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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. could be a bad/incomplete stitching job, a herniation, or a bad spey job in general. That lump you described is muscle swelling and it hurts like an absolute bitch I can tell you. She probably is still really tender in that area considering a spey surgery means cutting right through the abdominal muscles then poking about in her intesines to find the uterus and ovaries. Some vets do a really bad job and they can be tender for months afterwards.
  2. 5 dogs in the house everyone was fast asleep with full bellies one visitor was a little worried but after seeing mine snorning away he decided to just go with the flow and sleep through it
  3. dogs are considered chattle and as such I dont see why it would make a massive diffence as to the identity of the breeder. There is no personal accountability of the breeder considering pups are now purchased from a middle man. Many stores might refuse considering the current problems puppy farmers/high volume breeders now get from animal liberationists and they could argue it's opening their details to the public when in fact they dont want them out there (and in fact they have a right to privacy). Retail stores dont advertise their wholesalers why should PP be any different. Educating people as to the benefits of getting a dog from a breeder you can visit, speak to directly, see the parents etc would be a more useful system. Some petshops provide you with vaccination certificates with the original veterinarian/breeders name already, doesnt make a difference when there is a wriggling, fluffy puppy in a persons arms and a credit card in their wallet.
  4. yup 18 months old and above before getting another pup. They learn from your existing dog as well as having a big enough divide in age you wont be creating big prolems with having two dogs so close in age.
  5. she is totally OH's girl, very attached to him ... must be her fascination with bitig his goatee This is dad last time he came for a visit
  6. oi works wonder ... everyone hits the deck here when I do that
  7. yup she will as she looks exactly like her father who has an almost totally black head. They are working line but a darker coloured line then my girl, although her father shares the same grandparents on one side with my bitch. Same pup but at 7 weeks with her sister. We're rolling in cuteness here and I get her for a while week SQUEEEEEEE
  8. so I'm babysitting this baby Malinois at the moment ... complete ball of toothy energy *YES* and we went for a walk at lunchtime to go get kebabs. Perfect opportunity to try and tucker the little darling out (failed by the way lol she came home and ran around for another 3 hours) Her father is my dogs second cousin Hey hey ... Auntie Mina, Auntie Mina I can pull a stoopid face and it's SOOOOOO funny, watch PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH hehe *oh Athena what the hell is that bleh Harumph ... so you hate my silly face ... I'm gonna pout *hehehe hey mum I upset the little squirt, look, look, she's cracked it at me hehe
  9. Did your breeder advise you that shebas are different from normal dogs and that these two problems can be a common complaint amongst owners unless they really try very hard at training early on? How much was you pup socialised, when did the problems start etc
  10. if the bitch has an attitude problem and performs some hardcore wrestling moves on him it might have seen that happen
  11. I hear that a lot ... that they are two different breeds. *sigh* I also hear that big dogs can never be controllable they will always pull you on a walk, and there must be something magical about my lot because they dont pull, dont bark, let people pat them etc when we're out AND on a collar of all things *gasp* you mean you can TRAIN your dog to walk magically calmly by your side on just a collar?! OMG NOOOOO! *brain explode* The worst one was I was walking my dogue and a reasonably normal looking man walks up with his little boy. He points to my Dogue de Bordeaux and says 'see that spikey collar is so that other dogs cant grab him and rip his throat out, and he has wrinkles so when they dog fight the blood runs down his face away from his eyes so he can see" O_o I was mortified, the poor kid looked traumatised for life. My Belgian Malinois is a GSD x apparently, if they havnt heard of the breed it must be a designer cross (despite the fact my breed is a hell of a lot older then the GSD) My crippled rottweiler would make a great stud dog ... yes ... this is apparently the picture of a rottweiler stud dog. When I mention his health problems one bloke actually said, ahhh the pups wont get COS THE MUM WILL GIVE THEM THE HEALTHY GENES, they'll be right but they'll be nice and big! omg humans are stupid
  12. I've never paid double consult fee for 2 dogs. It has come under extended consult fee which is cheaper then a double booking. Everything else is at the same price.
  13. where is the proof of MSG? I've used it for years and love it. Nutro is great as well, it depends on what your dog does better on. Start with RC and go from there.
