Hi there, long time lurker first time poster. I am really worried about my 16 month old golden retriever Archie. Archie has always had a reaction when we have wormed him, he also did not like spot on flea applications we would have to have about three if us pin him down to do it. At the start of last month our vet recommended we change workers (he was in drontal) and since he as it was so difficult to give him flea applications we go for an oral fleaer. The vet recommended panoramis, which I stupidly gave him around 41/2 weeks ago trusting the vet and not going my own research. He threw the tablet up and since then has not been the same dog.Archie constantly licks his back and legs, not just one spot its like a neurological tick. He also is not interested in playing, bark pitch has changed slightly and he runs from spot to spot looking agitated. Instead of wanting to sit without he chooses slit if time to run out the back and sit in the dirt where he seems to find some comfort.
Initially we believed it to be skin issues and something was itching him however given his previous history with wormers I no longer believe this is the case. His vet did a skin scrape and has found some mild irritation. They believe the behaviour is to do with skin even though he has no evidence of fleas or red irritation. Archie was on steroids due his supposed itchiness and they did not help him at all. I took him to another vet last night for a second opinion who believes its an obsessive compulsive behaviour and not skin related, he advised we try him on clomicalm.
Neither vet believes his behaviour to be a reaction from the wormer.
My fear is that he has had some kind of neurological reaction to his wormer. I have been in touch with his breeder who believes this could also be the case. Has anyone on here had any experience with this kind of thing before and if so how was it resolved? I am petrified archie had suffered done kind if permanent damage and want my beautiful happy boy back.
Needless to say I will never give him panoramis again and will never just trusts a vets recommendation without doing my own research