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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. ding ding ding. particularly when they offer "Our curriculum weaves best business practices together with best training" Dog training and behaviour should be about the sharing of knowledge and the expansion of our skills. Not through controlling people into what they can and can't do - to say that your method is overall superior and the only one worth bothering with to me is a bit of a red flag. Saying that they dont say it involves behaviour, it's purely a trainer program. That then makes it a franchise - you're paying for her name attached to your name. And too much I might add. Delta is going to have a pink fit that someone else is coming to nudge in on their niche market
  2. I'm more surprised that a dog with a bleeding problem was not blood screened before the anaesthetic to check for organ function. My old boss would have thrown a pink fit hope you egt some results soon please keep us posted
  3. I wont pay through the nose to be limited in how I train ... thats not a behaviourist course that's a franchise
  4. I'm hoping thats a digital ear one Dyz otherwise we need to sit down and have a little chat about things dear :D
  5. greyhound tracks have days when the vets there jabbing dogs ... cheap as dirt as for worming, every 3 months with something like a Ranvet generic allwormer http://www.greyhoundproductsdirect.com.au/...et.htm#WormFree http://www.greyhoundproductsdirect.com.au/...s_valueplus.htm they also sell heartworm treatment, up to $15 for 6 months. It is ivermectin though so make sure the dog is OK with it first
  6. despite the money ... why would you send a BC x kelpie to a groomer for 5 hours every month? I dont even know what you could do for that long to a dog unless it was an extremely hard to groom breed or matted to the bejeezus ... but I love the supermarket excelpet brush they have for her at home and dog hanging out window of corvette ... sigh ... tether your dogs before they fall out on the road ...
  7. yeah he should have really done this first. If an inflammed site is bleeding out constantly there might be another bleeding you DONT see. I would get a complete blood spectrum done, I mean everything, and go from there. Especially since he's drinking so much water Hope things get better for you
  8. a bag is a bag although I love plastic vaccine containers they make great food storage containers and lunchboxes yes my lunchbox said tetanus vaccine
  9. councils want people to go let their neighbours no whats going on anyway. If the dog only barks when they are out how else are they going to know whats going on unless you politely tell them.
  10. have they tested his blood to see if his clotting factors are normal?
  11. if the pup is that sensitive just feed chicken and rice with a bit of the new food in there. Add a teaspoon of natural yoghurt too if you're worried most pups can tolerate transitions of foods fine
  12. look closely at the legs and coat on the body plus the chest markings - it's a rottie or dobe x GSD It's my pet hate when shelters are 'doing' the right thing by a dog - if you cant get the breed right, sometimes even bloody close, how do you have a chance of getting it to the right home? Or handling breeds you know nothing about then saying you know what is best for them ... $400 is a bit steep for a dog that has had no heartworm too considering the area
  13. That seems to be the basis of half the threads here that escalate... it's also a reason I dont bother posting a lot anymore. There's only so long you want to bother with arguing against people who 'know better'.
  14. yup my lot eat them no worries. I dont know why you would bother cutting off the skin and fat turkey barely has any in the first place and dogs need those parts you throw out. If my lot cant digest a bone they leave it now. They get whole chickens and rabbits so a turkey leg isnt a big deal for their stomachs
  15. that advice was from your vet for your dog. You risk liver damage if the wrong dose is given and honestly vets should not be dealing out that advice over the phone either. The muscle will heal, lock up the dog in a crate or small place and leave it be. Rapigel or Swelldown Poultice (clay for horses but works magically for dogs) with some newspaper on top will work as well after giving the area a stretch and a bit of a massage
  16. poor OH was so angry, problem was I saw it happen and saw that 'oOOOOooh' dufus look in rotties face just before he launched. I was trying to hard to hold in the laughter it was painful ... OH didnt see the funny side for quite a few months I can tell you.
  17. I'm devising a plan. I want to start breeding in the next few years but I want to raise my puppies a certain way. That way will also include a purpose built puppy area with tunnels, mounds, logs, obstacles etc and from the moment they can walk they will be out there all day exploring, sniffing, climbing, running, tumbling and just developing like a dog should. The two I had here over the weekend, they lost some chub and gained some muscle. They were so active when the breeder picked them up, you should have seen them grab him with a nice full mouth, give a big thrash on clothing and their toys then run around like lunatics for ages. The body needs to be stimulated to grow properly just like the mind. We fill our dogs with high energy food then put them in the corner like an ornament. If your dog needs supplements, special foods, therapy, injections etc in order to function I personally would cull from the gene pool. My own dog had an uncle that was out of the breeding pool because he simply had a malocclusion of his teeth. Kateshep many countries still have large/giant breeds raised with little to no special care at all. Look at most of the livestock guardian breeds. They are huge dogs that live off very little and expected to start learning from the moment they can walk around. There is not time to carry around a dog with leg problems or that has a bad temperament. There's no beauty contests in the real world - it's sink or swim and the healthiest genetics that carry the dog to sexual maturity are passed on.
