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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. stupid. rewards have been part of dog training for a long time, people who chose to abuse dogs and call it dog training whatever the method should not be training. I use 'old school' methods and I dont cause dogs to shy away from me or torment animals.
  2. punct ... u ... ation please ... you cant get within 5 meters of my car due to my bitch anyway so it's not an issue with me. If you're stupid enough to put your hand in then it's your own fault really when the window is down the dog is tethered away from it.
  3. I think people misunderstand ... there is 'old school' training as people so shallowly call it, and then there is animal cruelty. If you cant get a 4 month old pup to comply without mashing its head into the ground then pushing it into avoidance then you're not a trainer you're an idiot. The stepping on the leash has its uses but not on a pup that young.
  4. Thats OK corvus you already do now. Helping dogs is about helping the owners more then the dogs at times. They need to understand in terms they can relate to, it has to be simple to be achievable and to ensure long term compliance for the sake of themselves and the dog. 99% of dog owners are not DOLers.
  5. considering how rare salukis are there would be none in your dog. Probably about 6-7 breeds in there to get that look but she'll change as she grows
  6. thats a fabulous cart I'd love one for my malinois and dogue de bordeaux!
  7. as I said Corvus I'm happy doing what I'm doing how I'm doing it. I can give practical advice based on real life examples and have also learned people skills and how owners think which is most of what dog training is. Thats what I'm interested in not blabbering text book phrases at people who have no hope of understanding.
  8. lurchers run down the pigs and sometimes deer (not that you are allowed to now but anyhoo) hence the sighthound in them. Not usually the dog that holds the pig but the one that finds it and chases it until its cornered for the others to latch onto
  9. yup definately time for runs if they're going to be like this. Dont turn your life into a kennel for their behaviour. As for fence jumping it's a habit once a dog starts they never get out of, they may stop for a while but during stressful times something can set them off again and they start like the lab did. eta sounds like anxiety behaviours to me from both of them.
  10. it's a lurcher for pigging. Mum could have been a home made amstaff, dad was a mix too. There's a few different breeds in your dog no way it's just amstaff x.
  11. Cosmolo it doesnt mean you are not a dog trainer - since there is no law about it anyone can be one with or without a course. The difference is who the government will recognise if owners want to say their dog has a certificate in obedience or their dog has seen a trainer when it becomes involved legally as in the above example. In the eyes of the DPI all the NDTF produces is people who have a recognised certificate, ie the content is consistent and approved as being able to be nationally recognised as an official course. As an example, tomorrow I can open a security college and make my own 'security studies' course. I can put it through an official course provider and hence the government will say, yep, anyone who does your course will hold a certificate III in whatever you're calling it. Now my graduates cannot be security guards unless I go to the relevent authority that recognises them, provide my course content and they tick it off going yup we'll recognise your graduates as security guards. Until that time I will be churning out people who simply hold a certificate III in security studies, but not be recognised by the government as guards. As I said, the last lesson of the NDTF course we were told the course did not allow us to be recognised by the gov as dog trainers. They were still working on it. AFAIK they still are. Horses for courses. That is why I dont rely on my dog training to pay my rent and bills. It is unfortunate that people use mickey mouse training or heck, places they havnt even graduated from on their advertising. Invariably it comes down to hoping the advertiser is not that stupid as to further stuff up a poor dog but many see the dollars first. The biggest shame is usually people burned and broke from one trainer wont go bothering finding another or invariably think, oh well we spent X dollars on this professional its the dogs fault. I've spent 5 years at university, and a couple of years doing various certificates and short courses. They are a foundation really not the be all and end all. I have learned a hell of a lot more being out and about then being in the classroom over the years. This last degree especially has been quite a lack of hands on experience comparably.
  12. in the mean time tell her to buy crates and baby gates. That is not safe behaviour around a baby at all.
