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George my Doggie

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Everything posted by George my Doggie

  1. Thanks Shel I'm going vegan too ^.^ much harder than going from omnivorism to vegitarianism. Miranda- But dogs aren't true carnivores, they are semi-carnivores and oportunists. The diet of a maned wolf cosists of over 50% plant matter ( and that isn't from the stomach contents of it's prey either). It is very possible to feed a dog a vegitarian diet, and I am willing to put in the hard yards to make sure that my dog still gets all the nutrients he needs. As for the problem of protein, there is wonderful thing called tofu, and there are plenty of other non-animal, high protein foods available. Anyway, thanks for your opinion.
  2. Hello all. I've been thinking of putting my dog on a vegetarian diet and have read that, in order to provide complete nutrition it must be carefully formulated to provide all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that a dog needs. If anyone could give me some advice, suggestions for books to read and websites on the topic would be much appreciated. I am also wondering about what not to feed my dog and how to prepare food for him. I'm not interested in being flamed and insulted, so if you don't like it don't post. My thanks in advance ~GMD
  3. I get jealouse of people with really well socialised dogs. My brother got a labrador puppy to be an assistance dog for his room mate and that pup is really well socialised. Not afraid of anything, doesn't jump up, only barks when someone is at the door, not to hyper. She's a bit destructive and can play a bit rough with his other dog, but Sara is a really great dog. She doesn't even know that many commands. My dog knows heaps of commands, but isn't well socialised. I'd rather a well socialised dog than a well trained one anyday, but heck, I still love George with all me heart!
  4. glass sliding doors are a good one ^.^ my dog used to run into them, so I had to stick a bunch of stickers on it at his eye level so he knew it was there
  5. I'll just list all the things my dog is scarred of (he's a rescue and wasn't socialised early) water bathing rinsing with hose lawn mower loud noises There's more, but I can't think of them right now. Oh, and there's this thing they tried in America called the 'super puppy program' and it made the military dogs more tolerant, easy to socialise and more trainable. It would be good for all you breeders to try ^.^ Start whent he pup is a few days old, hold it, supporting it's whole body. Then, tip it upside down gently for a few seconds. Next, handle it's paws, look at it's teeth, touch it's tail. After that, put the pup on a damp towel for a moment, then return it to it's mother. repeat daily. apparently it was very successful
  6. more... flags banners tree branches moving in strong wind remote control cars kids toys (especially ones that make noises) people dancing, busking etc.
  7. The vet (that's the big one. You're dog has to love the vet) Do a star jump infront of your dog (my dog got freaked when I did that) Umbrellas livestock big hats, coats people with beards, sunglasses people of all races bald people wheelie bins musical instruments aeroplanes wheelchairs cats rabbits, birds and other small animals trains fuzzy dogs, bull-breeds and dogs of all shapes and sizes rain storms radio vacuum cleaner hair dryer gunshots ((I can put more if you want them)
  8. I got a martingale collar today! It works great. My puppy class instructor/boss got it for me...on the condition that I didn't use if to stop George from pulling. really, I'm not that intellectually challenged George doesn't even pull anymore anyway. Kitkat: yes i know, all training tools can be misused, but some are more dangerous than others. I love clickers! They're the best training aid I've come across. They helped me stop George from pulling and saved my arms (not to mention my sanity) Kavik: But they are contoversial...I have people saying their cruel in one ear and other people saying they're perfectly humane in the other. Sometimes I just don't know who to listen to. my friend used to use a pinch collar on their cattle dog...I won't say anymore on that. I don't want to start a debate. I have no opinion
  9. I hate chokers/check chains/correction chains/whatever people are calling them now... There are so many ways to misuse them, and lots of different methods...some of which are contradictory. I'd never use one. Too confusing and too contraversial.
  10. hehe^.^ hence the usefulness of google and the dogzonline forum! Oh yeah, and poodlefan, I don't use a halti. I only trialed one for a few weeks under the guidance of my puppy-class instructor. I couldn't get my dog used to it, so I never ended up walking him that much with it. :D Anyhow. Thanks again for the advice and information peoples.
  11. Thanks everyone. I'll have a look at those websites and try and order one. I'll remember not to leave them on all the time. methinks the blackdog one would be the way to go, as I dont want one that's going to tighten heaps- just enough to stop my dog slipping his collar. Thanks again ~GMD
  12. I want something to stop my dog slipping his collar, and I found these martingale collars (pic bellow) I was just wondering if there were any dangers to using them before I got one. Thanks. ~GMD
  13. ^.^ All is good with George...But he keeps licking his stitches... I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and get them to give me a bucket (ie, an elizabethan collar) to put on his head. The vet did ask how long he'd had it and if it seemed to be getting better, but it was just spreading. It started as just one bald patch, then another appeared. My vet is always very honest with me, because they know me very well. They also know that if they charge me for a medicine that made no difference to my dog's recovery and I find out I'll take George to the other vet in the industrial estate -shakes fist at suffolk vet- So yes...rambling again...I'll shut up now. George should have his usual super-shiny wonderful coat back in a couple of months.
