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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Dogs dont just snap. There is more to the story I imagine. I have had a couple of HA dogs come here. Only one has ever caused me fear, in order to transport I muzzled him and chained (yes I mean with a chain) in the back of my wagon. And to those who think, well use a crate dufus!, getting said dog out of a crate was a 3 man and catching pole job which I could not do. Saying that he was (ironically maybe?) quite a cuddle bum when he got to know you - until he flipped to I'm a wild dog mode. He luckily found a home where he keeps another aggresive dog company together in a large run on the breeders secure premises. Properly HA dogs to me have no workability. I dont want a dog that no one can go near or spends its time trying to tear everyone apart. Those dogs get a one way trip to the vet from me. If a dog bites a person we look at the circumstances. Saying that when the bite goes past the point of nip/grab and the dog refuses to let go or actually chews into the bite/thrash that dog gets no second chance.
  2. Partial blindness can put a dog on edge, and if he is sick as well he will be very ready to snap. Dont walk the dog, leave him be or just take him into the front yar to watch whats going on, take him on car rides if he fees up to it. Keep him safe, dont push him into society which causes him stress. If it is a tumor in the brain, speak to your vet about options, preferably a specialist or a veterinary oncologist. Personally if my dog had cancer in the head/brain I would keep it comfortable for as long as possible then euthanise when quality of life wasnt there any more.
  3. If you are concerned about it you should head straight to your specialist for advice about medication and discontinuing use so suddenly. 1) Melatonin is a naturally occuring compound. In fact it is a hormone that helps affect mood, sleep patterns, cell growth and perpetuation, weight control, etc 2) It has not been approved for long term use because no one has done a long term study. Does it mean it's bad? No. But no company will write 'yup take it as long as you want' without scientific studies otherwise they open themselves up for monumental law suits. 3) The side effects from what I can see are quite minimal and are mainly based on the wrong dosage being applied. I can only find headaches, bad moods, lack of ovulation/sperm production/libido (which shouldnt worry you anyway as your dog wont be bred from) Other listed side effects like rash, allergy etc may have occured in one or two test subjects over the years and these days everyone writes that in particularly due to the fact it is a byproduct of another organism.
  4. I had subtle, sneaky, ninja destruction puppy I was babysitting pulled the bung out of the back of the air conditioner ... wake up in the morning to turn it off and *squelch ... squelch ... squelch* 2m square puddle ... luckily it was a rug and not carpet
  5. instead of just beds why dont you make something like this If you're handy with a welder you can make some frames, keeps them off the ground and you can cover them in canvas or even marine ply sheeting (handy hint, a lot of factories and businesses throw out marine ply when something comes packed in it, if you're smart you can make them for almost free) Ply will also keep the temp inside the kennels a bit more even too. Give it a coat of laquer or acrylic paint and you're set
  6. I know of giant breed breeders who desex before sending puppy off to their new homes. Males need testosterone from the testes, it is what gives them their masculine feaures and muscle mass. In bitches the hormones for development are not exclusively in the ovaries which wont even be in use until season. Your bitches shape will be dictated by genetics, not exclusively oestrogen levels.
  7. Ahh Zico .. gimme gimme gimme! OK I'll tell everyone a story. In early 2004 I went looking for a dog. It would have been my first dog raised by me and not a family dog. I first looked at a von forell Dobermann because I had always wanted one and I was desperate to do Schutzhund. I had also enquired about a litter of Malinois but was keener on a big dobermann. I got a phonecall, I have 4 Malinois bitches to choose from come pick one, no one wants them. Dam was Mechelse Astrid (Dano x Kyra daughter) and dad was a big mal called Jack (Ike son) So here's me, 21 years old, no car of my own on a train to pick up my puppy after pulling a sicky from work. I walked into the breeders garage and was instantly mauled by 10 malinois puppies, the breeder pulled one thrasher off me and said, here this bitch is medium she's all yours. I tried to attend the Schutzhund club but my ex refused to drive me to that 'shit' and so after reading everything on working dogs, fear periods, socialisation, flooding, behaviour etc I socialised he hell out of this unsocialised pup, attached myself to any training session I could and attended PP training when it was closer to home. Should I have been a candidate for a mal of her lines? Probably not. I wasnt stupid but at least I learned fast. It was hard, at times it was really horrible owning her particularly when she decided that palings had to come off fences because the neighbours 20 something sons climbed over the fence for their footy. Oh the screaming in the car, the shredding of the interior, the barking barking barking. But I trained her, she was my patrol dog when I worked for DDA. She taught me a lot about dogs and was the biggest reason I became a trainer and behaviourist. If I could turn back the clock I wouldnt have changed a thing. Are Mals hard? Hell yes. I'm happy to help anyone who wants or gets one. I welcome people to come experience my girl. She will be seven years old in a few weeks and has a lot of life and workability left in her. They're a hell ofa lot of fun though, I wont look back to GSDs, like one trainer said when she was a pup 'you now have the keys to a ferrari'. I've been lucky enough to socialise her (second) neices too for the past couple of weeks, god I miss them they are addictive (despite the carnage and scars)
  8. a dog is how you raise it. You can buy the best dog from the best lines and turn it into a disaster.
