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Everything posted by rugerfly

  1. Do yourself a favour and buy a 18-200. It will do all the ranges perfectly indoor and outdoor. Awesome choice for the D200 welcome to the Nikon club!!! Wish i knew you were buying one, Im good mates with the dude from NOB, nikon on broadway in sydney. They are the cheapest for lenses and equipment. Read the reveiws for the 18-200
  2. Glad you liked it Rips. Good luck at the Royal today.
  3. Hi RA. All my shots in that thread are with a Nikon. I did some portraits today with my 18-200 and im stoked with the quality. You have to be pretty crafty with the 50mm and move around a bit with it.
  4. it is all good fun. All Michael had to do to take a better shot with mine than i do is hold it, even on the same settings :p I think im having another Canon bash tomorrow too Hey huge congrats on Rosie Posie's little girl's win!
  5. ergonomically better for long term shutter pressing lighter than my d300 ( but i cant expect it to be in that field or compare) not a high res screen i didnt think? easy to use though without knowing anything about it. This one had a battery pack on it and was still light.
  6. I used a 40D today, Michael Trafford and I swapped for a few shots at the Royal
  7. excellent. D lighting is an awesome feature.
  8. your light meter on auto is reading the brightest reading and takings the settings going off that. Is it on matrix, spot or pattern? put it on spot and focus on a middle range colour (using manual). what are you focusing on when you are taking this shot you are speaking of. is it birds etc? try iso 200 also. can you post the photo here? D80's can get confused sometimes with bright colours so i have heard. Try setting your camera to -0.75 EV to allow for this.
  9. perhaps up the hallway. I have used the 80-400 inside
  10. I like the 50 for indoors too as its good for low light. 1.4 are great rocs. you can really play around with them then.
  11. they would be good rock, but not for inside or close subjects. I do want that lens though
  12. oooooooooooh eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
  13. Get a 50mm lens and bump up your ISO a bit, dont use your flash or take it outside in good lighting Just get her to sit with you with your kit for a while.
  14. Seriously, the 18-200 is a lot of fun, and you wont need the other lenses, you could actually sell them I have that one and the fixed 50mm for low light or if I want a sharper portrait to play with DOF or just an all round light lens. You should get the 18-200 for under 1000.
  15. Im outside trying ot experiment on things and the dogs are being boring
  16. PC, if i ever decide to sell mine, i'll offer it to you first. I havnt even pulled it out in the last month...except for yesterday. The cooler weather is more motivation. I shoot at work, but that is boring photography.
  17. Chez, Im a D3 and D300 Thanks everyone for input.
  18. I've just shot in Raw a few minutes ago, but was curious as to other's settings for vivid as opposed to standard on the camera bank settings (not post processing)
  19. What setting do you use, Standard Neutral or Vivid when shooting? (i have a D300) in camera/picture control.
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