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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. you wont find a link because there are so many different factors going into it. Plus it is a thing many people will usually warn against. If the prospective owners need to read websites on how to transition a dog, and considering this one has so many problems, is it really a good match?
  2. wash the containers or frankly, go leave them outside in the weather. Under a tree or something, let them get rained on after a good wash in detergent. NSW corrections are doing mobile phone searches, I think others are going to follow suit. If you want to be sure the dog is scenting on the target object do a test. 3 boxes with lids and a couple of holes punched in the top. Put the container in one of them and wipe your hands on the inside of the other two as well. If the dog indicates on the other two or is confused and keeps circling around you know that it cannot distinguish residuals or you have been inadvertantly training your dog onto human scent not just the peg
  3. I'm confused can you expand on this? This dog sounds just untrained. It's excited and like most of these mops on legs, pee's itself. Seems to be an oodle trait. Get some attention and start the waterworks. Just ignore her until she settles, then pat a bit if she gets excited ignore her again. Teach her human attention means we play calmly not too excitedly. awesome so instead of fixing the problem they dump it outside. No wonder the dog still exhibits this behaviour. Untrained, unsocialised and stuck in the puppy loop.
  4. Maybe, maybe not. No one can ever tell you over the internet. She needs a proper professional assessment to give you a definitive answer. I have worked with a couple of dogs like this, some come round to a degree but stay semi feral, others dont at all. Either way if your friend is not a professional I would say dont take this dog. If they want a pet, get a pet that has a decent temperament, not an unsocialised farm dog.
  5. yup minis are just like 'teacups'. Aus shep people or the AKC dont recognise them. They have the personality of a typical australian shep just smaller. If your relatives are not for a high energy working breed, small or not this dog will drive them bananas.
  6. I never said you just kept him in the backyard. A dog that grows up doing specific exercises on a regular basis will have developed slightly differently to yours. Its body will be used to certain required movements that you will want your dog to do. Think of it as a person your age that has grown up doing gymnastics and now you starting it too. Her body will be used to the movements, muscle requirements etc whereas you will pull up sore after even a short time, that is until you too get used to the movements. All I meant is if you want to start doing agility/flyball or other very physical exercises start him slowly and on a regular basis. Not all group classes are the same. But there are foundation work things that you do with the pups to ensure they go on and be OK when you throw them in the metaphorical deep end of dog sports or work.
  7. anything organic will degrade or attract wildlife in some respect especially over that period of time. If you want the dog to target on a plastic you have to remember - most other organic smells will heavily permeate the area - all plastics are porous and hence will absorb and exhude other scents which may overwhelm that of the plastic - new plastics usually have a petroleum based film on them from injection moulding. This can be washed off over time so dont use new containers they will smell different. dogs are now being used to find mobile phones. they can locate the sim card, case as well as battery. Take as many old containers as you can (go op shop raiding) and start her on those, then try a chache you know the definite location of. It will be a difficult thing for a green dog to find as what you're asking for is a fairly advanced exercise
  8. I would be more worried about lack of socialisation. This dog sounds nervy and extremely undersocialised. Within two weeks ... no she wont be the 'average' dog. I would be sending her to an experienced trainer/behaviourist for proper assessment and work to see if she is able to be a pet or if her issues are critical period/management long term. Sounds like she'd make a better farm dog then an indoor suburban pet. Koolies are a working breed anyway they need to be worked, a large backyard means nothing if they will only do bits here and there with her.
  9. Black Hawk puppy contains wheat. Royal Canin and Nutro can do the trick if you want to avoid wheat. Yup if you want to follow what the staffy people here are feeding I would go for it. Better for your dog in the long run.
  10. What breed do you have? If you are not confident in a full raw diet, I tell people that at least during the growing stage find a good dry food, as good as you can afford, and raw meaty bones as one meal of the day. You can't really go wrong with that.
  11. what do you mean by puppy food? Cans, milk, wheatbix, dry?
  12. so a hairy Dogue then I am biased though
  13. http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/breede...ber-spaniel.asp there is a list of 11 breeders on here If you dont mind something a tad bigger have you considered a Dogue de Bordeaux? Can be active but are happy to lounge with you as well
  14. roo dogs are greyhound mixed with a few other breeds, could be some dane or bull arab up the line too
  15. dogs are the masters of body language. A dog socialisd properly with humans will have a clue in understanding you. I have worked with dogs that have been untouched before 8-10 weeks and their understanding of body language is extremely out. They pick up what little they can but again you do something they have not seen before and their first reaction was fear or confusion, occasionally totaly shutdown. Funny for all these years of having dogs sleep in my bed and ending up consuming god knows how many kilos of dog hair that invariably ends up in my food, I dont get sick. OH is an asthmatic and doesnt have an issue and is in fact healther now then when I met him. Diet has a big part to play. I think this article is a bit too out of context and over simplified. If my OH suddenly said 'its me or the dog' he would be out too. Is it because my dogs are on pedestals? No. But if someone is going to act lick such a control freak drama queen, you know it doesnt end there. So bye bye.
  16. Ivemectin will always be off label use for dogs. NEVER use it on someone elses dogs, if you want to risk your own thats your business but tell them to go to a vet. It is true, some other flea products used with it can cause harmful side effects to the dog.
  17. sounds like he's coping fine without you. Get him a couple of furry soft toys if he prefers wrestling.
  18. Obviously this guy did not just get his knickers in such a twist over a name. Thats his opinion and being his dog, his right. Abusing people over something so trivial is rather silly isnt it? If someone cares for an animal so much what is there to be so angry about? Not everyone shows their appreciation in the same way as you think is the acceptable level.
  19. what charges are they bringing against the dog? If the woman purposely set the dog on the possum is one thing but if a stupid possum clibs down to say hello to a whippet of all things, then well what do they think will happen. Maybe allowing some muzzled dogs to frighten the possums off dogs would be the way to go.
  20. ask your pet store to order it in for you. You can just go straight to Royal Canin Maxi Junior instead. I would consider RC a better product then Eukanuba
  21. thats a very varied diet for a dog with skin problems She may not be digesting fully or she may just be really hungry from the prednisolone, have you tried adding protexin to her food? Muzzle her when out and about or teach her the leave command.
  22. Oh PERS how COULD you *passes smelling salts to poodlemum*
  23. leave them be. Frankly I would have told them sorry I dont have any deaings with people that breed purely for profit and left it at that. If it works, great, if not well you said your piece and they still decided to pay through the nose for a crossbreed. Each to their own.
  24. he will also have to start slowly building his stamina and body strength if you want him to start sports. His body will not be used to it so daily basics are going to be a must unless you want an injury. Low exercise pups are different from pups that grow up sporting/working.
  25. I meant this as a mixer with the raw meat, now why do people feed dry food in general. Instead of buying a big bag of low quality dry just get some homebrand rice/oats and a mineral/vit mix. Skip the byproducts totally, thats all I meant
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