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Everything posted by Rude

  1. Rude

    Panacur 25

    He sure does as I saw the little white buggers the other day when doing the pooper scooper thing. And have seen the same white worms quite a few times now. They are about 1cm long by 1mm. Any other suggestions what they might be if not worms?
  2. Rude

    Panacur 25

    Made a mistake and should not have put my message in the puppy dog section as he is over 13 years old now.
  3. Rude

    Panacur 25

    Hi all what is a good worm preventative for dogs as we have a kelpie x and nothing seems to work on him, we have tried all the expensive medications to no avail then somebody told us about " Fenbendazole " and after looking this up came up with " panacur 25 " it is supposed to be for farm animals, but can treat domestic as well. Does anybody know what the correct dosage would be as I have been told 1ml for 2kg. So for my 30kg dog I would give him 15ml. for 3 days. Thanks
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