  13. I mean with rehabilitating dogs which is what I am interested in.
  14. dont worry my bordeaux has discovered rubbish ... and its so much fun to eat it all then cover my backyard in crap :D yeah time for some dog runs in the backyard I think
  15. I was going to say there is an injection for bitches that pulls them out of heat if you want to reconsider
  16. Actually 4Paws has a point the NDTF graduates are not recognised as dog trainers unless they register themselves with one of these orginisations, being a memeber only with the NDTF and a qualified trainer will not get you far according to DPI : Considering there is no law stating that only X qualifications can make you a behaviourist then thats not technically right. Even a veterinary behaviourist can make massive mistakes, the difference is they will have the AVA holding their hand when the poo hits the fan. They problem is THEY consider it out of your knowledge because you dont have a piece of paper stating that you managed to pass with enough knowledge to get you a wall ornament in a frame - no part of it states that they will get results or be good at their jobs. As for a PhD I would rather see them having practically solved problem dogs with success then written a thesis. I was asked to stay on at Uni and continue on but I would rather be out there with my sleeves rolled up then in a library tapping away on a keyboard... what do you think will get me better experience with animals. When you read a textbook you read someone elses point of view. When you read journal articles they are also a modified perspective on that subject (god knows I've read enough of them) When dealing with animals you need to get out there and learn, feel, experience, trial and error with your own dogs etc. That is what behaviour is about... and considering the domestic canine is not simply living in a 'wild' environment anymore but a man made, human first one well there is more then just the dogs primal behaviours to consider. We have different expectations from the domestic dog then we do any other creature on the planet. Saying you can treat any animal to me is a massive claim, considering 1) how many different species we keep as domestic pets and how in depth you would have to be with each and 2) many people I know who have been into that particular species for decades say 'you never stop learning'. I think the AVA is trying a stunt to corner the market and allow their members to feel 'special' and charge like wounded bulls. I wont stop saying I deal with behaviour. Sue me for what little I have lying around if that makes the big organisations feel special. But pound for pound I'll take on any dog, and if I cant deal with it I'm not too proud to tell the owner to move onto someone who I know has the skills and experience for that particular problem because for me, the dog is #1, not my wallet. Saying that I dont state I have a degree in animal behaviour so there is no misrepresentation at all on my behalf. I already have 2 degrees and 10 years experience with animals, particularly dogs and have sucessfully used behavioural modification in solving aggression, fear, anxiety, unsocialised animals, trauma etc. If that doesnt count for anything it's sad really.
  17. was this the same pup having problems with her diet and poo as well? I'd skip the vets and head straight for a specialist seems like she's now beyond the scope of a normal veterinarian Common as in it is a problem seen in younger dogs yes. But many have been sorted with diet changes. Is yours on Pal/Pedigree? (racking my brains lol) That could be contributing as well she may need to go on a home made diet. There's no way cheaper foods support the skin.
  18. yeah if you want to tether you should use something like this they come in smaller sizes, just keep an eye the spring doesnt get gummed with dirt or loose but they're stronger then the swivel hooks which really are not made for tethering strong dogs. Saving that use a D shackle
  19. that many times and forming pustules is not normal. I would be finding a new vet if they just keep sending your dog home with no resolve I use phenergen, settles the skin and makes them a little drowsy so they can sleep it off. Ask the chemist for the lowest dose one and give one
  20. a text book and real life is two different things. An animal can never come with a manual - you can read what you want but if you dont have dog savvy you wont be able to properly implement all your 'superior' knowledge. I'll take the person who has years of personal experience in behaviour modification then one who has simply read about it. If a person works on a behavioural level and can properly understand and implement it, then why not say they are a behaviourist. I have compared both, I have seen tertiary qualified behaviourists and I wouldnt let them touch a dog for me. Considering one cant even walk their own dogs properly on leash or get them to sit I can see it means squat. Go with Mark Singer. Mess up with a dog you will know about it too, just some people choose to justify the behaviour by labelling it as something acceptable
  21. Contact Mark Singer ASAP http://caninetraining.com.au/ hes the best for this dog I can tell you that. Advice over the internet is a no go when a dog is snapping at its owners it needs a proper assessment
  22. aussie dog toys, made for zoo animals
  23. sorry this in particular must have swayed my thoughts that this pup not reacting to your expectations on a harness was off to a new home oh well no more from me.
  24. to start shuffling them around out of phblic view during a council investigation IS hiding them.
  25. when you run a shelter you must declare ALL animals for an audit. Because if your foster carers cannot look after them where will they go? Pillar to post to someone else not experienced just so they are 'alive'? I have no problems with rescue, hell I do it myself when I can because every animal deserves a chance. But you need to make sure you work within the law or you can't save any of them.
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