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I agree. I also don't want others coming up to my dog on our walks. We used to live in a lot busier area with people and dogs out walking and when he was a puppy and really cute it became ridiculous that I would look really angry at anyone looking at us just so they didn't come up. I think he was actually better when we lived there with it busier in ways but now we hardly ever run into dogs and when he sees one he generally will do that scream once or twice, like a tantrum, and try pulling me over to them but I haven't let him go all the way to them. I also tend to think that when someone tells me not to worry they are friendly to be more cautious. I've had that before and their dog has then growled or something. But the point I was trying to make is that my dog really is friendly and not at all aggressive, I know that but others don't and I also know NOT to say that. I just do want them to be reassured somehow if he is trying to get over to them so they don't look at us with such fear. Of course I don't want that to happen at all in the first place so we need to work at this much much more.
Thank you everyone. He has the 'look at me' down at home. I will definitely take it out to the driveway now then the path etc. That's a really good idea. He loves training. If I say the word to him he will become all serious and pay attention to me but that is inside. We definitely need to work on it outside where there are distractions. I decided to take him to a dog park this afternoon we'd never been to. I just told myself I'd check it out but we ended up going in because it was quiet. He was again excited while on leash but managed to pay attention to me to calm down before I let us walk to the gate. Once in he was very well mannered and such a good boy listening to me. He is great off leash, doesn't rush at dogs or anything. Just get a little nervous still about other dogs.
Thanks. I completely agree. I wouldn't want one approaching us either and I wouldn't let my boy approach one when he's being like that either or even if he was being super good. In no way was I going to let him go over there but it just upset me that the man looked at us like he was dangerous rather than just ignoring us or walking on or even laughing it off like often when you see dogs going all crazy. It just made me think more just how big and scary he could look to others. Really want to stop this behaviour so he doesn't come across that way. Again, he never pulls me all the way over to the other dog or even that close.
Thanks everyone. It was NOT an off leash area. It was a suburban street and I have seen this dog play outside the front of it's house and on the street alone before and have purposefully turned around to go the other way then. The man didn't even have a leash with him. I wasn't able to see them coming this time since it was around a bend. My dog hasn't had any formal obedience training but I'd like to do that. I did do clicker training but will work on it again in these situations. Maybe take him somewhere from a far where there are other dogs and get closer and closer. I like that idea of getting the dogs to walk by each other in training. We haven't had much of an opportunity to play with other dogs. No one I know has dogs and we haven't been to dog parks much. The few times we have, he's really good with other dogs, very polite and very submissive and happy. I get worried of other dogs too though because he wouldn't defend himself. When I took him as a pup we would always get jumped on by other dogs just when they saw him (not even when he was right next to them) so I became really scared to socialise him with other dogs for a while but he loves dogs so much and I think he just really needs to play with them regularly. I know what it's like being rushed at by other dogs so I definitely don't let my boy ever approach other dogs on walks unless the other person approaches us. This dog today didn't look scared. It looked happy to see us and was trying to get across the road to us but the man kept calling it back. It would go back then try to come over again (he had no leash) and did this repeatedly until he finally picked the dog up. Our dogs never got within a few metres of each other. I understand it looks scary to other dog walkers and sometimes their dogs and I don't want this to happen. I want to be able to just walk by nice and calm. I really don't want people to see him as scary because he is the most friendly and kind dog around to all. But the screaming has to stop and the pulling me like he did today. He doesn't pull anymore otherwise which is why he's no longer on a harness.
I have a very hard time getting him to focus on me at all when there is another dog (when he's on leash). I used training treats for a long time and that did help. I had to basically shove the treats into his mouth because he still wouldn't take his eyes off the other dog but did get a bit better after that. I found the best thing was to just not pay any attention to the other dog myself and just walk by. He is very well trained and well behaved but it's like he can't focus on anything else but to get to that other dog to say hi. I've tried a few different methods too and I just can't get him to focus on me at all when normally he would. I am thinking of getting a trainer for it because even though it's a lot better than what it has been, he's now walking just on his collar and I found it hard to hold him back today without his harness. I really wish we could get over this. He doesn't always do it. The other day we saw a little dog that was crazy excited to see us and my boy just sat there and waited like I told him to and for some reason his focus was on me then but generally it won't be. It might be the kind of dogs? It really upsets me that this happens sometimes.
