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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. puppy preschools are made for pups who are not fully vaccinated. Find one with a good trainer who controls the interaction between the pups and not jsut let it turn into a free for all. Do it ASAP.
  2. schutzhund, technically, is a controlled situation. Condition a dog long enough and have enough skill, you can make a fairly average dog get a Sch/IPO title. Schutzhund dogs bite a sleeve which they see as a prey toy reward, PP/Security dogs should throw the slipped sleeve and actively re-engage the decoy which is their primary target - they will also bite any limb on the body or wherever they can (shoulders accepted LOL ever seen a decoy piggybacking a Malinois doing a shoulder bite?) Threaten some Schutzhund dogs and be serious about it, it has a chance of pissing itself and dragging its owner away. Then there are some Sch dogs that are just all round awesome and would have no hesitation in tearing you a new one if you tried to attack it. Unfortunately you cannot always tell the difference simply from the Sch title which is not a guarentee of civil qualities in the dog. Schutzhund is an indicator of prospective working ability, not that the dog has it. It is better to test dogs yourself or see them work in the discipline you want before purchase.
  3. encouragement can never start too early, in fact the young pups are better at learning then older dogs at times. Start hiding food around in boxes etc and get that nose working!
  4. Nutrience and Royal Canin are pretty readily available and not as expensive either as Artemix, Canidae etc. You have to think of cost and availability, most stores will easily access RC/Nutro etc but few will have the grain frees through their regular suppliers if they dont already. (I googled for a price and this came up about canidae as one of the top 5 search results http://www.consumeraffairs.com/pets/canidae.html)
  5. what chemical was used for the fogging/
  6. two options ... teach the dog to settle and remain calm in conjunction with a calming paste see a reproductive/soft tissue specialist
  7. sounds just like the dog ran itself stupid and scratched its nose on the fence being a loony. My dogs have done the same thing. Dogs cannot sweat and rely on evaporation to remove heat through panting and urination = fluid loss = more drinking. Give the dog a cool place to lie down, a bucket of water and leave them be. If I took one of my lot to the vet every time they did something silly or acted different from a sedate dog I would need to take out a morgage. Start reading up a little on canine behaviour and basic physiology, there are heaps of articles on the internet to make you a little more self sufficient. My own dog has managed to shred the top layer of skin and all her hair off the skin on her throat ... Cetrigen and some salt minerals cream is healing it nicely. wee bit of ovekill. If the dog is fat (if you cant feel the ribs easily, and I mean not through an inch of blubber) then your dog is fat.
  8. the breed has been fiddled with too much over the years. Other breeds do a better job and hence the dobermann got left behind. Shame because they are such a fabulous breed, but I wouldn't bother going to it when there's breeds like Malinois' around. Not to say you cant get a dobe that will fit the bill, but its more difficult and there's less choice around compared to other working breeds. The ANKC wont accept dogs doing bitework, schutzhund, ringsport etc. There is no requirement for the dogs to do anything but have papers and a pulse, hence dogs end up moving away from their original purpose in a lot of cases.
  9. ahh security dog people. Dont forget the more you lock your dog up the better worker it becomes yup, when they're crazy from hours of solitary confinement of course they go off their nut I dont totally agree with specialised sevice animals going to just pet homes for the first 12 months. Theres a lot of good development opportunites being missed with some types of dogs. Be interesting to do an experiment with one litter sent to pet homes, repeat the mating then send the next lot to be in house trained by experienced people and compare the success rate at 12 months, especially for dogs like detection and protection.
  10. the best way to buy a working dog is go see the parents work, unless you trust your breeder. Dont discount some kennels like Fireax especially if you want a good companion/guard. A dog doesnt always have to come from a macho website breeder to be good for some purposes. I think you'll find Dogzonline wont have a thead that has photos and opinions of peoples dogs especially in the negative
  11. sounds like they were working dogs not pets. Not every dog likes being all over people. I know people who do charge more for breeding dogs over just pet/desexed ones, more money for a better quality dog. I would pay for a better quality dog, beter health scores from great genetics.
  12. I still want to understand who told you that toys make them soft, and what theory that stems from.
  13. how will toys make them soft? They need mental stimulation, a way to release their drive. Find appropriate toys. As for socialisation, an unsocialised skittish working dog is useless. They should be just as if not more socialised then a pet.
  14. hiding it around a room and making it gradialy more difficult 1) keeps the dog interested and 2) is not too monotonous. Same box, same behaviour repeat repeat repeat becomes boring. I know the NDTF train with one box but many dogs can become bored with the same thing and quickly.
  15. not necessarily. He knows his toy is in a box, the scent to a dog will be strong and he can get away with a casual sniff instead of putting effort into it. So he's kind of doing, ehhhh its in one of these come on GIVE IT TO MEEEE!
  16. thats one tough dog great to hear he's survived. now MOVE ALL THE POISONS!
  17. Left a mssg on facebook for you
  18. apparently my dogue is a shar pei, 'rolly dog' or a pit bull Malinois, OK not many people know. Dingo x, german shep x is the most common. If I say 'belgian shepherd shorthair' something twinges, then they go 'oh so it is exactly like a german shepherd!' er no love. Nothing like it. Much older breed.
  19. You need to build your Mali bitch Zep there is no way she will achieve those distances. Hope you're not thinking that in a day. What average dailys? By 2 she should be able to cover good distances but build veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly or you'll ruin her. Not called the ferrari of the dog world for nothing speed, they're ultrasonic. But like any breed you need to build endurance fitness, Zeps got a working line Mali
  20. can they get some IV fluids into the dog, even subcutaneous between the rib cage and skin to help the system? Huge fluid loss will concentrate the strychnine eta Sue I have a veterinary guide to treating Strychnine and it's limited in what you can do. Fluids, flushing, sedation and artificial respiration are your only options with it
  21. we better pray this is on tough dog
  22. eta liquid solution - crush tablet in not a lot of water since the dog has diahreah and more water especially cold will cause rectal contractions add enough to make it a paste and get it up there, if they syphon some fecal matter out it may work. Body temp water can stop contractions
  23. if its in Kazak they will have strychnine if its been past half an hour and the dog keeps convulsing, sorry Lilli unless they see a vet that can put the dog on a respirator or they can medicate it there and artificially breathe for it there's no real cure for strychnine poisoning
  24. diazepam can be given rectally for convulsions, 1mg/kg, liquid solution
  25. if the dogs airways are closing conversely you can try and put same flexible tube down the windpipe to help respiration, just make sure someone has hold of the tube at all times and keep your hands away from the teeth
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