  14. the whole can won't explode in your hand. It would be no more dangerous then lighting a home made hair spray flame thrower (you know ... light the can of hair spray or deoderant) release the top of the can and the flame would stop. Flame extension is the length of flame if you spray the product through a flame and thats not surprising considering the pressure in the can. True flash point is the point where the chemical can form an ignitable vapour in air. The product contains ethanol (flash point ~16'C) isobutane (about the same) which makes them in the flammable category. It also means rapid evaporation = cooling the blades. There's warnings on the cans, eg dont have a lit cigarette hanging out of your mouth when you spray it
  15. cooling spray ... best ... thing ... ever ... especially doing cats O_o of course never use a blade hotter then you can lay on the back of your wrist for a second - if they head up you burn the skin and cats especially absolutely go postal on you :p. If you start clipping a double coatd breed for whatever reason you have to keep doing it because just the undercoat grows out like with your dog. I remember a malamute I did that was clipped a few times, then a vet said NO stop clipping ... that was horrific for me to shave. Poor dog was so good, stood there and with breaks it took us all day and 3 blades she was a solid carpet all over. We filled a few shopping bags with all her fur. I wouldnt be sedating the dog, I would be teaching it to have it done at home. Start little by little, I like Osters and Wahls, if you look after them they last. I just got my neighbour a Wahl horse clipper set, it JUST managed to do the cat (grant it, was only made for doing trims and bridle paths etc) If he's matted again try using a mat splitter first to help tease and break them then try gentle brushing, even if you just buy a cheap plastic human comb with wide teeth. More a token gesture to the dog to get used to being fussed with them move up to proper grooming combs. If you snag a knot DONT PULL! Stop, gently tease it apart with your fingers and try again with the comb. Pulled hairs are the easiest way to get a dog cranky I do cats as well, none ever sedated and I find patience is the best with them, clear the room of all other animals and people and have a nice chill out session together with the grooming stuff. Also done rabbits, also not sedated.
  16. Thats why you let a professional do it. The point is not just to zap the living daylights out of a dog the point is to use it as a tool to help you stop the dog doing a dangerous thing through pulling it out of prey drive and teaching it that the option of chasing bad object is a massive no no, BUT you have to also show the dog what the right thing is to do.
  17. yes down is a heck of a lot harder so start with it low. Also teach the dog to slowly walk down stairs too malinois just rush into things without thinking ... or think they can fly I would simply sure up with a toy or point with your hand and encourage the dog to follow up and praise as its going up the ladder. Free shaping would be the long way round, you have a working Mal they're determined enough to get it in a short time. I taught my dog to jump on high objects like that, got her toy, put it up on the table and patted it encouraging her to jump up there. She wanted the toy, she had to work out how to get it and when she did, boom! up, down, up, down, up, down :p There was some help with me holding the lead as well and you should too, short ladder stand next to it and help her through it. Much better for a working dog relationship if you're more hands on and help her through things ... ETA A massive amount of enthusiasm will always get a Mal working
  18. I have one worst, a dog tied to the back of a truck with a pinch collar 2 sizes too big. I was mortified. There's a lot of idiots. Next time grab the dog and straight to the pound.
  19. problem is emma teh day you are not paying attention or there is when the trouble happens. Clickers are one thing, teaching a dog a lesson it never forgets that some dangerous things are entirely off limits and not to show prey drive towards them (car chasers, snakes etc) is another. I wouldnt consider your dog proofed, just well conditioned to choose you over the car when you have the dog at a closer proximity to you then the vehicle.
  20. people can say what they want but valuable animals by professionals are proofed with e-collars. Its probably the only thing that will really get the job done and make a permanent impression on the dog that cars should not even be considered as a prey item.
  21. any dog with a massive intestinal problem like that needs to be on a drip NOW and stay on it until he's eating again without being sick from it. Dogs like this cant stomach much even syringed fluids as it just hits their guts and causes pain especially if its not already at body temperature.
  22. professional trainer and an e-collar. That dog has to learn that wheels are in no way a prey turn on. As for fence or tether - alll that does is create frustration. The day the dog finally gets to the wheels it will be dead, usually blinded by higher drive.
  23. I can tell you my ex tried to claim a dog I had microchipped in my name, paid all food, vet bills, etc he claimed dog should stay with him because apparently I bought it for him (yeah right - he never walked it once) magistrate said dog was mine, end of story.
  24. you cant guarentee unless you send every batch off for laboratory testing if you are worried about it being complete use the VAN Health Booster powder. If you are feeding pure BARF there is little carbs in there which some dogs seem to do better on then pure protein so add a little cooked white rice to the mix. Mine dont do well on BARF so I make up a rice and veg mix
  25. har har har positive, negative or upside down, if you want to end up helping people with their dogs you need to come across like you have real life experience with animals and can explain it simply not like you're regurgitating a text book. All is shows is that you can read, not that you can train dogs.
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