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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. it is if you're after feral cats. They would be good for deer
  2. If I had a child with an illness like that I would make it a rule to always keep the door open - more for safety and to ensure that a dog of that size isnt accidentally blocking the door if something happens. the dog is understanding something is different about your daughter, i'm sure the dog is capable of whining and comming to get you
  3. an older russian man taught his little dog to do this he tested his blood and if it was low he called the dog over, it would dance about and he gave him a schmacko if he felt sick the dog would dance about wooring (little terrier x pom) and he rewarded it with a schmacko, The reason I wouldnt personally use samples on clothing etc is you want the dog to understand it's to wake you for the child being hypo, not finding articles of clothing. The dog is meant to be with her all the time and stay with her not sniff about the house. Use the dog that naturally gravitates around her and tends to 'watch' her all the time, that will be the dog to train. I would be rewarding the dog for whining and going bonkers, not bothering with just a bell, it's adding added complication to your training regime. Foxy would get a schmacko every time he whined, barked and ran about around Alexie and he was right every time Such a shame, Alexei's little dog was killed by a car a few months ago. Those salesman that come around and replace the light globes left the door open after he told them not too and little Foxy got out and was hit by a car he now has a 4 year wait for another one
  4. mum ... I hope you kept the receipt I want a refund Minas raptor impression floating dogue is floating I ... can ... reach ... *pucker* Diesel does a great 'HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE's JOHNNY!' impression
  5. What, a breeder that has taken full payment for a pup, said to be contacted about papers then wont pick up or has let buyers know whats going on, then they find out the breeder is not financial and cannot be contacted at all. I'd be a bit worried too considering the price of a bordeaux puppy. If she was going on holiday for 2 weeks some consideration in the way of a 3 second email saying 'your papers will be on the way soon, I wont be contactable for a couple of weeks but dont panic' never killed anyone.
  6. get some citronella spray and spray it on after giving the whole area a good clean with something like BioZet solution (washing powder from the supermarket) dont be so quick to assume the older one isnt the culprit
  7. if she's declining get her a vet check up to make sure nothing else is wrong meanwhile make her a soup of boiled up meat bones, vegetables, rice and some meat (take out all the cooked bones before giving it to her warm) Make sure it's sloppy and warm. A dash of soy sauce to the pot can make it appetising to her.
  8. a little sprinkle of lime and water it in well. Make sure your soil pH is OK and I find people who have laid turf and have slow release fertiliser smotherd all over and under it are suffering. It's just tipped your pH that little too far and now your turf cannot keep up. If you have greywater then make sure it's really giving your turf a good water. I would stop using slow release ferts too especially during warmer months ETA on the lawn NOT in the dogs water
  9. and those idiots tend to have multiple animals ... it doesnt just happen with dogs and cats, I see so many 'treechangers' that need a good smack upside the head - buying farm animals then after realising how expensive it actually is to own an animal that size just leave it in a paddock to fend for itself or die poorly bred means just that - randomly bred with no idea or care, usually with poor temperament or health. Then idiots who breed these animals usually dont socialise them. Then idiot owners dont train the puppies they get ... who wants a bouncing, tearing, frothing, barking or frightened, wonky dog? So they end up in the pound. Since the majority of dogs bred come from places like this there IS an over population of animals that are born with no hope of finding a home.