  18. my mums ill tempered pomeranian decided to latch onto my booby once ... little shit was swinging off growling and thrashing, I went to smack him and he let go, did a 180 and latched onto my palm/wrist sinking his teeth down to the bone. Thankfully his teeth were bad and the fact he knocked one out was the only reason he stopped. Looked like I leaked a rainbow paddle pop all over my boob for weeks :D everyone else ... nope no other dog would. OH on the other hand .. oh hell every dog in the house has bitten him. When rottie was young OH got out of bed once sans undies ... rottie looks up and goes OOH SAUSAGE *CHOMP* I wake up to OH screaming and clutching himself trying to chase the dog around the bedroom Rolled over onto my malinois once while I was away - a canine through the skin into gum below the lower lip, torn top lip and somehow another cut near his eye. The time before he snuck up behind her and grabbed her by the hindquarters screaming RAHHH, and wondered why she turned and raked his temple with her canines. And to top it off, dogue goes and shreds 4 bags of garbage, eats all the scraps so is the size of a balloon. OH decides to go outside and tell him off while him, an entire 5yo male, is standing in the middle of his garbage pile. Dogue grabs OH's tshirt while he stands over him, leaving a nice set of teeth marks on his stomach. I go outside and OH has an 8 foot bamboo cane yelping HE BIT ME meanwhile almost poking my eyes out with this ineffective cane, dogue is getting really pissed off at this point and I'm about to poke OH in the eye with said bamboo cane. Honestly over a bit of garbage which I was going to pick up anyway and nothing but really a scratch which left no bruising ETA I had a client once, had a really massive dog. Ran back to her during a recall, slammed into her legs and put her in hospital to pin one leg back together - dog had shattered the bones
  19. no you dont diagnose problems fully until you see the dog. It's like calling the doctor, saying I feel X, Y, Z tell me whats wrong and how I fix it. It's not possible and in fact can be dangerous because owners need to learn the skills in order to ensure any changes will be permanent and recognise warning signs of potential snowballing behaviour or what is normal in the behavioral change process. I find the biggest problem is owners self diagnosing and labelling behaviours which are wrong - many times I have gone to visit a dog which the owner explains to be one way, I think hmmmm let's see whats really going on, and see a totally different thing to what the owners have thought was going on. Can you make generalisations? Yes. If someone who buys, say, a working line shepherd says to me it's barking it's head off, bitten the owner a few times, shredded the yard and goes off it's head any time it sees a dog in the street I have a good idea whats going on and I can usually put the finger on what they have and have not done with the dog. Saying that you never simply stick to those generalisations ... like they say never assume, it makes an arse out of you and me. This is not a positive only vs punishment argument. There are people who use a whole 'tool box' and are still complete knobs when it comes to knowing anything about dogs. Then there are people who use a few tools but recognise their skill set and are happy to fix dogs within their parameter, and refer the too hards to someone who knows better. You can ruin a dog no matter the method you use, that I can guarentee you.
  20. it is a shame you were burned Donegal. I have people say 'OK I know you're going to tell me off' ... I dont. Unless you are doing something unbelievably stupid after being repeatedly told not too then no, I dont believe in blaming the owner. Since no one is born knowing how to train dogs I dont see the point of telling offs - plus it's counter productive and frankly unprofessional. Oh some people do the trick is whether the professional actually has the experience and manners to deal with the conversation direction. I would rather someone say 'I think you're wrong' then sit down and talk about why then me storm off in a huff - the poor dog is left in the middle. ETA no one likes to hear their short comings. But those people do not evolve. Is it nice to hear you're shit? No. Is it nice to admit you're wrong? Double no but thats life. Some people just need to suck up their egos.
  21. there's little to no belgian in that at all
  22. if people are not happy with their session they have to SAY something. If you do not agree with what is happening simply say 'thanks I dont think this is for us' and finish there. I hear too much from people that have not been happy yet still paid the trainer/behaviourist for their rather shocking advice they were not happy with. I actively encourage clients to tell me they're not happy - I dont like people saying ' ahh yeah ok' then I leave and they dont like what I said, hence do not follow directions and hence no improvement. That is not productive for yourself or the dog
  23. O_o you def dont need an anaesthetic for a FNA. It's simply putting a needle into the site and sucking up a few cells or liquid with the syringe. cavNrott is right if the vet is going that far for a GA you might as well get a biopsy saying that if he has one on the other side too it probably is from the ball.
  24. yup I'm driving a hummer ... they simply rebadged it with a lion logo 14 years ago oh wait, that one's not working at the moment and I have no cash to fix it so I'm driving the mercedes instead (*cough* XG panel van *cough*) I think if you're into dog behaviour for the money you're in it for the wrong reasons. Saying that there are trainers down here calling themselves behaviourists and charging up to $500 a session. Oh well horses for courses. I charge what I charge, it's enough to cover my time and all I really care most about is the fact the dog and family are happy. Sometimes I think I should build myself a big flash website, triple my fees, write courses etc but you know what, it makes me feel like I would lose sight of why I started this in the first place. I dont see a point to really standardise behaviourists and trainers because you know what will happen (should I say WHO will happen ...) laws are restrictive enough already no uneducated clot or delta brainwashed politician is going to tell me how to train dogs. I do what I have to and as long as I am not causing harm to the dog either mentally or physically then people should stay out of telling me how to do it. In fact I am the one who is called after all other trainers are exhausted. It's not hard. A behaviourist is a person who can change a dogs behaviour and help the owners understand it without throwing a psychology text book at them. Too many people still believe if a dog knows enough commands you've fixed the overall dog - no you taught it tricks. Tricks that temporarily may make a difference through conditioning but dont fix the overall dog. Saying that practical experience is worth a hell of a lot more then just reading books. I've met 2 veterinary behaviourists. One, OK has the hands on experience. The other could not even walk their own dogs on lead - why the heck would you fork out money to someone that needed a bag full of equipment to walk dogs who didnt even know how to sit at the end of it all.
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