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Everything posted by laurensingh

  1. Dane rescue told me to send her back to previous owner, who has been in contact with them also? I don't know if they realise she will just sell her on as is or not...
  2. To me that just proves the owner was only out to make money.. Glad that she didn't end up with someone who didn't realise how dangerous she would be in the wrong hands still sucks that it happened to is, I have a very upset husband who is already extremely attached to her, sadly we are not the right people to try and rehab her.
  3. Confirming that it's the people I contacted and am waiting to hear back from
  4. Hi all, haven't read everyone's posts yet I did email "Great Dane rescue Victoria" today Am yet to here back I couldn't find a number to contact them on, Will keep updating people on how we go.
  5. Hi, thought i should explain my side a bit more. I didnt head on over for a meet and great, i had prior commitments and wasnt meant to pick zeba up until the next day, her owners circumstance changed so i got her friday instead, I have had dogs my whole life, and never had one show aggression towards a puppy, so didnt think she would react in such an extreme way, the was no growling prior to her lunging and grabbing him. I explain my whippet as old and unwell so i dont need to discuss the small details, however she is in fact only 4 yo, but has polyarthritis, so her immune system is attacking her soft tissues, she really does not do much, other then sleep inside in her crate, i had no intention of running the dogs together unsupervised, the addition of a new dog, did not disrupt her in anyway. With regards to the child, there was no prior signs of her being nervous/uncomfortable (yes i do and can notice a dogs body language, and she appeared perfectly calm) She did not know she was tethered, it was the same as her being on the couch with a lead left on, The child was sitting on the floor a couple of meters away playing with some paper, dog went from curled up relaxed to lunging in the blink of an eye, the fact there was no signs is what scares me the most. I have contacted a great dane rescue, but i dont know expect them to want to take her on. I live on a farm, if it was just dogs she was aggressive with, i would take steps to work with her and a behaviorist, if that didnt work, she would never have to be around unknown dogs, however i cannot risk a child aggressive dog. Hope this all makes sense
  6. Thanks everyone, If only people were honest, i am now down hundreds (which in the long run does not really matter) but have to go through the heart ache of euthinising a dog. She will be kept in a pen outside (with shelter) until Monday, unfortunately no where is open tomorrow so i don't have any other choice. If the vets wont do anything, i think i will have to surrender her to the pound, i really do not like the thought of this. Owner has requested i dont euth, they want me to keep her while they find another home, they just dont seem to understand how unstable this dog is.
  7. Her parents are apparently registered dogs (i have a copy of their papers) however she didnt come with papers, so could just be lies. Sadly i think we will be heading into the vets on monday morning.
  8. To be honest she doesn't even know if the dog is microchipped, so no its not in her name. I was intending on going into the vet clinic to have her scanned on monday, and try to contact the breeder. However with this change of circumstances, im stumped with what to do, knew an un microchipped dog was a bad idea (yes i know they are not meant to sell unchipped however she didnt tell me until i collected her and asked for the chip papers) Otherwise if i cannot euth her, i may be able to leave her in the vets custody until her microchipped owners can be contacted?
  9. I should also mention, she was tied up, where she could still sleep on the couch but could not wander around, as i did not know her or trust her around children. While she could not reach the child, the intent was still there.
  10. Today she growled and lunged (intending to bite) at a small child, with absolutely no warning, she was curled up on the couch (away from all other dogs)and just lunged out of no where. She had been great all day, my brother visited with my 4 yo niece, she was sitting on the lounge room floor, playing with a bit of paper, lucky far enough away that the dog could not reach her. I told the old owner straight away, who tried to tell me the dog was just protecting me. Said she would take said dog if i delivered her back (3hrs) and that she would not refund the money. She intends on re-homing her again. I said no, as i don't believe she is safe to rehome and since she doesn't believe how severely the dog acted, i dont think she would place her in a suitable home, I am contemplating euthanasia. This may seem extreme to some, but i honestly do not believe this dog is safe, unless declared dangerous and is confined as such. I honestly am stumped at what i should do
  11. Thanks everyone, Owner got a job in WA driving trucks long distance, so was re homing her. They intend on visiting Tuesday to check on her and see how she is going, Im considering introducing my whippy tomorrow through a fence/gate. If she is still like this i will return her, the way she reacted today just really unnerved me. She is apparently only timid until she settles in, which i can understand, when i went to view her, she seemed like a happy well raised pup, she has good basic obedience training, was raised indoors etc
  12. Hi all, I bought an 8 month old great dane bitch today, while she is great in many ways (and yes i realise i haven't owned her a day, so she may not be showing her true colours as yet). She has me quite worried, i was told by previous owner that she is timid with new people, and can be defensive of her property with new dogs, which i can work with. She lived with an older basset hound before coming to me. However on my way home today, i stopped in at my sisters house, she introduced her 4 month old german shepherd puppy, and Zeba (my dane) lunged and attacked him (biting, however not hard enough to draw blood) We introduced in a controlled environment on leads, and separated them extremely quick. It is such an extreme reaction and has me very very worried. Im assuming she was not socialized properly and is quite worried having been rehomed. Can anybody help with what i can do? I own an old unwell whippet and at this stage cannot risk introducing them. Thanks in advance
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