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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. grind it up, black charcoal, mix with water and if you know what you're doing try and get a pipe down the dogs throat so you can pour it down and not in its lungs if you want to make sure, when the tubes in, press shaply on the ribs a few times with your ear at the tube, if you hear no air its down the eosophagus dont leave it down there long just tip the slurry down and pull tube out slowly
  2. you need some activated charcoal ... do you have a fish tank or filter you can rip apart? Or sounds stupid but go char a piece of toast until black and sove it down the dogs throat If you have phenobarbitol or diazepam to control the seizures eta apnea (not breathing) is a symptom of strychnine as are seizures, although the rigid limbs and stiff spine are also symptoms if it's true rat poison (like warfarin or other blood thinners) you need vit K asap.
  3. sounds like you have inadvertantly taught your dogs to look for other cues you have taught him this is what he waits for. Go back a couple of steps, it seems he thinks that only you acknowledging the rubbish means he is to pick it up and put it in the bin. What happens if someone else gives him the command? Are you using a clicker or a marker word 'yes' etc? As for the poodle I dont think he actually has the idea he is meant to be scenting for tea. On box is easy, walk up to it, sit down and you get the ball. Do you hear a loud, active sniff? If not he's not scenting properly. Do you have to do a passive response dog or can you do active? One way to fix this is to put tea into a toy of his. Hide his toy around the lounge room etc and have him sniff for it, start really easily and start making it harder gradually. He will want his toy but since its getting out of sight he HAS to use his nose. When he shows interest over where it is tell him to sit, then pull the toy out of its hiding place and give it to him. Now, when he's troppo over that, hide the toy again but have a toy behind your back. When he finds the toy and sits, you throw the hidden toy straight in front of him so he starts thinking, hey scent = toy pops out at me WHEEEEEEE! When he's got this down pat, put a box in the room and put tea in it, put it say next to the couch. When he finds it, BANG toy out of nowhere. Then put a couple of boxes around, one with tea, one without. Same deal. This is how you will get him sniffing because he will be forced to use his nose not just his eyes. I trained another dog in scent detection and she was so toy obsessed she wasnt actually sniffing properly, just going through the motions I showed her to make her toy appear. Only when she was encouraged to find the toy she really got it, you could hear that strong air intake which meant the dog was actively processing the scents around her. Tore my kitchen apart AND even scented on the container the scent was stored in because she associated the scent as BEING the toy. She was active response which meant a couple of sauce bottles were sacrificed but oh well, it was too exciting Remember with scent detection training, if you cant hear the dog sniffing its not really trying. If you see the head just waving about and barely audible sniffs the dog is using its sight more then its nose.
  4. yup sounds like the fleas have gone troppo and she's munched herself silly.
  5. saying that if a dog gets into a mood and just grabs whatever is in front of it like it would a toy, bye bye kittey. If you dog likes chewing on things get some fabric bite tugs http://www.fordogtrainers.com/index.php?ma...products_id=497
  6. I worked in a vet clinic and the owner hated my dogs there. Brought my bitch in once, she had the squirts and I couldnt stay home with her so put her in my crate in the spare room. I got a 'oh so you bring that thing in here to shit all over the surgery' O_o Dont worry my dog hated him with a passion too :D I take one to work but they have to stay in the car, so its only on cold days. They like sitting in the shade watching the people go by, cars in our carpark so nothings going to happen to them.
  7. what was the postage like for the dog pen doggeek?
  8. oh dear .... I'm not a pro groomer but even i''m not that much of a numpty when it comes to what a dog should look like. At least she didnt just shave it all over
  9. take him off the bonnie working dog. Too much cereal if he's already got crappy skin. Put him on raw if you can't afford a good dry food, like Stormie said give him a novel source of protein like roo. An omega oil supplement wont hurt either, try him on the ethical nutrients liquid fish oil.
  10. unless you really know what you're doing taking a pup under 8 weeks is a bad idea. I see enough dogs with problems because people wanted them 'now' and young. If you're a trainer and willing to shoulder the responsibility, fine. Anyone else, noooooo.
  11. it can turn into resource guarding in a way. One thing I hear is the dog not liking the partner and pushing people apart or baring teeth at the partner if they come too close or touch in a way the dog deems innapropriate. If you want to be called a resource that is ETA that dog did not guard anything else like food, toys, couch spots etc. But when it came to his 'woman' he was hell. Bashed me repeatedly while muzzled because I sat on the bed even with the daughter out of the room, it was his den and he made you know it.
  12. there any greyhound racers near you? Their vets usually do vaccination days and its dead cheap because there is no consult
  13. Get someone who knows dog behaviour to watch you guys for a while, there can be differences. This is not about favourites per say, although it can swing into that type of behaviour. This you see down on a primal level of the dog finding it's 'partner' in the pack and treating them as such, eg as a mating partner or a puppy. Not saying the dog is going to hump the person but you can sometimes see a definite pairing that the dog chooses. Remember official top dude, husband, has left the area so dog takes it upon himself to guard the 'bitch'. It's not about being alpha, as positions within a pack are fluid, this dog thinks he has a job to do. One severe case was a really large male dog who 'paired' with the daughter in the family, anyone who came near her bedroom was fair game to be attacked. She could do whatever to the dog, everyone else was not fully trusted. Dog had been desexed from 8 weeks as well so it doesnt always make a difference Dogs like this can gravitate towards what they find the most stable, consistent authority figuire in their lives. This doesnt necessarily mean the 'kindest' or 'nicest' but the one they see as most worthy of trust and obedience which can be a separate issue to gender. I get it too when I train some dogs and then off lead they bolt to me over their owners and wont listen to them O_o I'm not training my minion army, truely i'm not. This situation is not like the intrapack 'pairing' some dogs do, this comes down to the fact they stick to the person who makes them feel most comfortable.
