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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. do NOT use a muzzle. A dog can bash a child severely and terrorise them and itself. If rehoming is your option, no this dog needs to be put to sleep instead if it is attacking children. you need to get on top of this dogs aggression towards humans and get it sorted for yourself and the dogs sake. Frankly time to invest in a different training method. It's not just because of sleep overs but if you NEED to have a child in the house for whatever reason and it gets out you need to have a safety net. Frankly Delta + aggression I have not seen effective at all. Feel free to pop down to my place for half a day and we can sort it out
  2. I use Rudducks Flea Di not for fleas but because all their coats look so great, smell nice and doesnt leave a residue or feel dry when rinsed Thats for a Malinois, rottweiler and dogue de bordeaux
  3. most light foods are very low protein which is dissapointing I would be putting him either on raw or get a premium like royal canin large breed light, it strips weight off. He needs half the amount he gets now too
  4. another way to do it is to lay an old sheet under the bed, collect it up once a month and go shake it out, easier then getting under the bed lol
  5. see I think we work too hard sometimes. Why try and train the dog to take so many different rewards and value them highly etc when just use what the dog likes the most Or do people just want things to be arse about. Having a toolbox means you are capable of utilising different rewards properly, not that you force them all onto the one dog.
  6. I think people misunderstand the point of drive, switching a dog into prey drive does not mean a hyped up dog that wont listen. Many performance and working dogs are only trained in food OR prey. You can get the same outcome. I taught my malinois all her obedience through prey only, she even gets a prey reward when we're out and about. Doesnt mean she's not calm and stable that sentence should be 'when I want to give my a dog a mega high value reward'. this is because the teaching of self control via prey reward is still not very well known in Australia. So we swap to a lower value reward because we cannot teach the dog to sit still. like I said, prey drive training does not mean manic super spaz dog. You can have a calmer dog and prey training all in one
  7. just keep helping him up and down, I tend to hold on the collar and have one hand behind the bum. Push them through a couple of times and not let them baulk, they think it's heaps of fun after that take it slow and super praise at the end!
  8. nawwwwww now that is a devoted K9 if you ever need help dont hesitate to ask I believe in letting a dogs intuation at times guide you and help you achieve your goals. I also believe in mimicry with other dogs in training. Hope your daughter has a best friend for many years to come
  9. depends what you have conditioned. If you train that food rewards have come quickly for behaviours exhibited during training the dog will be focussing on getting more reward - that being food. Prey drive switches off or decreases food drive. If you start with a toy the dog progresses further and further into prey and food drive is buried hence they ignore it. If you want to rely on a really high value reward use one or the other. Whatever your dog inherantly works harder for you should be relying on as a reward. My Malinois will work for both, a hell of a lot harder for a prey item. Food, eh, she begs for it but looses interest in a few repetitions. She's cracked a rib over a prey reward and come back for round two ... which do you think I prefer for this dog.
  10. considering the dog had NO boundries, was a nervy ball of untrained adolescent energy and had no problems fighting back, yes. For safety of the family it was the best way and it did work because he wasnt pushed into aggression. They were quite soft people and being firm was not easy, but being very consistent was. Once a firm routine was set and the environment controlled the dog stopped being difficult and needing to aggress towards the family ... he was also moved from the bedroom and ignored at bed time totally so he learned that meant sleep time. The only way to pick a fight with that dog would have been with a baton at the ready considering it had learned to bite people hard, but really do you want to have to go that far to train a dog? Trust me I have learned if you cannot uphold your end of the fight through to a finish you DONT start something with a dog. My OH almost learned that the hard way with a dog last week. I have Koehlers books here. Yes he had some points but I believe in some ways we have progressed from treating an aggressive dog by beating it on the face with a rod when it aggresses. 55chev I'm no hippy and have no problems applying a correction to a dog if it needs and trust me many have had it come quite swiftly. But when it comes to your client and their own capabilities you have to think outside your own box. While I can handle a bull arab who flies at me, they could not. The hands off approach does not mean completely letting the dog get away with murder. If you want more info feel free to email me I'd be happy to chat about ways of training that I do :D
  11. LOL I was wondering Jeff if she had short hair and tan with black face and large radar ears ... send her to me :D
  12. yup this is less per bag then the cost price of 15kg of other premiums and super premiums
  13. it will have to go to the pound unless they transfer the microchip to you or a rescue org. Oodle breeders AFAIK dont do rescue
  14. your girls name will have the breeders prefix on her papers will it not? So only your pups will come under your prefix if and when you get it
  15. Not always. This is not a cut and dry thing and I am frankly as sick of hearing this as I am of hearing that hands off cures all dogs. I deal with mostly aggression problems and I do use punishment to fix SOME not ALL. It comes down to the individual dog. having dealt with enough of them I dont think backing down if its what will fix the dog is the way to go. I know a few working GSDs where handler aggression is genetic. Sometimes you do have to take the risk to fix the dog BUT you have to know what the hell you're doing unless you want to end up with stitches. I have had a couple of dogs redirect on me and I can tell you they changed their minds about after I was done with them - and the redirection was from frustration at not being able to tear their target into a million pieces not because I corrected them. 55chev I know where you are coming from. But not every human is capable of being firm. You have to choose a way that lets the dog know what is right and wrong but at the same time I would never put a client in harms way. I deal with a BIG bull arab once and he was a pure bully, having attacked 2 out of 3 members of the house and possessing the daughters bedroom. He was fixed in a hands off manner because I can tell you, if you want to start a physical fight you better be capable of finishing it with a dog that has learned to bite its intended target. The OP needs to get a behaviourist in, not ask advice off the internet. Aggression + advice from people who dont know what is actually happening is quite dangerous.
