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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. was that you that SMSd thanks to everyone that did yeah she may not need it but I hate being caught short and as always, it would happen at some ungodly hour. little Aprillia says thanks to everyone
  2. I can get vytrate from work but that is 30km away I rang fo lectade no one open had any on hand *gahh* I was a little sus on gatorade as many human products have artificial colours and flavours and since its not my puppy I didnt want to risk making her wost. We know what its from so its not pathogenic hence not going straight to a vet, no diahhrea either. Rung the owner and they're OK with what I'm doing She's drank half a litre of water so far today and kept it down, all dry food will be soaked so she doesnt feel the need to scoff water down and vomit again. Oakway you're right, I do have saline and needles/syringes on hand always but if she got that bad I would have called my great vet and have him put her on a drip straight away the owner would have gladly paid whatever required for their baby and my vet is a minute drive away. If I was really desperate salt, honey and water but I do have nutrigel I can make into a solution as well (oh crap I just remembered I had that in the house )
  3. I purchased Pedialyte, it's made for babies, there was no unflavoured so I had to grab a raspberry one. Puppy is currently sipping water but if she has another big spew I need at least something to help her in this weather. Air con is at least preventing all the dogs overheating
  4. thanks for that sorted now ... and met a pharmacist who actually did not understand what the terms 'electrolytes' and 'no phenylalanine' meant *sigh*
  5. Can someone please SMS me as to which electrolyte solutions (human ones from the chemist) are safe for a puppy, I cant hang around the computer we have to head out now but here is my number. I cant get a hold of any animal ones around here at the moment 0401 389 863 Thanks Julie
  6. yup when there is no snow or the weather is too warm they have to get that all out somehow or they will go manic in a very short time. baby puppies starting on the wheel adult dogs running on the wheel
  7. you can use corn flour if you dont want to use wheat, or wholemeal is better. I used to use cornflour (and by that I mean stone ground corn NOT the one that is a thickening agent for sauces) and simply let it sit for 15minutes so its not gritty
  8. my lot have all eaten a cookd bone in their time. I just dont feed them or give them a soupy mush of food which the stomach doesnt have to try to squeeze too hard (small meals only) and they've all been fine. Saying that my grandmother used to snip up cooked bones with pliers for her rottweiler ... lived till 16 years old somehow
  9. they can let the dogs pull themselves in the same direction as a group when they feel like it. They also make rat wheel type contraptions so the dogs can hop on and run off the energy. I dont see the problem with it, the amount of drive and energy those animals have is incredible
  10. you're sneaking your hand up on a dog eating .. even the most tolerant dog will throw a wobbly at that. As for the tug of war she's playing and loves it. A good way to control toys is have one in your pocket, get her to come to you with the toy and say 'OUT' and show her the other. When she spits out the toy in her mouth give her that one, repeat until she understands and quickly spits toys. Then you can start tugging saying 'OUT' and hold the toy very still. You will still need the second toy for a while but eventually she will understand out means let go of toy and settle down. This way she wont be posessive but understand that OUT means a break in the game, not toy dissapears! As for the food, hand feed her, dont tease her with food otherwise dogs develop anxiety around food. Put her food bowl where she has a good view around her and doesnt feel like you may sneak up on her and you will find her anxiety will ease up.
  11. dont let him throw a tantrum and scream to get his own way. YOu do things the way you want and if he doesnt want to comply, cover his crate and let his tantrum come out by himself. Be ready for some awesome ones on the way though.
  12. no you see I've done a similar thing before, really cold, got stuck half way ... I just sat there feebly flailing for a few seconds
  13. the warning sign is a proper dangerous dog sign and dont go slapping one of those up otherwise you will be in trouble. Unfortunately with no pedigree papers it would be up to your GF to prove her dog is not an APBT, and that your own dog is not one either. Your local council website will have have information as to how far past the basic laws they take it but QLD does, as far as I know, consider APBT and APBT crosses restricted. If your dog fits the bill of being a 'pit bull type' and a ranger wants to make a point of it be prepared for trouble. Best thing is to keep your doggies quiet in the yard and dont take them to places where rangers can be out for the day. I know it sucks. There is the EDBA formed to help people in these predicaments and overturn the law. Your dogs look so lovely and well behaved espcially for bull breeds which can be a little more difficult then the average dog
  14. we tend to forget beagles are a working breed made to go scent out for miles a day! If you keep her brain stimulated you will find you have a quiet, well mannered and better bonded puppy then most people especially if you engage in activities that you share with her!
