  17. there are catahoula leopards in QLD. theyre used for guarding and hunting I would love a sarplaninac
  18. there was also a litter of pied DDBs this is an interesting american cocker
  19. that red rottie doesnt look anything like a pedigree panda shepherd red shep
  20. that just because my working malinois is reasonably sane in public that does not meat that everyone else needs to go get one and it will be exactly the same as mine some people I just want to smack upside the head.
  21. mismark labs lemon spotted dalmatian brindle spotted dally tri dally
  22. white dobermann how about a trindle (black, white, brindle) basenji albinism
  23. if your carpet is looking worst for wear it needs a wash. The oils, hair and dander from the animals clogs it up. I borrowed the carpet washing machines from the supermarket and did my carpets in the last rental every 3 months. I had 3 dogs and a cat in the house, the carpet was marvelous and fresh if you have a vacuum cleaner get one with a good rotating brush on it. Give it a good vacuum a few times a week at least once a week with the brush which fluffs up the pile and gets the hair off. I have an ancient massive electrolux one with a power head, it's about 20 years old but has worked a treat every time. Massive big brush that fluffs the carpet and rags making them look great you can have pets and carpet, just takes a little more work
  24. If she has had to sit on the dog the corrective aid is not suitable. Are pinch collars ok in WA? That will probably be the most useful equipment for this dog especially if your friend is not good with check chain corrections. as soon as the dog starts to get excited, correct, do a 180 turn and sit the dog in the heel position. If the dog tries to look around or gets agitated correct again and take a few steps foreward to engage the dog in an obedience focus it has learned. If the dog will not comply correct again and take another few steps away from the other dogs. If the dog does settle, praise and turn around to face the other dogs again. You let the dogs behaviour dictate your proximity. The trick to stop this is to correct as soon as the dog starts the whining or really intense staring. Once the dog has snowballed into a tantrum there is no stopping it, you just have to drag it away and wait for it to settle. What you want to teach the dog is that getting excited is not going to happen. If your friend has a toy or high value reward offer it when the dog is calm, I dont bother saying anything to dogs that act up you just add fuel to the fire. If the dog will NOT look away from the object of anxiety I too give a correction then turn it around. Again I dont bother verbally chastising the dog as I want it to focus on me - would you focus on something that growls at you? If the dog is not aggressive I dont mind it looking at what is going on - it is only natural and we dont want avoidance. But we simply want to teach the dog 'ok, the other dogs exist but you shouldnt be interested in the because I'm a heck of a lot better' with the added bonus of being corrected for acting like a twit. when it comes to anxiety you ALWAYS correct when it starts. Anything after that is just damage control and teaches the dog very little. If she has questions she can email me [email protected]
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