On our walk today there was a man walking his smallish dog off leash. Usually we just walk straight past dogs because I know how excited my boy can get when he sees them. But the man had to keep calling the dog back to him as it moved closer to us and this excited my boy a lot. He didn't bark but did make a screaming sound a couple times. The man managed to pick up his dog and I managed to keep control of my dog although he was pulling me in their direction. My boy is very big and dark and I guess looks really scary to some but he was just excited and really happy to see another dog. I didn't say anything, just kept going as the man looked at us like we were the most dangerous things around and told my dog to get out of it. As he walked away he kept a good watch on us. It was really upsetting to think he saw my boy as a threat. I don't know how someone can miss the cue that he was just super happy. Anyway. I understand that some people have fears for good reasons etc. We are working hard on him not getting so excited like that and he is much better but every now and then he will still do that excited scream. He loves dogs so much. The moment he gets to them he is all calm and nice but his scream is like telling me we have to go over there and he will start pulling then. I just wondered what would be the best thing to say to the other person in a situation like this? I don't want to say 'don't worry, he's friendly' because to them he really may not look it but I do want to say something so they don't look at us with such fear. What would you do/say? Thanks.
I remember hearing something about training dogs to fear snakes too for safety reasons if they ever come into contact with one. I think it's a great idea but I imagine not so easy to really do? Perhaps you could contact a trainer and ask if they have any training methods specifically for terriers keeping away from lizards? I know Victoria Stilwell likes using the method of loud scary noises to stop a behaviour like hitting cooking pots together but making sure you aren't looking at the dog so they don't connect the scary noise to you but to whatever it is they are doing in that moment. I'm not sure if something like that might work. With the terrier instinct, I'm not really sure if there's a lot that can be really done since it was what they are bred to do, but there might be some ways to at least try and you never know.
I used to have terriers and sadly I couldn't seem to do anything as they'd always seem to find them again. They were the best most loving dogs ever but that terrier instinct was so strong. If I had them today I'd keep them inside a lot more or supervise when outside like I do my Lab (ironically who wouldn't even hurt an ant) but not sure if that would be possible? Hopefully someone else has some other solutions.
I don't think I mean dogs as replacement children, just that I feel content having my dog and giving all my time to him.
I used to really want children, then when I got my gorgeous baby boy puppy and watched him grow I now feel so content with him and the thought of another doggy. I still think about having kids but I don't long and long for it now. Does anyone else feel like this or wants only their dogs and not kids? I still want children at some point but I'm kind of at that stage where I could be very happy having my dogs instead.
About bawling my eyes out too. What a sweet soul.
That is amazing. Great stories, thanks for sharing! Dogs are the best at giving things a go and trying their best, they are so giving, so trusting.
What times have you been really proud of your dog? I have just started walking my year and a half old Lab boy on a flat collar instead of the easy walk harness (very brave). I didn't think he could do it but he does. We are loving it. He pulls a little at first but I stop/be a tree until the leash slackens and then we have an enjoyable rest of the walk. I look at him and tell him how proud I am of him and how much he amazes me since he was nearly uncontrollable as a big puppy on walks. I am loving walking with him more and more each day. What do your furkids do that make you proud?
Well I braved it. Just took him for a walk on just his collar, though I took the harness with me incase we came into any trouble. Didn't take any treats with (haven't for a few months now) and we didn't come into too high distractions (other dogs). I had to tell him stop and then wait until the leash was loose again about 5 or 6 times. Not bad! He wants to be a sniffer dog and this is our biggest issue walking, he won't pull me forward to a smell but he gets very determined to stay at one or go back to one if we walk ahead (he doesn't mark) So that was a little tricky a few times when he jerked my arm back. Apart from that though, he felt pretty weightless just like on the harness. Seems my boy has matured (he's a year and a half) and our training with the harness has paid off. The last time I tried this it was horrible. I'll keep working on it and see if I can introduce some distractions rather than get caught off guard. Curious... what do people recommend when jogging with a dog? We haven't yet as his joints develop but would like to start soon. A back attach harness or a collar?
Perhaps it's that he's trained on it not to pull because when he wears it he feels weightless. But if you connect the collar you really feel him. Maybe it's psychological/conditioning for him? It definitely gives me more control being around his body though rather than chocking his neck and feeling all his strength if he gets excited at something. The one that goes around his snout I've tried but it left a mark I didn't like and he seemed uncomfortable. With the harness he can walk out in front or by my side or behind with ease and the leash is always loose. The best thing I've learnt with him is to just keep walking past any excitable situations and pretend like they're not even there. If I tense up or anything he seems to lose attention on me. I might brave it to see how it goes but I know from the past that he is just so strong when the leash is attached to his collar. He also has a way to slip out of his collar somehow. I have a quick release martingale I can use but I don't believe it helps with any pulling with him from my experience. The vets I've been to say that they don't like dogs being led on collars because they see a lot of neck/throat damages.