  15. sounds like a completely untrained dog. I would be tempted to hit the restart button on everything with him and treat him like an attitude filled baby puppy. Start tight again, lay down the law and stick to it firmly. I would also be separating him from your dog as he is not trustworthy and I suppose your boy will only take so much crap before he retaliates. Remember also a dog that has had his way for so long will not want to change - its natural for them to escalate before they accept change. Of course you may be looking at a genetic component as well in his behaviour. If I had him sent down to me he would live in a crate and all other times on lead with me. His diet would be changed to a lower protein, lower grain diet (something like a rice/beg with a little meat if kibble is not good) I would rule that dogs life completely and advancing degrees of freedom would have to be earned and proved especially if he has shown HA. It;s complete reconditioning, correct/ignore the bad and reward the good like a baby dog again.
  16. no such thing as too advanced. Puppies have fabulously inquisitive brains but we tend to water them down by giving them simple things. The pup I'm looking after at he moment has worked out the dog brick model in 5 minutes so I have to make her something harder to keep her from tearing my living room apart investigating all the smells and corners. If she's not interested in the kong she's no hungry. If you are feeding her from a bowl as well as kong, well, how big an incentive is it you to chase a $5 note blowing in the wind when someone just handed you $100? Feed her more from the kong nd when she's hungry enough she'll attack it another fun game is laying a basic track in the backyard if you have some grass and its not too hot. Scuff the grass with your feet in a line and throw down little bits of cheese and kabana, reeeeally tiny bits, and get down on the ground to help her sniff out the track. When she reaches the end give her a big treat. She's a beagle after all! Even hiding bits of cooked chicken etc in some old blanket she has to open up and work out will make her use her brain and nose ETA as for fear period, you will know what it is. The pup I took out today saw a skateboard and literally pood. So we walked a distance and just sat there, she got a massage and played with her toy while the skateboards were going and her fear went way down. She was still a little unsure but we worked through it as much as we could.
  17. dogs are not stupid, they will remember you just as you would remember them after that amount of time.
  18. sounds like it got stuck halfway down
  19. In QLD the act says you have to apply to your council and they must be registered, you have to definately have it desexed, warning signs on the fences, minimum 1.8m high pen, childproof gate and muzzled in public. We have nothing against pitbulls, its just a real pain if you get caught wth one by a ranger especially in some shires.
  20. he looks more like a backyard amstaff ... 'mostly' amstaff by the way, if you're in QLD I wouldnt be advertising your GFs dog is a pitbull a they're a restricted breed up there, and there can be big problems especially if hers is entire and undeclared to your council
  21. I'd say normal puppy development ... things are not as interesting as they were when she was a new addition to the home she could be just needing more different things to do and take playing up a notch As for the trotting around and sniffing she is a beagle and is using her nose to search. Maybe invest in a couple of Nina Ottoson toys and do some scentwork with her such as hiding food around, in boxes, under cups she has to tip etc
  22. you cannot use pepper/capsicum spray in Australia as a citizen walking on the street. That and there is always the chance of spraying her own dog. Sometimes things like deoderant/hairspray sprayed into the offening animals eyes and face can make them back off. A big thick collar wont do anything as an offending dog can grab the collar or somewhere else on the poor dog. She has to report the dog to the council they may already have a history of the thing. She can use a cane, but if a dog runs at yours effective will only be spraying deoderant in the face or get in front of it with a stick and confront it with your own dog behind you.
  23. although it may be a little harder, if you have small children a puppy may be a better way of going. It grows up with the kids and the family plus you get the opportunity to teach it exactly what you want, not get a dog with set habits you have to try and change.
  24. so you think expenive emergency services are there to cater to you and just make time to air drop food to you so you can sit in danger because of your dogs, while other people who may desperately need these services can wait. Cant believe the attitude. 99% of pets would go ape on a helicopter especially with panicking owners. As much as many people say 'oh they should airlift too' a screaming, thrashing frightened animal is an extreme danger on a helicopter full of people. A big dog on a helicopter can take up the space of a child or another adult - would you want it on your head your dog took their space in an emergency evacuation? I'm playing devils advocate. Open a big bag of food and hope they survive or put them out of their mysery before you leave if you see no hope. Its just dissapointing if there was fair warning and people chose to hang around - then be devestated when evac services make a call to leave pets behind.
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