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  1. Thanks everyone. We saw Amanda today and she said there are no current active skin issues and she is overall in good condition, just a little matronly, so I am going to try her on the all raw diet and see how she goes. I met Amanda's amazing little rescue girl who came to her with no hair at all and is now a healthy, happy, hairy little girl
  2. Thanks for all your advice. I have talked to Amanda and am going to see her soon so she can check my girl's skin and advise me on a raw and veggie diet. Boronia, what ratio of AVC to olive oil do you use and how much per day?
  3. Thanks Boronia. I have her on a grain-free diet of Applaws and VIP with added flaxseed oil. I supplement with plain chicken breast for variety.
  4. I adopted a 5 year old Westie a few months ago and I have noticed some black patches of skin on her tummy and under one foreleg when all her other skin is pink. Is this common in Westies? She doesn't scratch or appear to be itchy, although she occasionally rubs her beard on hard surfaces.
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