  14. 2 weeks to really be sure but up to you and your vet. yes and no. I think we're a bit too precious these days with dogs. Take a look at most farm/working dogs they run all day from he moment they can get about. Exercise builds muscle and enourages the body to grow to handle the rigours of various movements the dog will do. Saying that marathons and pounding the pavement is not a healthy or natural exercise for a growing pup.
  15. am I right I find the dog will develop a different relationship with the member of the opposite sex in the household. Dogs take on the wife as a pseudo-partner and vice versa, especially if there is only one dog in the house. I do find when the hubby leaves some male dogs take it upon themselves to keep watch over their 'bitch'. These mental pairings can be particlarly exacerbated when the dog is uncontrolled and innately takes it upon itself to 'pair' with the opposite sex owner and the partner has problems with the dogs. Saying that my bitch treats my fiance like a puppy, she cuddles him into the corner of the couch and grooms his head her 'boyfriend' is our friend Mark whom she absolutely goo goos over when he comes over. He gave her a little stuffed toy elephant for her birthday, she has not torn a stitch and hides it from the other dogs (she's a soft toy shredder) . If they go to take it from her she bares her teeth and she wont really use it as a toy to bring me to throw for her. Its just something she sits there with and chews it gently. Doesnt happen in every family but often enough. I know one couple, hubby is totally not the dog person and doesnt really want a bar of her, but their young bitch think's he's the bees knees compared to the wife who does the walking, feeding and training. It's not a total snobbing but you can see who the favourite is in the dogs eyes.
  16. almost 3km is too much for a little terrier puppy in one go. If you want to walk carry him the whole way. Keep him away from dog parks etc for the next 4-5 days while his immune system deals with the vaccine he has gotten.
  17. not everyone does in Australia. Our own animal welfare dont temp test. You get what you get.
  18. dumbell has become a prey item hence the munch munch. Uta Bindells showed a method where she sits and hands the dumbel to the dog for a second, clicks then takes it back. Keeps repeating this exercise but entends the time, if the dog mouths break and start again from the start of the whole thing. Does she not have a command to go get the dumbell? Have her on a leash, you can get tabs that attach to the collar. The dog should be focussed on you for a retrieve command not pre-empting your throwing of the dumbel. Do you use a prey toy with the dog already?
  19. thats not rescue thats a dog trader. Wow $2000 for an oodle. Comparably I can get a spiffing working line dog with papers, full history, work guarentee and parents health scores for that price.
  20. i wouldnt confuse the issue by adding a notepad. What is a constant with the caches - the plastic box. What happens if the book is missing, waterlogged, mouldy etc? Your dog wont indicate on the article because you want plastic AND paper. When you do scent detection aim for the KISS principle ... keep it simple. The more you try and add to it the less chance you have of a strong indication from the dog.
  21. is the dog alert barking more with the same sex or opposite sex person? it's not all down to reward and punishment and I wouldnt really put it down to that. The dog may not feel as relaxed with one person as it does another hence it feels the need to alert bark more. plus to add, no dog will ever treat two people exactly the same, no creature on the planet does. There will always be differences sometimes a little too subtle to notice unless you are making a conscious effort too.
  22. When I say anxiety there is a different meaning then there is for people. We think of anxiety as that negative panicking feeling when for dogs I mean an increase in the level of, well, lets call it excitability. Now depending on breed, training, socialisation etc that anxiety can shoot off into different directions once it reaches a threshold. Some dogs go mad and run around, some start a fight, some pee themselves etc. Troy Calming Paste, Good Manners, Valueplus 4 Calming paste are good. I give my big ones one ml but I would say put a ml into some water then give her a quarter a day (they're big tubes) just keep the mixture in the fridge so it doesnt go off. Now for super submission and constant rolling over there are a couple of ways of doing it. One is redirect the dogs attention to something it loves (apart from you, so food/toy) and get her up off the floor for it. Bring her out of her shell, let her jump about for it and grab it then just gently praise her until she becomes more confident. If she's not interested in anything another way is when she goes to roll over hold her up. Dont let the brain go into autopilot. Hold her and give her a nice, firm massage and keep talking to her gently to prevent the brain just going 'ROLL OVER AND PEE, ROLL OVER AND PEE'. Do it in small bursts, if she has that look like she's about to pee just get up. Gradually extend the attention she get
  23. try a lick of calming paste with the bichon. She's never learned to deal with her anxiety in a productive manner and in some dogs it's at the drop of a hat. Then try the ignoring until calm and gentle pats/massage with her. Saying that your parents didnt put the dog in the too hard basket and leave it as an outside only dog
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