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Posts posted by DREMEN

  1. Yesterday I bought Bella a puppy kong. This one:


    I blocked the hole with peanut butter, stuffed it with a smacko added water and froze it. I gave it to her at lunch and she LOVES it.

    She licks it, then throws it, rolls on it, licks it some more. She was having a blast.

    Can't wait to try some of these other stuffing ideas :(

    Jenny Wareham -> Now thats a tought staffy!!!

  2. Unfortunately I will be starting a new job soon (good for me) but the problem is that for 10 weeks I will be attending training in the city which means our 6 month beagle will be left alone for 9 hours during the day. :rolleyes: :cool:

    What do you guys and girls do to prevent boredom in these situations?



  3. Don't I feel like a fool :) ;) :o

    I was feeding chicken wings, necks and I tried to feed chicken liver but she wouldn't eat it.

    I did notice all her poo's had turned white and were tiny. Todays were back to HUGE black/brown poo's!!

    edit -> Thankyou to everyone who corrected me.

    Also, I think I might have overfed her on the raw diet. Because one day she wasn't really interested in food. When I gave her a chicken wing she just went and buried it. ;)

  4. Bad news ;) I have chickened out of feeding a raw diet :)

    After two days of feeding chicken wings, necks and carcass I watched our Beagle struggling to goto the toilet. He poo's were really small and hard. It looked like it was really hurting her ;)

    So at the moment I am back to recreational bones :o

  5. Alrighty, no luck finding whole chickens (organs included). But I have started the RAW diet anyway.

    She loves chicken, drumsticks, wings, necks. I am going to start buying whole chickens and chopping them into 1/4's.

    One problem I have found is that she won't eat chicken liver which I am trying to fed her. She is currently only eating chicken and the occasional rec bone.

  6. Instead of feeding my puppy weetbix and cooked mince I have decided to give the RAW diet a go.

    She has always loved chicken and meat/bones so I thought this would be the best thing for her.

    A few questions:

    Where in Western Sydney would I buy whole Chickens from? Ones that I can cut into 4 and feed?

    I can't remember ever seeing them for sale in shops anywhere :laugh:

    I will be feeding mostly chicken (wings, necks). A small amount of liver. The occasional fish. And recreational bones such as lamb shanks and brisket bones.

  7. I have been wondering the same thing about giving chicken necks/wings to my pup (14 weeks old) but now i'll definately give it a go, with supervision.

    What about other bones? Lamb shanks etc?

    I give them all to Bella. She loves bones and chicken necks.

    Just supervise your pet just in case. I still watch Bella when she has a bone or chicken neck.

    Your dogs will do back flips for them! :)

  8. Is chicken neck ok to give to pups? wouldn't they accidently be choked by the fine bones? I am just a bit nervous giving them to my pup. :)

    I have feed Bella chicken necks for at least 4 weeks. She loves them. Never once had a problem. She gobbles up and nearly swollows them whole!

    I think I remember either posting or reading a thread on here about chicken necks being fine for puppies.

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