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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. you dont need to salt bird wings, if you break them off the animal whole and stretch them out, them let them dry in a warmish airy place they will be right. Saying that do you want to encourage your dog to go for birds with real feathers? Retrievers are one thing in hunting scenarios they are taught to not mouth or kill if possible.
  2. what do you consider a bigger breed? A lab and a boxer are considered a large breed dog. Will it be more a companion or do you want a running partner? French Bulldogs are awesome dogs, not too small but not too big and not a staffy lol but not a running partner Dont discount staffordshires totally, I think they are great dogs for the right people, very loving and can go running with you. A really low drive cattle dog can be the way to go too if you want a more active dog. Saving that a good dog a bit older then puppy stage from a reputable rescue might be the way to go, or even an older one from a breeder that may not have succeded at showing (all the basic training and socialisation has been done for you!). You know what the temperament of the dog will be, how big it will get and ifit is compatable to your situation
  3. you have to remember that when dogs are already in a heightened state, it doesnt just necessarily stay at that emotion the whole time. So for example she may be excited to see the leash through habit, you start your walk and she's extremely excited still. Then she sees another dog, she's sore and her excitement flicks over to her reactions you see now. Dogs are fluid creatures, they have to be. Excitement when you want control is NOT a good thing. A jumpy, bouncy dog that just about drags you out of the door to go somewhere, fidgets and carries on when in the car is bound to aggress or be attacked itself by other dogs due to its rude behaviour. This is then how these things snowball, she has never learned to be calm, and hence the behaviour gets worst and worst. I only say about the prong because it gives you control and if she does decide to lunge out to get another dog she will be corrected for it in a way that will not hurt her or pull you over. I find that many dogs remain calmer just having the prong collar on. It is not a solve all like any piece of equipment, you will still need methods to deal with it, but I find it wipes the floor with harnesses and head halters. Trick is to settle the dog using the collar and reward the hell out of it while the dog is in a calm state.
  4. if you have examples that would be awesome Ish
  5. corrections, not playing with toys, weak nerve vs prey level.
  6. sounds like some backyard protection training involved. Both dogs need PTS, they should never leave the pound. The owners should never own an animal again, if they did train the dogs especially. Bloody rednecks :D
  7. If you need to do an assignment on HD/ED I have x-rays and photos
  8. comparably at 3 months of age (just on 3 months)
  9. I have a couple when photobucket stops being an arse 5 month old rottweiler after 3 weeks on drips, weighed about 12kg and stood knee high to his back. I have another somewhere. They ran out of veins to put the needles into so his front leg veins are rooted
  10. Can someone point me to links about all breed show sheps vs specialty? I have a friend who is interested in showing, and although I can spout out of my ears about working sheps I dont know everything about it enough to explain to her Thanks!
  11. I had 5 when we were on a 5 acre block in the country. It was easy when everyone got along, everyone in the run during the day then house at night with us. Crates at bed time.
  12. that and feeling bad for the dog because she cant go out. Big deal, you are meant to be the dogs primary concern not other dogs. In fact meeting so many new dogs in unnatural for a wild canine, it will usually end in posturing or territorial display instead of a bum wag and a play time. When you have chronic pain, it tarnishes your experiences in life. Trust me I have it. Her arousal level is probably more due to associating outside = pain, then you not taking her out. If she is still in pain, she fulfills her own expectation ... that outside the house and other dogs = pain. Take her out again, she sees a dog, everything is sore anyway so dog brain goes 'ahaaa see I KNEW IT WOULD HURT!' and flips her lid. You did not mention genetics. If the sister is DA, what are the parents like. It could be environmental but it wouldnt surprise me if she also has DA tendencies. Saying that, a predisposition is not a guarentee. If I rode that wave then all 3 of my dogs should technically be tearing either other dogs or people apart. And they dont. Sounds like you need to invest in a prong collar before anything else.
  13. Elcho park is the only kennel I will trust with my dogs. If they're behind it I dont see why they quality would be any less then what they provide here in Geelong
  14. by the way what are you walking the dog on? collar/harness?
  15. it all depends. If you're happy for twice the work housetraining and general training then go for it. It's more a personal preference then a hard and fast rule. If you want another get it the opposite sex to yours and choose one that is a happy go lucky personality, not a little bully.
