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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. my dog was similar, still pacing and screaming on Tramadol. Turned out to be a dislocated tail which a greyhound chiro fixed on the day. Vet said it was severe arthritis. She could have a disc out
  2. I wouldnt be home medicating a pup of that age. Go take it to a vet ASAP
  3. considering we're the country where people actually complained when they had to stop smoking in the car with their children I dont see the attitude towards animals improving any time soon.
  4. it's like anything. You just dont overthink it and you just do it. I was more worried I wouldnt do it properly but do it once and any anxiety dissipates I'm so pissed, at the moment everyone is at me to go ferreting. I tell them about snakes and they say 'oh but we havnt seen any' :rolleyes: warm weather + baby bunnies ... risk is too high at the moment but they still dont get it. Sayig that we're booked solid for months. I should charge by the hour
  5. people over there have to look after them, not buy them and stick them in a backyard bored or breed it to whatever and dump the pups on whoever. Australias dog ownership rate should be a lot lower then it is too. Unfortunately it's part of the 'australian dream' - the house, the car, the kids, and the bored undersocialised barking dog in the backyard.
  6. As I tell everyone ... dont look at numbers. Weights are only for vets to be able to dispence medication properly. If they feel well muscled, not overly fatty or not overy boney then they're fine. Nice shiny coats and a good waiste. Nothing wrong with a dog slightly underweight either.
  7. just tell them all pups are desexed before leaving for their new homes. That will get rid of the bums that want to breed.
  8. You need to start learning and questioning for yourself NOT just listening to what other people say. Some people have been rabbiting on for over 30 years ... and are still wrong. Read up and make educated decisions not just because someone else told you thats the way it is. Otherwise you'll just be another one of those vets that just regurgitates the text book at clients, and those vets I never go back to.
  9. demodex doesnt dissapear over night. You will have to hold onto the pups until they scrape clear, its a common mite that takes hold because your pups have a weak immune system. Its not like 'fox' mange (sarcoptes) and the vet will have to keep taking scrapings to check the mites are dying and the body is coping enough to hold off the mites. If you were hoping to sell them, sorry. You should also be letting your puppy purchasers know whats going on. Saying that an entire litter having Demodex, I would be desexing the parents ASAP. Advocate can give false scraping results. Problem is it can reduce the levels of mites so the scrapes dont show but the dogs are not actually cured. I've had vets take dogs off advocate whilst doing treatment to see if it's actually working properly. Remember a product that is a treatment and a product that is a preventative is two VERY different things. One example is heartworm. Given every month it works, give a heartworm preventitive product to a dog already infected and it can make your dog very ill.
  10. contact the NSW ferret society meanwhile make sure she has plenty of clean fresh water, somewhere to hide and plenty of food. Chicken necks and wings are fine or good dry kitten food. Something balanced and high in protein. Yes she will stink but a good feed and a bath fixes that. http://www.ferret.org.au/contact.php
  11. thats why I dont do ANKC obedience My dogs are trained in 3 languages and I can teach them what I want (oh and dont have to teach stay command either WOOT) makes command refusal wonderfully easy
  12. your vet should be supplying treatment for the pups. Are you sure it's demodex and not sarcoptes? If the first vet couldnt help find another. I wouldnt treat pups that young without veterinary supervision.
  13. you have to do it yourself, I dont think anyone would sell it
  14. my Malinois turns 7 tomorrow, I'm getting sad about it even though she probably has another 7 years left in her
  15. you better have a lot of land and be extremely experienced with large dominant, potentially human and dog aggressive dogs if you want a Caukaski Ovchar. Quarantine at that age wont do this type of dog many favours either. Lilli has Central Asian and Anatolians http://www.takasvolkodav.com/
  16. sounds like you need an overall change with the dog. If she's not calm at all in the house or out I say she's not coping with the current situationand how things are handled dynamics wise. If Mac is in heat there def will be problems. I would separate. If Quinn isnt desexed especially I see why you would be having problems with her but yes I get the feeling she's trying to cope with life how she sees fit.
  17. for a dog that lunges or shows what this dog does ... no. I wouldnt even recommend the halti. Professional trainer would be the first port of call.
  18. I like my vet ... I took my Dogue in for a check up and said, maybe he could do with another couple of kilos (my dogue has a good waist) vet said NOOOO HE'S PERFECT! Wish I could bottle that man he's gold
  19. has your vet done a blood test and hormone level test? I would be getting a full blood screen and brain scan to make sure there is no underlying disease or tumor
  20. saying leader implies leadership and guidence ... thats why we dont encourage people to use terms like 'domineering control freak' and 'tyranical overlord' when giving them an example to try and grasp when owning or training a dog. It's not totally ambiguous, if I said to you 'OK you're team leader of X group for this exercise' you have a pretty good idea as to where you should be starting with your own actions.
  21. mastiff breeds are if you raise them correctly. If he has the skills they make excellent family dogs, if not, well ... thats when people get on the phone to me
  22. the meat is more tasty then cow O_o ooh I'm norty
  23. antlers are shed yearly by deer unless you are removing them when the velvet is still on and hence yes they will need anaesthetic. The velvety coating is a live tissue, the core is not. shed antlers are not furry and are pure bone
  24. A dog is not a child. Your pup is protesting because you've given it a set routine now you've completely turned it over so it's screaming. They all do it because they dont understand why. Keep the dog up as long as possible, feed it outside, do most fun things outside and then put it to bed as late as you can. Dont allow naps if you can, if you see the pup dozing try and wake it up until it's so exhusted it will fall asleep. Shut the puppy pen/crate so it feels secure and doesnt wander. Dark and noises outside can worry pups not used to it and now all alone hence the barking.
  25. yeah OK. I meant by that the fact that because a dog behaves well in SOME circumstances doesnt mean that the dog is overall accepting leadership. Its exhibiting a conditioned response. Being a strong leader does not mean its tricks for rewards at all. When you lay down the rules and provide consistency you change the dogs demeanour and in fact is a proactive approach to the dog discovering or trying new unwanted behaviours. It is something for a professional to assist with not something to do on your own particularly when multiple dogs are involved. Corvus most of what you describe is part of leadership - a leader simply means teaching and guiding the dog, what do you think I mean? Or is Leader now a dirty word too.
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