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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. problem is medicine couldnt guarentee when he was covered. He was already over 3 months of age, yet he had spent time out on the street, with other people etc. Actually all pups have some maternal antibody interference for the first vaccine, and traditionally given at 6 weeks meant those pups had little immunity. Spend some time with a pup/dog and you can start picking the behaviours that stem from just lack of training and guidence and those that come from lack of being socialised properly, if at all, to a situation. I dont 'blame' which is the point. But I like to give a dog the best start in life it can get. Why make problems when you can avoid them with a little effort spent socialising them.
  2. not rubbish at all - they're hiding animals which have been either given to them by owners or pulled supposedly from 'death row'. God knows where they will end up
  3. Vaccines are not 100% effective either. My dog was vaccinated and still got parvo. If you're that paranoid about parvo lock your pup in a bubble since you can bring parvovirus into your house on your shoes especially after some dew or rain. It can live in the soil just in your front yard, back yard or heck anywhere! No pup is safe! you can rediculously paranoid about it or you can be SMART about it and put your dog in a carry bag and take it to places not frequented by a lot of dogs like beaches and dog parks. Other dogs are locked up away from the world, their owners go to work 5 days a week, puppy preschool 1 hour a week and think their dog is fine. Probably not too bad, some terrible, others fine. I should have kept the dog I had here - unsocialised up until 10 weeks of age then socialised after. Terrifying animal, almost like looking at a feral dog. Probably an extreme example but it's not to be sneezed at.
  4. I can tell you critical period is not over exaggerated at all. some dogs are able to cope with lack of proper socialisation, for others it forms irreperable scars that you simply manage, not fix. As for being booted out of dog schools, that is more the fact that trainers dont know or dont want to handle the dogs so boot them out. It's not always the owners fault at all. Socialisation is quality over quantity. The point of it is the dog is exposed to things while young and during this impressionable period you mould it to learn how to deal with these stimuli. So in the case of a pet pup we want it to be easily handled, not worry about traffic, children, common noises etc.
  5. I'll hold onto that thought for the moment Sherel For some reason Diesels ears are full of liquid and I've had to shave him as he has a yeast infection at the base of his tail too I think someone must have fed him bread or he pinched some *sigh* back on Phenergen so he can sleep
  6. dragging him wont help either, I see a lot of BC's exploding as adolescents and adults (must be a geelong thing) Kelpi-i is down near Caulder Park raceway, I'm in Geelong if you fancy a drive and socialisation workshop.
  7. People who blindly sign petitions need thier head read ... I would love to know why exactly after 2 warning phonecalls PH have been shut down and their paperwork taken. 1) why they didnt pay attention to the warning and 2) what is so wrong with their paperwork regarding the animals they have and have had that is a concern. have a GOOD think before you hop on the bandwagon.
  8. not at that price. if it's so hit and miss they should be offering it at a low rate in order to perfect the procedure. Few people have that type of money just lying between the couch cushions.
  9. yes it is sad ... those people do actually exist
  10. yeah locking dog up = no no with me I second get someone experienced in to help with this before it turns into a bigger problem. What area are you in?
  11. there are plenty of no kill shelters and rescues that can be contacted. She needs a proper behavioural assessment if she's had an altercation with another dog saying that it's pretty poor of the owner to put it on facebook :D and guilt trip people into taking a problem off their hands
  12. NDTF is not on the list of accredited dog training schools that the gov will recognise their Cert 3 members as dog trainers from the DPI website I remember on the last lesson of my NDTF course we were told we were not going to be on the above list and they were still trying. It's recognised as an official Cert 3 but the DPI wont officially recognise you as a dog trainer when it comes to things like the above paragraph if you're with NDTF only.
  13. I dont like dog parks especially for tiny breeds. I wont take any dog in my care to a dog park ever and never will. Dogs do not have to meet every other dog on the planet. It's not entirely natural either, they're pack animals not social butterflies. Socialisation is quality over quantity, you should stick to dogs that you know are friendly and wont cause problems instead of every strangers dog who runs the risk of teaching your dog bad dog body language or having poor body language of its own and ending up in a scuffle.