  16. I would bring him home, let him have a wee/poo then put him in the crate with some water and let him sleep. You obviously dont know the temperament and how the pup will cope with the travel so let him have a break instead of immediately having to deal with a whole new dog/cat. I never let new dogs with my own on the first few days until they have settled in and I have control over the situation. By then my own dogs are used to the new dogs smell/noise and there is no excitement between that can turn nasty. Many crates come with a divider so you can make it smaller while the pup is growing. Because its a cross it could be any size, how big were the parents? Catahoula/dane is a pigging mix, and the catahoulas are still a rare breed, I suggest you give these people an email http://www.currantcatahoulas.com.au/ ASAP for advice as few people will be able to give you better info on what kind of training for your dog then someone who has had the breed for so long. Basics for training though are - your pup knows nothing, physically show it what you want, then reward - if your pup chews/pees/poos dont punish it, its your fault for not being vigilant - be strict and work harder now at this age as you shape how the dog will be for the rest of its life - be CONSISTENT with commands - say a command once, show the pup, reward - dont accept any biting, mouthing now. It wont be fun when its an adult in fact it can be dangerous. If the pup bites you slip your thumb under the tongue, press until you hear yelps then walk away. - remember pups have very weak bladders, outside and say 'toilet' every half an hour or with every change of activity. If you keep saying 'toilet' every time your dog toilets you will end up with a dog that toilets on command. I dont use treats I just keep saying 'toilet! good dog, toilet!'
  17. http://www.aussiedog.com.au/products/dog_range/thongs Aussie dog are made for dogs that are destroyers. If you want info email them, they are a great company and will happily reccomend a product that suits your two
  18. pet resumes worked for me too, photo of the dog, training level etc I also aimed for older houses. Technically the dogs are not allowed inside but after almost 4 years of inspections they've never been anything but really happy with the condition of the house and yard. I covered all the floorboards and vacuum/mop often. No dog smell at all because I cant stand it either.
  19. if you need to do it now have a at least one other person present. This is how I did a massive dane that freaked out having it done one person give the dog a really firm massage on the head/neck, talk to the dog, have the TV on etc so its distracting. I had the clippers and was rubbing the dogs paws firmly as well. When the dog relaxed I snipped one nail then went back to massaging the paw. Relax again, snip again. I managed to do the whole lot like this and the dog was too distracted to worry about it. By the end she realised I was doing it but didnt freak out. If you ignore the issue and distract the dog, they wont freak. I used this at the vet clinic too ad always got nails done without a problem.
  20. 1) stop putting your own feelings on the dog 2) if the dog has had a lifetime of chronic pain at any level, you will find it more on edge and willing to aggress. It's common enough 3) without seeing the dog its hard to say what exactly it is. I'm making a guess. It could be late onset maturity that has now made her asseritive, your own allowances that have seen her snowball etc. Get a behaviourist in, someone who understands pain, aggression etc not just a trainer. My own rottweiler is becoming more and more reluctant to leave the house or meet other dogs. He loves a drive but a walk or a play sends him stressy he associates it with pain. So he goes on a lot of drives, we have visitors for him a lot and dont let visiting dogs harass him as he is very touchy about his legs when they come near him. Not a 'perfect' life by stereotype but for him he's happy. ETA dont start reading books and just asking for pointers. You have a big problem that needs proper professional help not DIY. The money and time you spend on th books could be better spent learning from a proper professional.
  21. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1118177-overview It could be due to the stress of the fogging, OR simply the chemicals causing an immune reaction. Biopsy seems to be the only way to know fingers crossed for your doggy!
  22. sorry found it, bilateral perinuclear opacity (or sometimes called 'halo') Its a cataract Canine Opthalmology Text try page 111/112 of this one, it lists it in GRs but that they dont have the gene at the time of the book (2002)
  23. I thought the perinuclear halo was describing an intracellular phenomenon, not about the occular lens http://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Citat...ear_Halo.6.aspx
  24. If it's a physical problem then why would you do this? This goes beyond just excitement lipstick, the pain it probably causes would contribute to the dogs overall anxiety level. He also risks rupturing vessels or tearing soft tissue and having permanent damage if left. Desexed dogs can have trouble going back. My own idiot rottweiler decided after all this time to one day tie with my bitch. Guess who had to give him a 'hand'
  25. http://agservaustralia.com/downloads/Py%20Fog%20MSDS.pdf take them the MSDS, sounds like he's suffered severe irritation from the solvents. The warning is not to allow any animals near the area until the fog has completely dissapeared, was it done at your place or next door?
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