  10. you should complain to DogsNSW about it firstly if she is not able to register the pups, you have to take civil court action against her for either money or the papers if she is able to get them
  11. the weather is changing quickly and most dogs still have some of their winter coat so they get hot. My lot still pant like crazy on some days if he's hot he'll move himself to somewhere cool. Remember dogs can't sweat so they have to pant to lose body heat through evaporation
  12. HEY THERE"S ONLY ROOM FOR ONE CONSPIRACY LOONY ON THIS FORUM AND THAT IS ME ... ahem ... so in your world, it's better dogs just die in a cold pound then go to the uni for a while, get attention, cuddles, well fed etc then given a premed and operated on in order for veterinary students to learn skills that will help your own pet down the track. I dont think people truely understand how complicated and difficult surgery actually is, even after doing multiple dissections and studying diagrams every animal is different. I can tell you when you are literally up to your elbows in an animal and it's touch and go you are VERY thankful for live experience. Had to help untangle the abdominal cavity of this poor staffy once, me AND the vet both were in there luckily the dog made it I did a year of vet school. If anyone was to blame it was the people who bred or dumped their animals. We dissected the greyhounds nobody wanted - these dogs had pressure sores, scars, were thin from a lifetime of no food, some even pregnant and due to give birth in a few weeks. Any student found disrespecting animals was in massive trouble, one guy had a giggle over a puppy he found in the womb and I dont think he graduated. These animals ARE worth something and if nothing else students then see them as live creatures, not just bodies in a dissection room. You want to teach heart and conscience put a student in a kennel room with 10 dogs all wagging their tails and staring up at them and see which one doesnt tear up ... I still wouldnt Raz a few years at uni doesnt pop you out as a surgeon no matter how good or smart you are. I had a new grad (I actually went to uni with her) stitch up my Malinois bitch years ago and if I had known it was her I would have said no ... she didnt do a very good job at all. It was something that needed to be done by someone with some experience
  13. I think you need to be a little more realistic. His temperament is NOT beautiful if he growls over food and toys - he has a problem. you yourself describe him as extreme. A dog doesnt have to show this behaviour and if you find it acceptable I hope you at least have the sense not to rehome this animal to anyone with children. Get a behaviourist in and make a decision about how managable his temperament is and what he needs. If he lashes out, bares teeth etc I would not be rehoming him
  14. you cant starve overweight dogs either, they run out of puff twice a day, mostly rice and veg based with a bit of chicken carcass and some livamol (just a touch) strips weight off VERY quickly small exercise here and there too. If you really want a kibble diet Royal Canin diet is a great stripping diet but I prefer home made
  15. I would prefer the puppy formula as the protein in the adult is a bit low for my dogs ... but oh look it has WHEAT FLOUR :D there goes that idea
  16. I do melbourne at the moment only western but people can come down to geelong for a consult as well
  17. sorry I dont see the problem veterinary surgeons need all the experience they can get before they are unleashed on the world and YOUR pets. You would be the first to bay for blood if something went wrong with your pet. If the animals are due for euthanasia then I dont see why people will be so angry - there is more to surgeries then desexing and not all pounds rehome enough animals in order to just have vets practice desexing. After having to help a new vet with even getting a premed needle into an amstaffs bulging vein, who was as quiet as a mouse, I say the more supervised practice the better during uni
  18. theres an oversupply of poorly bred animals and too many people buying pets wrong for their situation - thats what causes dumping that and some people should just NEVER own an animal
  19. you need to exhaust that dog some more, crating is just causing frustration and she's learned to redirect onto her bedding. Leave her on newspaper but put in a big marrow bone so if she feels like something to chew she has something good for her at least. The dog should be really tired before you put her in the crate and keep an eye, if she's bored let her out and do some training or brain exercise. Thats how I fix chewers, they stop pretty quickly if they learn crate = bed time
  20. you need quality over quantity with her start adding nutrigel and small meals more often or you will find any anaesthetic hits her harder with a low body fat and weight
  21. meanwhile can she eat sloppy foods ok? I would be tempted to soak kibble into a much or make a doggy milkshake of mince, some organ meat, cottage cheese and a supplement like livamol to help her keep the weight on if she needs anaesthetic
  22. When you have a rare breed you get used to it. I dont mind if people take a photo really we've nothing to hide and almost every time it's "OMG can I get a photo with the turner and hooch dog!" so it ends up being like a tourist attraction no one like the malinois though poor Mini gets rarely any photos taken
  23. yup I second puppy power, their crates are better quality then anyone else I have found
  24. http://www.tigercorp.com.au/ in Richmond, I think angela is still doing all the trophy orders. I used to be their trophy maker and there is dog related stuff or they can make medals etc with custom made inserts (we made them on site, there is a technique called sublimation where a picture is heat pressed into metal sheets and then resin coated) so you can get logos etc put on stuff if you want sashes and ribbons showribbons.com.au were the best price I found in Australia
  25. training and guidence will set the tone and frame of mind, not a poof of DAP into the room.
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