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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I've always been a die hard royal canin person but after seeing improved muscle tone and my highly allergic dog is the best he's ever been ( the aroma from his ears for the first time in a long time is gone) I'm sticking with this. And it's cutting my dog food bill almost in half which is the biggest bonus at the moment
  2. natures gift is still only 10-11% protein, considering they say it's 70% meat in the can, well that makes 7% real meat the rest is filler and water.
  3. hooly dooly ... you should see my Dogue on this stuff O_o I let him out this morning and his rippling physique caught my eye, my god has his muscle mass increased. He looks better then he has in a long time
  4. canned food is junk. Read the label, its just cereal, gelling agent, some animal fats, flavours etc steamed into a can. Dogs need meat on the bone not rubbish like that. I dont know why anyone buys cans when raw foods like butchers off cuts and scraps cost next to nothing and are a thousand times healtheir
  5. if you have a very large dog crate you can use as a play pen just shut her in that with a bone, toys etc. If she shreds those who cares. Unless I'm going to have another member permanently at my place, segragation when you're not around is the safest thing and no sharing of resources.
  6. Nekhbet

    Poor Roxy

    Seen dogs a lot thinner then that, she still has muscle left on her. Looks like a few good feeds, a malaseb wash and a packet of frontline would have done her By the way the official meaning of emaciated should be: And that is on the body score index all vets are taught. If you're going to say severely emaciated then this dog should literally be a walking skeleton. I've received a starved dog before, he had barely muscle left on his carcass and he still survived surgery and bounced back fine.
  7. awesome! Let us know how you go
  8. new dogs in an established reasonable sized pack + food = disaster. Crate or separate and then make sure all the food is finished and everyone is well and truely over the food mood before reintroducing. I would also be supervising play time now they've started to squabble over resources.
  9. http://www.organicsaustraliaonline.com.au/category354_1.htm blackstrap is the healthiest. Livamol shouldnt give your dogs tartar, a soft diet will (i've used livamol on many dogs)
  10. depends what is happening teekay. I dont have children of my own though If the child was tormenting the dog well, a dog has to exhibit warning signals and the kid would probably get a smack on the bum ;) if the dog was simply intimidating a child and being a bully it would be receiving a pack correction from me and the families lifestyle would be changing in regards to behaviour around the dog, retraining to raise comfort levels with the dog around those situations (because realistically you do need to ensure you have a safety net when it comes to your children) etc. It's not a quick process but that dog would learn quickly the behaviour is incredibly unacceptable. Alpha bet I dont believe total separation is necessary but at the moment until professional help comes in they should separate when there is food around. It's not a long term fix but at the moment its better then having the dog nip a child that doesnt understand what the dog is telling it.
  11. unless you know how to give subcut fluids get her to a vet now dogs can live without food for a while, but without water they risk organ damage and death
  12. when he's super itchy how about a Phenergen tablet. When Diesel had his attacks and was shredding himself/welts we gave him one 25mg tablet. OK he was dozey but it helped him sleep through and not tear his skin apart Unless massive patches of skin look terrible I think shampoos are abit overrated. I used to wash him only once in rudducks Flea Di or puppy shampoo to help strip off the garbage that oozed out of his skin but apart from that left him. When Skoota had his disgusting patches a shampoo in Malaseb always cleared up the infection after a course of ABs. Pyohex (made for staph infections) can also be really good as a once off wash.
  13. oh Zigito how terrible my condolences to you for your special little man
  14. for the interim, and remember this is NOT a long term solution but a temporary management situation. Crates - rotate the dogs or if you see they are not happy, one is cranky, food is involved etc put them away! Always better safe then sorry that they are separated in the mean time
  15. negative ninnies on here aren't we? THere is no reason a dog cannot change even at their age. Saying that we dont know the exact circumstances behind what is going on and hence I dont know why saying that rehoming one or being unchangable is an option get an experienced behaviourist in to properly analyse the situation then move on from there. Meanwhile your sister has to not let dog 1 be a bully. Feed them separately, get a dog crate and teach them to each sleep in one, do NOT let each dog invade the others 'bedroom'. You also need to start just implementing rules for dog 1 that goes for both of them. So from now on humans rule the roost, not the dogs and if the more dominant wants to be a turd put him out for a while so he doesnt end up beating up the other. There is no reason that with the right help this situation cant change.