  14. George is back!!! He's still a bit dopey from the anesthetic and two testicles lighter, but he is okay. The stuff on his face was indeed mange, and he has to go back every week for 6-8 weeks to get his injections for it. That means he won't be able to come with me to help with the puppy classes on Saturday...Poor Georgey.
  15. So...demodex is also a kind of mite like mange...but different... I want my dog back...I want him back now, but I have to wait another hour. I miss playing fetch with him :fetch: and his barking :woof: The house is so quiet without him... I hope he's alright and didn't vomit while he was under anesthetic I want my puppy back! I guess George isn't the only one with separation anxiety...
  16. Well, of course it depends on the individual dog's personality, temerament etc. I was just reffering to the breed in general ^.^
  17. I house trained George in under a week using the positive method. The negative method doesn't work. A dog has a very short associative memory (about 3 seconds according to a book I have called 'puppy school' [it was my bible when I first got George]) so in order for a dog to link and action with a consequence, it will have to happen in under three seconds of the event. It's no use punishing a dog for something it has done while you weren't watching it because it will not know what it did wrong. All it will learn is that it's owner becomes agressive for no reason and is not to be trusted. Never ever hit any animal. Don't punish it for doing wrong. Positive methods are the only way Some more advice for house training : Don't bother with paper training, it's quicker and easier to teach the dog to go outside from the start. Keep the door that leads outside closed, so there is a clear definition between inside and outside and the dog doesn't get confused. Try to keep your dog in one room until it is housetrained, but give it some supervised freedom of the house every day. Take the pup outside every 30mins-1hr Praise your dog like crazy when it goes where it is supposed to That's what I did, worked very well. But it depends on the dog. From what I've heard, herding and working breeds, poodles and most gundogs learn very fast.
  18. I always thought the injection was cheaper? My friends maltese terrier has a yearly injection and has never had any problems with it. I'm currently giving my dog these chewable blocks (I believe they are called 'heartguard') that you can get from the vet. They're great, and you don't have to shove them down the back of their throat as most dogs will eat them willingly. My dog loves them. I can't even consider the injection untill my dog is 12 months and fully grown.
  19. I don't think it's ringworm, otherwise I would have it all over my face and hands! I saw a vet show on tv a while back and there was this little girl with a guinea pig that had ringworm, and she still cuddled it up to her face and she had ringworm all over her face! That's probably what I'd look like if that's what it was. I've never heard of demodex...untill now that is...Oh well, we shall see, we shall see... There was no lump. at least not one that I could feel when I parted the fur to look at his skin. I guess that would narrow it to demodex or mange. I took him to the vet today for desexing, chipping and to have a look at the stuff on his face. The vet said it did look a bit mangey, and they're going to do a skin scraping to see if there are any mites. He also said I have two options for treatment if it is mange. A twice weekly dipping with a medicated shampoo(or something) or weekly injections that cost about $14 dollars each for 6-8 weeks. I think I'm going to go with the injections if it is mange, because George is terrified of water. He hates it with a passion. He doesn't mind the vet though, except when I have to leave him there. I was talking to the vet nurse around lunchtime when they had a break before surgery and she said he was barking alot, so they had to put a citronela collar on him. Poor George. He has separation anxiety.
  20. My six month old border collie cross blue heeler has two balding patches on his face. There is still a little bit of fur there, but noticeably less than on the rest of his face. One bald patch is under his left eyes and he had another above his right. A couple of people have told me it could be mange, but are there any other skin problems it could be?
  21. Will do. My puppy class instructor lent me a big huge book about agression in dogs, so that should help too. I think the only problem would be the muzzle...He doesn't like to have things on his face, but I guess I'll just have to get him used to that. Thanks again
  22. I've never used a checkchain, and probably could have explained that a little better. That's only how I have seen them used (which may very weel be by people using them incorrectly). But you still should not use a checkchain with that method, you will harm your dog.
  23. Because the idea of a check chain is to pull the dog back to you when it starts to pull on the lead. The method I described is to simply stop, wait till the dog gets bored with going nowhere and lure it back to your side with food. If you just let the dog pull on a check chain without 'checking' it, you'll just strangle the dog or do some kind of damage to its neck. Only a standard collar and lead should be used with the method I described. Of course there are many different ways to teach a dog not to pull, I have found that each book I have bought on dog training has a different teqnique. You just have to find the one that works for your dog.
  24. Thank you poodle fan. I actually didn't really want to reprimand him because I was afraid he would redirect his aggression at me. I will try all those things you suggested He still shows all the warnings, but the other dog is bigger than him, so it doesn't usually take much notice. The other dog was also taken from the litter at six weeks, and I think that might have something to do with it as well. I know three dogs taken away from the litter at that age that have trouble understanding body language, getting off topic a bit here... Anyhow, thank you all for giving me advice and your views on the issue.
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