  16. I would get a proper scraping done and get it sent off to see exactly what it is. Looks like what Skoota used to get as a pup and Cephalexin cleared it up. His hair would fall out and it would be in patches. RC Maxi was the food that solved it too ... Eagle Pack giant pup was OK but others in the range made it worst. I know EP helps so many dogs but I have 2 that are really bad on it skin wise
  17. I give it daily, once every 24 hours just like RR
  18. Coburg is directly north of brunswick which is directly north of parkville which is directly north of the city it's abotu a 15 min tram ride from the vic maarket
  19. conztruct there are plenty of stores that stock no animals and do quite well. If people want a pet they are referred to the states breed club, registration body or website of breeders. Nothing wrong with that at all, in fact people may realise that there are more breeders then they think. I often get people 'I looked for a registered breeder but couldnt find one at all' and then I zip them off at least a dozen breeders within a couple of hours drive from them ... Breed registries are NOT making breeders accessible enough. The fact that most people think dogs and cats come from the trading post or a pet shop unless you want a show dog is really sad. There are still so many that go 'oh it's only a pet, what does it matter' what the heck do you registered breeders pay all your fees for then?
  20. well I got a 20kg bag of cat food today and some dog food samples *woot* dissapeared no probs, if Diesel doesnt fall apart or have a reaction from eating it for a few days I'm getting a whole 20kg bag of the adult.
  21. my biggest problems with pet stores is that they make animals look like another product. It;s in the window, but it and it's accessories WOW! Even comes with a warranty! What a sad society we are. animals are complex creatures with their own needs. Those needs are not being in glass boxes during critical period. As for toilet training problems - yes many do come with them especially PP pups crammed into tiny enclosures that have no choice but to learn to shit where they sleep and eat. If you have never seen a pet store pup with a problem then you have not seen enough dogs. I've seen plenty from puppy farms, pet stores and BYBers - aggressions, lack of understanding of basic canine body language which then snowballs into fear, anxiety, anti-social behaviours, no bite inhibition etc the list goes on. My own cousin owns a 'mini maltese' that is so panicked and freaked out from life in a box if you try and touch it the dog throws itself away. If anything changes it cannot cope. Yup, great pet. A puppy or kitten is not a product, it needs to be outside with fresh air, exploring the world, feeling, touching, seeing, listening, running about. Not locked in an artificially lit environment with kids bashing on the glass and the only 'learning' they have is when the staff push them aside to clean or if a customer handles them. Many of these pups come from shitty breeders in the first place who cannot be bothered doing most things right then we cram then into a pet store until someone buys them or they get rotated around chain stores. No store will take a nervous pup off display that cannot handle its surroundings, no pet store will do some basic groundwork of toilet training puppies, bite inhibition and socialising with singletons etc yet they charge you more then someone who has. Look at many of the stores - they mainly focus on puppies and kittens and their 'accessories' are slim to none - again perpetuating the idea to the consumer all you need is puppy, food, leash, collar and it's all happy families. Eeeep WRONG. I dont believe reg breeders should take the place of byb in pet store windows. If you they want a puppy or kitten people need to get off their lazy consumer arses and go research and find a breeder. Buy a pup or kitten from someone with pride in their breeding and animals that have lived like they should have, NOT like a product. Pedigree breeders need to advertise more then they do, there also needs to be education about the benefits of pups raised in a home environment, basic training and socialisation done etc and people will see the value in it.
  22. i would go straight for a calming paste like Good Manners, Troy Behave or Value Plus 4 Calming Paste they will lick it off your hand or mix it in with something yummy, they taste nice anyway. I give my 24.5kg Malinois 2ml at a time
  23. yup Delta is now attached to your daughter and she will look after her. Praise her every time she comes to get you and leave the door open!! I know it's hard for a kid to be different but if you let her understand how important it is they have some things different from some other people she wont be too upset if you explain it. Plus remember ... everyone is different and special in their own way
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