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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. my dog went from cripple to getting about reasonably fine - I find massage, chiropractic, heat, acupuncture and supplements to be the best. This is a dog with virtually no hip sockets either ... he still manages to leap about the couches. oh and cut down the dogs weight to the bare minimum. I mean as low as you can without losing muscle. Keep a coat on in winter and let the dog inside during the colder nights.
  2. yeah you dont add percentages ... so in a 700gm can your actual meat weight would be just 49gm per can. older and 'past it' veges are not as nutritious as most, and heat treatment has a destructive effect on some vitamins. No NatGift may not be the worst canned food on the face of the earth but if you're going down that route: $1 buys you a bag of pasta, cook until it's almost done, chuck in a few veges (whatever is cheap at the time) chopped finely or even grated and turn down heat until they just soften. Let pasta mix cool slightly then add your meat depending what 'cooked' level you're going for. My dogs didnt mind it raw so I waited until it was cold and then mixed it all in. Add a couple of spoons of something like Kelp/Livamol/vit powder, some good oil, bit of garlic, pinch of salt eh voila ... whack on a lid and put it in the fridge. Scoop out when required. For thinner dogs or winter add a few spoons of lard if you meat source is fatty. This is my 'mum has run out of money' food for the rottie I substituted pasta for rice as he has a wheat allergy. This way I save money and I know exactly what I'm feeding my dogs. We also used to cook this for the family dogs when money was tight and we needed a complete diet for day in day out feeding without losing condition.
  3. you need to speak to a veterinarian - there are enough differences between dogs and people. Anti-histamines wont stop a habit - dogs dont prescribe to the placebo effect. get her properly allergy tested. Just because you chastise a dog to stop doesnt mean she's not itchy (my own dog will stop when I say so because the noise he makes it gross but I know he's VERY itchy)
  4. he's protesting because you've chopped and changed, now he wants to go back to deciding where he wants to sleep. Put him in there a little at a time during the day, get him used to it and put him in there at night with his bone and thats that. He will have to get used to being in there wether he likes it or not.
  5. heartworm injections are not a vaccine, they are 12 months worth of chemicals floating in the body, to put it simply. I refuse to use them, if you want heartworm put them on a monthly heartworm treatment instead
  6. black hawk is tiny and there is not much chewing involved Raw meaty bones keep dogs teeth clean not kibble.
  7. you want fun police ... get yourself an entire Mal bitch she even tries to make us go to bed on time every night
  8. I was giving 7 week old puppies lamb bones with the fat peeled off and chicken wings no worries.
  9. it's not about loving your dog or not it;s about making sure your dog has the best chance it can for a long and healthy life. Not health testing the parents wont do that, and just because a BYBer could be bothere shelling out for worming and vaccination does not make them the bees knees. As they say the road to disaster is paved with good intentions.
  10. Yes Labsrule is right, a dog doesnt have to be on the verge of bleeding to death to be considered an 'attack'
  11. Whats the difference? They didnt breed the animal, they didnt raise it so there is still no guarentee. Sorry to sound down in the dumps about it but I have greater plans for my dogs then just pets so hence avoiding rescues. I know how I want my dogs to be raised from day one if you get my idea
  12. they're literally off cuts from when they trim up your human meat. You have to ask for them.
  13. Nekhbet

    Poor Roxy

    actually parvo, HD, ED, food and environmental allergies, colapsed hock, etc He travelled with an emergency pack of phenergen he was that allergic to eating some foods one vet said he was on the verge of anaphylaxis. guess cos I'm just a sucker with an open wallet.
  14. *sigh* not true, nowhere near true and never will be true. Cross breeding is more a modern(ish) concept then is was before. I can tell you I will foster but I will probably never take a rescue dog again. I've learned my lesson. Bad temperament, bad health - for that money I could have bought a breeding pair of working line Malinois. Not saying I dont love the big oaf of a thing but nah, I can't live through all that again. I'll only buy a pup from people and dogs I know. With papers. Not getting stooged on THAT again too.
  15. I can tell you kicking a dog and laying your body on it, especially medium size up or a SBT/BT/APBT will do nothing. NEVER put your whole body on a dog unless you want to end up severely injured yourself, you risk a highly stressed animal latching onto your face/neck. As for the thumb up the bum ... trust me I have applied a swift kick to the testes of an entire dog once to make him let go, he didnt flinch. Your thumb wont do a bloody thing and if it does - then it never really was a fight in the first place. I KNOW it's hard to be calm and collected but dont scream and yell at the dogs you up their drive and they latch on harder. Wheelbarrow if you can. If the dog it too big put the collar/leash up high as you can on the throat and squeeze for dear life, even if you have to lift the front legs off the ground. Natural gasping reflex will make the dogs mouth open and spit out its prey item. Some dogs are too big to wheelbarrow, last one I choked was over 50kg while the other one was only about 4kg. Wheelbarrowing does little in those cases. Two evenly matched dogs can be pried apart with bite sticks if you have the experience and the manpower. Dog parks? I never go. Walking - I carry a bamboo cane now. If any dog comes within range and wont back off it gets a crack across the face. Dont want your dog smacked keep it in your yard or on a leash.
  16. it's up to you what you feed her, but if she's doing so well on her current diet why change?
  17. if it's only one person and you're confident enough choke the hell out of the dog latched on, especially if its a larger one grabbing a small dog. I've had to do this before and it stops the big one shaking and chewing. if there;s more then one person wheelbarrow the offending animals and remove ALL other dogs in the area if you're by yourself and a dog has yours tie your dogs leash to the nearest object, grab the back legs of the offender and slowly walk backwards until it lets go. Deoderant sprayed in the eyes and mouth will maybe stop some dogs. Other times just call for help.
  18. it's a mutt bred for a nice temperament. pounds are full of dogs like that.
  19. that I'm mean and nasty. yup. A couple of positive trainers have bad mouthed me to my own clients. Mmmmm fail. ETA to dogs that is.... which I'm not. I do what I have to do to fix a problem and *shock* I use correction chains. mean and nasty to people ... well they just deserve it :rolleyes:
  20. Nekhbet

    Trouble Sleeping

    he's nowhere near tired enough. You need to engage him in a game, keep him awake as long as possible and then he'll sleep like a log :rolleyes:
  21. Nekhbet

    Poor Roxy

    see severe discomfort still isnt a PTS for me. My own dog has been in severe discomfort for months and I paid the vet bills and he pulled through. The dog was not in with the RSPCA for that long considering their awarded costs only came up to over $1k. I still smell a rat. ETA the man HAD been to a vet but couldnt afford the treatment. OK. He also probably knew if he handed over his dog to the RSPCA for whatever reason it is she would be dead. And hence she is anyway.
  22. bit of a vague website ... I also want to know what beef and chicken trimmings are. Also only green veg in it ... what about the other types of veg? Also want to see the scientific analysis to make sure vitamin and mineral wise it is totally complete.
  23. is his compulsive licking the only problem he has when it comes to anxiety? Does he whine, bark, scratch at doors, tear things up as well? Vets do not really know what separation anxiety is unless they are specialists in behaviour. Most of them think anything left of normal = SA. Also a puppy wont necessarily fix it either.
  24. pure muscle, fresh, is up to 75% water. if you let meat hang the water content decreases. What is left is then 20% pure digestible protein and about 5% fat, minerals etc. Mince is around 60% water, chicken has less water in its muscle. Put meat on the bone with fat, connective tissue and minerals, and there is a meal which also encourages your dogs stomach to have a more normal pH. Remember too fresh meat is not cooked to a rediculous temperature either.
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