  9. digest is the cooked down by enzymes/heat/acids animal fats and meats off the carcasses. Adds meaty flavour without adding meat. I'd say the barley or canola meal. usually if there is a wheat allergy you need to avoid barley and rye
  10. still early days and the dog is still in the settling in period. Instead of feeding out of a bowl how about hand feeding? With a dog like that treat it like an 8 week old pup, pretend she knows nothing at all and has no attention span where are you situated
  11. from my experience, if you get a really drivey working line they will happily do obedience etc but they keep wanting to raise the bar. If you want a dog just for some obedience or agility get a lower drive from a working litter or get a show line. Many working lines are also breeding dogs with higher civil drive for security/military work and if you're not used to a dog like that it can go a bit pear shaped. Eg one of the pups I babysat had pretty good guarding in her, if people ran past she would growl, bark and lunge out like 'OI RACK OFF!' not something wanted in an obedience/agility dog
  12. that pretty much goes for any breed if the parents are not stable then dont touch it with a 10 foot pole
  13. if the do gobbles the necks bash them up. A chicken frame can still be too much on a dog living on a processed diet. Meat is one thing, bone is another. marrow bones can be too high in fat so unless the dog is underweight there is no point. Also great at ruining teeth.
  14. The OP wants two pets. Why let them go through hormonal periods if they dont need to, or run the risk when both start cycling they dont get along. Its about harm minimisation, why chance it if you dont have to. Before their first season isnt the end of the world
  15. dogsportobsessed I would go with a show line from someone like Amanda Russel. Some showies are still great for agility, but repetative actions for a working line will drive them mad.
  16. my bitch will chill out but only if I am. If i'm doing something she has to be involved. Well usually, now we're getting older we're getting crotchety and happy to lay back and chill out, terrorise puppies, guard the front etc. You do need to train and keep their minds active but then in the off times they will chill (for a bit lol)
  17. set up a camera for a few days to see if your dog actually barks all day, which direction he is barking in (eg if its something else causing him to bark) and hence you will have proof if its yours at all.
  18. his stomach will not be used to digesting bone since he has never had to. If you want to start introducing chicken necks, one a day, then up to 2, then 3 etc as long as his poo stays firm for a few days you can up the necks. His stomach will gradually start changing to a proper, more acidic environment needed to digest raw bones.
  19. what a load. Spoken like a person who has treated them like a GSD and wondered why they failed - too many people in this country think they are just a thin version of a GSD with more drive when in fact they are a totally different dog. I find more sheps harder to keep stable then Mals and mals much faster on the uptake. I also have 2 pure woking line Mal pups here who are absolute angels. Yes they want to play but they both sleep in a crate, hold on through the night, have learned to sit, drop, out, grab their toys etc and walk nicely on led at 11 weeks of age. They sit here staring at me like 'what do you want me to do next'. I also find Malinois pups are not screamers if you raise them properly and can be happily independant if from a good breeder. Some people stupidly breed for 'more prey drive' here in australia which simply gives you a pain in the butt useless dog. Hence pick a good breeder. Never owned one before go straight to www.malinois.net.au German shepherd or Malinois you seem like you need more experience with prey driven dogs and controlling it. I have a working line bitch who will be 7 in a couple of weeks, she loves cats, lives with rabbits, ferrets, if I say leave it she doesnt bother (just wants their food) doesnt chase like a feral etc if your dog is sitting there shaking at a prey animal you need to teach it to settle down and how to control its drive before investing in another guarding breed. Like I said you're moving to SA, start visiting Adelaide Sportdog Club to teach you to handle pry drive and you will have the added bonus of meeting the two breeds in the flesh in order to help you decide. They're incrdibly intuitive even as puppies I have never seen it with another breed. They attach themselves to their owner and it makes it incredibly easy to train them. Its not like a separation anxety thing they have a job to do and they do it religiously
  20. sas I do my bordeaux's nails with a dremel, what head do you use? OH has a plug in one though not a cordless and we can cut thin metal with it I use a solid grinding head not the sandpaper ones and it works really well, just dont keep it on too long or it creates a lot of heat
  21. what have you owned before? The two are very different in their temperaments. If you are only on your first working breed then I would go with the GSD, a little more laid back then the Malinois. Mals are very owner sensitive, cannot take harsh reprimands but are very pushy dogs comparably. My bitch is also not the dog park flirt, she is not keen on playing with other dogs and people who visit, well they're just toy throwers to her Mals can scale high fences and become nusience barkers very easily so watch this point. Oh and the puppies bite a lot and VERY hard (have one here at the moment I look like a pincusion) and if you catch one in fear period ... ugh ... they're terrible. But I wont go back to a german shepherd after owning a malinois. Incredibly loyal, great guarding breed but not a dog for the faint of heart I can tell you that, once you start something with them they want to do it ALL THE TIME ... or run around you like mum, mum, mum when are we going to training, come on now now now now now now play time now now now now now my shepherds have been able to chill out. If you are going for a shep get a good one, dont get one from parents that whine like the proverbial or I find you end up with one that does too, its the most annoying breed trait too many people are accepting these days. Since you are in SA you can always pop down to Adelaide sportdog club to see what is there and meet some dogs or try http://www.brooksvalekennels.com
  22. any dog could achieve this if you too worked at it 5 hours a day for a few years
  23. you have a bitch, and considering you now have 2 females I would be desexing them both ASAP before they become hormonal. Two bitches so close in age dont need hormones unless you want problems
  24. something alcohol based. If you have some vodka or strong alcohol use that, or some nail polish remover on a cotton ball, make sure you the rinse the dog. Never pour the solvent onto the dog use a cotton ball, or tissue etc
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