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  1. Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. This has been very helpful information. I had a read of the Chris Zink stuff which makes sense in theory for sure. Has anyone actually observed anything like this in the 'real world' with their dogs in terms of injuries or arthritis or even increased sensitivity over those areas when grooming if dewclaws are removed? Sorry for all the questions! I think I have probably decided not to worry either way if I find the pup i really like but I still like hearing opinions form those of you with lots more experience in this. Cheers
  2. Thanks for the replies and for the link to the other thread. I will have a good read through. I guess I am trying to figure out whether removal (or not) would be reason enough not to go with a breeder if I otherwise liked the dog. Thanks again.
  3. Hello. I was wondering whether most breeders still remove dew claws these days? Is there a move away from it? I remember years ago everyone did it but lately we have been talking to some breeders (retrievers and poodles) and some have them removed at a young age them whilst others prefer to leave them intact.We've had dogs in the past both with and without them. Not wanting to start a debate, just curious what the current thinking was these days Thanks.
  4. Thanks Helen. I really appreciate that. Cheers
  5. Hello. I am new here so apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place. We are looking to add a Lagotto to our family and are currently in the process of researching breeders. As well as obviously conformational soundness our key criteria is temperament. Would anyone be willing to provide any advice regarding breeders that have a strong focus on temperament (not to the detriment of type) and that also place an emphasis on raising their pups in a family/home environment where they are well socialised with other animals and people. Please feel free to PM me if that's easier. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Cheers.
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