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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. can I add .. dogs get neutered, bitches get speyed
  2. in 20 years we've never had a dog that needed that stuff. My oldest dog is 7 and has minimal staining on her teeth. Diet is better then additives any day
  3. http://www.triple-pet.com/site/index.php?o...s&Itemid=63 its the chlorine in there that does the whitening. I wouldnt be letting my dog drink that at all eta yucca is in most foods these days
  4. AQIS will rotate you out of a handlers position within a few years - unless you get a kennel/training directory job. If you're just a AQIS senior officer they expect you to move on
  5. I dont think the dog is intellectually impaired, sounds like the training has not just been right for her status and hence you're having trouble. Trust me I've seen critical period dogs that act like a wild animal and they still capable of learning and listening unsocialised yes - but that doesnt mean she is totally incapable of learning. Why dont you contact someone like Steve at K9 Force or Steve Austin/Glenn Cook at www.petresortsaustralia.com.au, all know about critical period issues
  6. remember not every dog in the pound is a good further breeding prospect or can fill a particular niche. There is more to breeding then just pets - why should the accidents and poorly thought about breedings be the only place to get a pup?
  7. I am planning to breed, hopefully have a kennel up and running in the next 5 years
  8. is it 5ml per meal or 5ml per kg of pure meat? If the dog was getting no kibble and just pure meat then 5ml per 5kg is the daily dose.
  9. considering the pup is also getting kibble, 5mls of calcium per day on top of everything else sounds a lot. What kind of mince are you feeding and how much? I would be feeding meat off the bone instead of pure mince or 'pet mince' and decrease how much they get. If they're nice and lean you shouldnt be over doing it
  10. firstly get the dog a thorough vet check, then contact craig murray
  11. retrieval is a different kettle of fish. You want the dog to focus on the bird/toy as the prey item so they can find and retrieve it at speed and dont lose the bird. Hence why many hunters use live birds during training, to engage the dog to focus and actively seek the item wherever it is. That video is the very basic start of the sendaway. Looking at the final product This type of sendaway is not to a particular place. Its a staight out sendaway until the handler says different, it is not like the obedience 'table' or 'place' as the dog has to just keep running until told otherwise. Vickie do you mean the handler stands at say the start of a row of jumps and throws the toy? Where is the handler standing when they throw it say at a straight row of 3 jumps?
  12. Thats why my friend started her own dog school. We take any dog, any behaviour, train ay means that work for both dog and owner. You want to learn something left wing, we have small enough classes and enouh experienced trainers to help you with that. We also explain why we train things and where you can use them, as well as focussing on dog-dog and dog-human interaction. Prey reward, food reward, pack reward use what you like as long as it works. Its a shame someone with potential has such a closed mind early on.
  13. Twist words how you like. If you stuck a muzzle on Eric while out so he couldnt pick up a baited animal and he didnt mind wearing it, is that too punishment? Is keeping him on a long line so he cant reach the bait but will hence though proximity be more interested in your reward punishment? As for lack of consequences - by your definition then your dog has few. I suppose when you make enough excuses for something you previously found undesirable to accept it you really dont need to try too hard to change it. You obviously went to a crap dog club. Problem is instead of simply being intelligent enough to understand the problems of what happened you seem to have this rabid protest going against any form of correction, punishment, consequence or other normal things in life. Frankly its getting a bit tiring. You had one bad experience with obviously people who were plain bad, and you now pigeon hole everyone who you deem is in the same training category as them and slam them down. If you want to be a supposed dog behaviourist go to dog clubs, learn the good, bad and the ugly that goes along in the dog world. See many, see different training techniques and hell even see them done PROPERLY so you can have at least an educated opinion on them. Learn also that a totally hands off approach can ruin a dog just as easily as a too hands on. Speaking of 'ruining' unless your dog has serious serious critical period or genetic nerve problems they're hard to truely 'ruin'. You would have to absolutely terrorise, and I mean back into a corner and beat until it breaks, a dog to ruin it that much it's never fixable again. Bad habits are a pain in the arse to fix, the longer you leave them the longer they try to keep kicking on, but very very few dogs are 'unfixable' in the right hands. People need to go out and learn from good trainers. They need to go do some obedience, some agility, and I wish we could do schutzhund at least in Vic again. There are too many working breeds now locked up in backyards. Considering most trainers cannot even do basic prey exercises with dogs is quite disheartening. We have gone backwards into a fun fun fluffy fru fru world.
  14. You want arousal. You just want self control and more focus hence he bites Kivi which you should frankly come down on him for. Redirecting is unacceptable behaviour. you dont let the dog chew the tug toy on the end of a flirt pole. Its to tease the dog and when he grabs it you have a little tug, release then start again. The poles are about the chase not the tug, its about frustrating the dog and teaching it the game of chase. Again this is my point. If the reward is the fact the HANDLER plays with the dog with a prey item there is no self reward by the dog. Using a command for poor performance and cutting the exercise, then going right back to the beginning will show the dog what you want. Some people can work fine with throwing the toy, I think that would be the minority. The dog should not go, oh dont like that toy, eh not that good. If I have to I reward my dogs by playing with the leash they're attached to. If I have an old jumper on I pull down the sleeve and let them tug on the fabric. But do they randomly then grab the leash/clothing? No. If I dont initiate the reward there is none. Saying that the dog should not be so obsessed with the toy it a) wont give it back and b) cant focus on anything else. You are the reward, not one specific toy hence why Eric runs off with them.
