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Everything posted by rugerfly

  1. Helen, I love your dogs, hope we get to see more of them here.
  2. Im pleased you like it Rocs. I have the same (obviously). Lovely to see some Rockster portraits. I find myself crawling all over the place with this lens
  3. oh crap. If you can, take it to a computer shop, I tried to fix something like that once myself
  4. Yes thankyou, all of you. I've learnt poo loads even from just the most simple photos.
  5. I'ts been so hot, then all that rain.
  6. Thats annoying Ash. Do they pay for them first? are you talking about proofs etc?
  7. oooooooooooooohhhh weird monkey thing!
  8. Must get my camera out today.... :
  9. The grass is greener in one and the sky is bluer in the other
  10. Chuck it all in and get a Nikon D3 :rolleyes:
  11. Im totally happy with it Rocks, but Im sure the D90 would have been better for me to spend less money as I dont need my camera for a living. I just had to have it. Its an awesome camera.
  12. KJA. Here goes. Im in your boat, but not if you know what I mean. Im not a professional photographer but I take photos for a living But it doesnt matter if they suck, as long as they turn out. As you know, I have had the D3 for some time. I will never ever ever use its full features for ages as I still dont know how to use them all. The D3 IS the ants pants of photography appart from the new D3X. I can tell you, the low light stuff BLOWS MY MIND its that good. I LOVE THE SHUTTER SPEED. would i spend the money if it wasnt bought for me? No. I bought a D300 (DX) for my own personal use which is not full frame and is now the third model from the top, under the new D700 (FX). I wanted it as I couldnt possibly use anything less after having had the D3. Now I kinda wished i'd saved the money and just got a D90. Unless you have the cash to throw away or REALLY need the features, I wouldnt but only you will know this? for me its now a money thing due to all of Rugers expensive surgury, and im not really financial. Roogs.
  13. Better when not using at Huge distance, for crispness, but I rekon its a great all rounder Rock and not all that pricey. contrast is excellent. I wouldnt bother with the 300 unless you need the distance.
  14. Thanks Chewy, i have heard news now too
  15. Im sorry for you Bambina as you obviously have close links to the Cana dogs. I still dont know whats going on or how they both are.
  16. you thinking about that one Rocks?
  17. Thats a coincidence Chewy Mal and Faye are being well supported by GSP Club of Vic and GSP Club of NSW through donations. Thankyou for everyone's generocity and to the clubs for setting up the funds.
  18. THanks Rip, i just got it now, my email account locked me out for a few days
  19. Classic. The white board would have given you some serious light metering challenges too
  20. Meh, make sure its the VR twin kit the non VR kit is cheaper at Nikon on Broadway.
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