  16. you need a behaviourist to come show you how to curb the behaviour and see what else may be encouraging it. I can tell you if any dog lifted a lip at my child it would soon know never to do it again. your dog knows tricks for rewards - but he has not learned respect. Dont be lured into the trap that because a dog listens to programmed commands he is 'obedience' or respectful. Until you work on that keep your dog and children + food very separate.
  17. you dont use a choker chain on a pup that young, their necks are very under developed start with a normal flat collar and a light leash. Walk away from the pup holding his favourite treats, turn to face him and call him excitedly, when he comes give him a treat and make a fuss. Keep repeating this. If he wont budge give tiny little pops and wiggles to encourage him to follow you. You will need to practice in the backyard first so he gets used to the whole concept. THen move onto you standing up and calling him to you then move away a little to get him to learn to follow. If he wont budge again, little pops and wiggles until he does. If he plonks his bum down walk backwards very slowly and pop pop pop gently to get him up and moving, dont stop moving yourself. Dragging = putting on the brakes, little jiggles on the leash will get him moving again. Oh and book yourself in for a good puppy training/preschool ASAP
  18. actually human grade mince is simply meat - not good for a dog that needs a balanced diet. Dogs need fat, cartilage, bone, sinew etc whereas we humans are just fussy pants
  19. also another reason that if you're making a dog a home made diet to ensure it is not lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. This is why I stick to dry food especially in growing dogs or I reccomend people buy something like the Vets All Natural Health Booster to make sure your dog is getting what it needs irrespective of the ingredients you purchase. I also recommend the ethical nutrients high strength liquid fish oil instead of the capsules. Yes it has to be in the fridge but a cap full will easily do a 60kg dog a day
  20. Hey guys If anyone has a couple of dollars to spare and you're in the Christmas spirit, Leopold Wildlife shelter would be happy to take donations especially coming up to summer. I took them a donation of feed today and I can tell you they're swimming in baby parrots, injured animals and rehabbing individuals! If you would like to make a cash donation I don't handle people's money, contact them directly which will help with costs such as bills and fuel for the car http://www.leopoldwildlifeshelter.org/ Otherwise if you're near a feed store: Equus Total horse mix Grass hay bales Wombaroo mixes (nectar/insectivore/lorikeet etc) basic veterinary supplies like bandages, disinfectant, etc Bird seed mixes made for native birds Diets for natives fruit and vegetables for the mammals and birds whole creatures for the raptors and owls (if you're into hunting) Egg and Biscuit mix for the baby birds Divetelact milk powder If people have an old caravan, old cages and aviaries, kayak, bird nets, flood lights, spotlights, UHF radios, box trailer etc they want to get rid of they will take it as well I drive past them at least 3 times a week so I would love it if people who were not close write a Christmas card with their well wishes and I'll take your donation and card to them on your behalf I went to visit them today with a donation of my own and OMG they are surrounded by the most darling creatures! All of them are so healthy, happy and well cared for it was just magical to be there
  21. go to the butcher in Werribee plaza next to safeway
  22. holy crap I need to move to QLD! Saying that I cant bring my ferrets which catch me the rabbits LOL try the greyhound meat suppliers
  23. you dont need to switch food, find a good base diet and stick to it. You can always add meaty bones and other stuff as the variety Iams and Eukanuba are ok, they are currently remodelling their factories so supply can be a little hit and miss. I prefer brands like Royal Canin, Nutrience, Eagle Pack, Nutro etc for large breeds then add your own stuff give him chicken carcasses instead but keep an eye on him. And not too often incase he gets constipated, just keep an eye out on his poo habits as he gets older he should be right with raw meaty bones more often. Lamb flaps are good too
  24. I think the OP is meaning she wants an alert dog that barks when someone's around get a more dominant male lab and leave it entire as long as you can.
  25. weak nerve is genetic - which in turn is your predisposition to being stressed over loud noises. Saying that they can learn it from their mother. Have you ever thought that it comes down to a lack of learning how to deal with the loud noises that causes the stress? If they can eat during a storm obviously their anxiety has not pushed them into that level of primal panic that does not override their learning or ability to be controlled. Remember behaviours can be learned as well.
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