  15. True Kelpi-i. It doesnt mean you use them on every dog, it just means you are intelligent enough to analyse the dog, its behaviour, causes and implement a proper plan that will help the dog most effectively. It doesnt mean we slap a chain on every dog and yank away until it gives up like some people think.
  16. is the pup just scratching its collar or all over? Sometimes collars drive pups bananas and they scratch around the neck
  17. oakways on the money dont shake cans they scare the poo out of dogs and can sensitise them to loud noises later on if you use it as a fear device. And dont shove a dog. You can hrt a 9 week old quite easily. If you do scruff you dont hold them up, you scruff and growl untl the tantrum stops. Remember dogs dont speak english. They dont know what NO means at all. You're better off giving a low growl or a BAAAH in a grumbly voice and firmly.
  18. what are you feeding the dog? Have you called up the breeder to ask for advice?
  19. you actually reiterated my point ... that dogs are not being treated as dogs. But with all the anti-breed sentiment, and the idea that if a dog behaves like a dog it's defective in some way, most of the population think they are toys with batteries up the butt. Dogs need consequences. Consequences do not immediately equal corrections. Before you go off at me about corrections read what I wrote. You cannot stop your dog because you train in a consequenceless manner hence the dog will do what he wants to do because you have no way of stopping it. No it wouldnt. It would be a better place if people had more knowledge and accepted their limitations before going out and just buying a dog. In some instances if some people corrected more at the beginning I would have a few less clients. If the acceptance of taking a dog to more then puppy school became the norm again. Before the days of puppy schools you went to dog club. You went while your dog was an adolescent, into adulthood and someone was there to help you through. Now I get a LOT of people who think puppy school is the be all and end all, if they have more problems its the dogs fault. As for those who whinge dog school is too repetitive, when your dog does the behaviour perfectly and has focus week after week after week that is repetitive and useless. Too many people are in a hurry and if the dog does a half hearted off the hip sit out to the side for a second they consider the exercise done. Where is the pride? Where is the achievement? Have we become that much of the instant gratification generation we cant have some patience and appreciate how proper training builds a relationship between you and the dog? That the dog is the one learning as much as they are? I teach my clients how good and how fun dog training is all over again. High fives and freddos for them trying and getting the dog to do that really nice sit, or nice recall. They need the encouragement too! Then when the basics are there we mix it up a bit, show how these basics lead on to other things in life. I dont believe that dog training should narrow itself down to a philosophy that totally discounts some methods. If thats how it's headed call me a dinosaur, but I wont become a fossil any time soon. It will just mean more business for people like myself with more methods to hand to deal with behaviour then those that choose to limit what they can and cannot do.
  20. ask them if they've noticed anyone throwing anything over the fence lately as your dog has been sick and he's needed a couple of vet visits. Just add his stomach is really sensitive, he needs a special diet etc etc Roundabout way of getting the point across if they fess up or not and you're not directly accusing them
  21. I requirez the clarificationz I meant for a sendaway throwing a toy removes focus. Using a stationary toy like in this video is the trick. See the handler still plays with the dog as the reward is her playing with the dog, and the dog even turns to face her. This is the beginning exercise you extend from there (which later becomes the Shutzhund sendaway) If you can get you hands on Ivan Balabanovs Obedience Without Conflict DVDs they're awesome
  22. yup no worries, much easier if I see the dog and we can work together. Asking for speifics ove the net is like me asking what do you think of me wearing this red shirt (not right red but not really dark) with this pencil skirt (it is a sort of silver/charcoal pinstripe thing but I'm not sure about the cute) with these black heels and not see it but go from my description. For all you know it could be a really out of date hideous combo but how I type it sounds OK
  23. depends where you are. In Vic I see prison and AQIS just intaking people in those roles without prior employment there BUT they are senior positions and hence you need the experience and background in something at least similar to justify the pay and the role. Experience with dogs seems to be the last thing on their minds and I know for AQIS how you handle a dog is not a deciding factor ultimately in your employment. It only helps you get a final interview.
  24. why are you throwing the prey reward? It should remain in your posession and be on your terms. Tug, release, new exercise. You shouldnt want the dogs drive to take a dive, as can the focus, when you throw the toy. If he's being too noisy he needs to learn self control. As soon as the mental attitude comes out put the toy behind your back and look away. When he settles and focus's reward him. Flirt poles are a great way to increase drive in moving objects.
  25. if you can get the table into the mouth, push it down, hold the dogs mouth shut and tilt the head back whilst stroking the throat. You can syringe some water into her mouth too it makes them swallow
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