  14. my firewall and antivirus block his website as a reported web forgery that is a scam
  15. I dont agree at all. Pups need exposure to the world and to learn about it while they're still in critical period not after when they're crazy loony unsocialised little terrors. You have a small maltese. Put it in a carry bag and carry it around when you go out, take it on car trips etc. Socialisation is VERY important and keeping a dog locked in the backyard until 12 weeks of age is ridiculous. Just be smart. Until the second vacc dont let strange people go touching it, putting it under the noses of dogs that you dont know or go to dog club/dog beaches all the time etc. Simply let people know 'sorry we'd love you to have a pat but he's not immunised enough' or offer them some alcohol hand sanitiser. I'm in the process of helping socialise some pups, they were out of the house before 8 weeks of age, going everywhere in the car etc. Both are healthy and happy but we're smart about who we let touch and where they go.
  16. for that price they better start knowing. I dont consider it the best at this time if they can make no guarentee on how many cells and uptake rate! Dear god thats the basis of the whole procedure
  17. Ososwift has it right you're worried he doesnt eat until 9pm - considering the size of your dogs stomach and the size of his breakfast I'm not surprised he's not hungry. Be worried when he doesnt start eating for days not until 9pm Get a good dry food, give him breakfast and if he doesnt start eating it in 15 minutes pick it up. Then he gets a small dinner or a chicken neck later as a snack. he's got you worked out but I think his diet has his stomach upset hence he's not that keen on foods. Fine one, stick to it, let his tummy settle and he'll be fine. Considering his diet is so mismatched and lacking I dont think you need to feed oils you just need to be consistent in his meals.
  18. yeah it's called living with dogs : a commonsense guide looks like common sense isnt so common. I said to OH please buy me all the copies for Xmas so I can burn them before their stupidity is released into the world as for the terrier being advised to be PTS - a lot of vets from his school of thought advocate the same thing. Because they know nothing about dog behaviour. So we hands off train our dogs purely positively, check chains are bad but we're so freaking stupid we advocate killing for normal canine behaviours. Hyprocites.
  19. And I happened to see Dr Hugh Wirth(less) has a book out about dogs. A commonsense guide it pronounces. Well let's see shall we ... parasites ... hmm chemical chemical chemical or your dog will die a horrible death without them food ... what else. Oh raw bones can be good for teeth so we're halfway there behaviour ... I needed a seat for this ... it was a little chapter that was Q&A style ... 15 week old oodle keeps barking at night! - apparently needs to be put in the garage at night to muffle the barking and every time it barks you have to get up and chastise it like a good pack leader would - yes every time until it shuts up new large x breed dog with existing dog ... fighting already - wow a boy and a girl almost never fight. Let them work it out for themselves, when it gets expensive permanent separation. SHEER GENIUS. I mean I waste my time reading other behavioural books when all I need to do is read this! I see now how I've been complicating life with trying to actually to modify behaviour when I should just be the pack leader by being the biggest grumpy bum in the house, then when the shite hits the fan just separate them cos thats how dogs are! ;) My god. I ranted. Oh yes I ranted. In the ABC shop. I wanted to pull the bloody things off the shelf and burn them all right there and then I wonder how many 'bad dogs' are labelled bad because of his stupidity and not because they actually are. oh and you should see the 'dangerous dog' section and dogs and the law ... he didnt manage to let his true colours shine fully but you can see he wasnt on the side of breed preservation either
  20. I meant fight or flight concept will give you a preconception towards the whole picture hence toss it not that it's useless. go back and pick up your physiology textbook first and have a good read about sympathetic and parasympathetic. Actually have a quick read of this http://www.medicinenet.com/stress/page5.htm some more on the next pages about the affect of hormones and HPA axis on emotion and behaviour, not complete but it gives you a start.
  21. remember this diagram - it will start to help you understand OK I'm really tired so make me a list of Q's about it because this can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If you know nothing about biochemistry or physiology you're going to have a hard time wrapping your brain around the whole thing. You have to understand sympathetic and parasympathetic responses are part of the autonomic nervous system - we dont have a say in what happens the body decides for us. Now, do you know anything about negative and positive feedback systems (or the general concept of them anyway) in the way that certain hormones etc feed back to a producing or non producing gland or organ and affect it to either start/stop production? now a bigger thing, forget the 'fight or flight' BS it just gets in the way.
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