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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I say come over to my place for the afternoon, bring some nibbles and we'll workshop
  2. yup if you can score a detection job within quarantine, customs, prison, army you're in good money, its all $50-60K plus I dont really understand where some veterinary behaviourist fees come from. There's good and then there's hoping they teach the dog to poo gold nuggets afterwards for the price
  3. leave him in somewhere like the laundry/bathroom with a bed and some puppy pee pads. If he's a small breed you can fill a shallow box with paper based cat litter and put a tissue soaked with his urine there so he's lured to it
  4. you dont make it too hard and you can help him along if you need to. But it will make him actively search it out.
  5. depends. If you're in the capital cities you can expect to make a decent living off being a private business. My rates are on my website but I dont do it full time and I'm not in it for the cash. I know most trainers have another job and do the dog training on the side.
  6. did you try what I recommended last time? As I said it seems the dog is not actively sniffing and just seems to be guessing otherwise he would have no problems finding the box (unless you have been placing the item in other boxes and he's indicating on residual odours)
  7. I wouldnt necessarily limit this to just undesirable behaviours. They can also bring out the best in your dog using behavioural modification instead of rinse repeat training.
  8. dont use tyres they contain wire which will shred your dogs mouth. Use go kart tyres only, they are solid rubber, even old drag racing tyres have a synthetic radial in them
  9. TIgger is doing the NDTF course. Its the most well rounded allthough the admin side can be painfully slow.
  10. bring back the old theory that a dog is a dog, that it needs mental stimulation and training, and that you just GO to training like everyone used to when I was a kid. All rocked up to the dog obedience club saying that I think it was like a gold coin donation for the lesson after paying your yearly fee. Bring back schutzhund, herding, tracking, dogs going out everywhere stop this mess of berating people when they CORRECT THEIR DOGS EFFECTIVELY. Dogs sometimes need corrections get the heck over it. Sorry Corvus but when you teach your dog there is no consequence for not listening this is what happens. So you end up accepting the behavior. Plenty of ways of getting him to leave dead birds alone. bring back giving snot nosed brats clouts on the back of the head for tormenting dogs we're in this mess because we've become afraid of what a dog actually is. We like the cutesy side, not the realistic side and hence we're forgetting what a dogs actual needs are. Hence this over breeding, not socialising puppies, thinking puppy preschool is the be all and end all, or then you hit overpriced-open-a-vein dog training schools. From what I see a lot of dog training is heading the wrong way. People over analyse dogs, they make things harder then they are then it all falls apart .... then its just a bad dog. Some people are right, many are so deep in theory they forget about the dog. Some can talk the talk, regurgitate text books but i'm yet to see them fix a basic problem or hell control their own dogs.
  11. no I mean a dog that will give him a couple of pinnings Its hard to say whats going on with out seeing it. The cav could be provoking it or the staff x could be in prey because of the screaming. Either way separating when you're not there to supervise is not a bad idea and only allow on lead play until the staffy x gets it
  12. that dog needs to meet some well socialised adult dogs that dont take crap that will put him in his place
  13. why reduce the protein? Ever think its a grain allergy? Or contact? pups need protein in their growing phase, if your concerned about food put her on a novel protein raw source.
  14. always reward for correct indication, always always always.
  15. negative reinforcement or positive punishment?
  16. i'm surprised you let an impaired pup slip and slide all over your desk and papers. She needs a surface she can grip to in order to help her motor function develop and doesnt injure herself
  17. stop doing this. No wonder your dog is crazy of high value raw items. When a dog is eating dont fiddle with the food or put your hand near its mouth. If you want to start with raw items again chop up some meat/necks and use it as treat rewards which you hand feed with the other animals out of the room in order to decrease anxiety. But going off this and your leash walking problems I'd say invest in someome to come help start you both on the right track
  18. boarding and training has its merits particularly with dogs that are a bit out of the owners skill level. Saying that the owner then has to learn to handle and consistently keep up with the training that has been done in order to have a 'well trained' dog
  19. yup none of those are super premiums. Supers use a set content, no byproducts, artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and premium protein sources.
  20. dogs can be debarked legally in Australia no worries if the council gives you the OK. He could have been a nusience barker and was debarked but still ended up at the pound. Sure it does. They want an entire dog that doesnt bark the neighbourhood down and gets the council ranger on their doorstep every second day. I wouldnt worry about what people think, the vet can have a look down there. If there is no temperature and his bark has been the same since the day he got too the pound then you can wait and see if it is KC. Saying that some dogs just have really different barks.
  21. I get 20kg of minced frames with some meat and offal in it for $10. Frames are $4 for 10kg find a processer/wholesale butcher they get rid of it by the truckload.
  22. I believe in them too. But a dog that cannot lose weight on 1 1/2 cups of dry food a day at the age of 5 is not on a healthy diet despite what the packets say. Dry food doesnt work for all dogs, and if people do not have the finances to buy high end foods like Nutro, Nutrience, Royal Canin, Artemis etc then a raw diet is the next best thing.
  23. what you're feeding is not an elimination diet. In fact it's a logistical nightmare. You add one new food in at a time and that is not in the space of a few days, its a couple of weeks between. Find what she is good on raw wise and stick to that. Why do you need dog roll, dry food, this that and the other with an allergic dog?
  24. run far away from that mob. Find a decent obedience school and take yourself there as well. Obedience is part of having a relationship between you and the dog, not just sending it off. You need to learn too how to maintain the behaviours.
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