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Everything posted by Neigh55

  1. I will most definitely dedicate lots of time to the little pup :) I will try to fix my yard as soon as possible as well. I will take him to puppy pre school every Sunday after he has had his vaccinations. Thankyou very much for your reply :)
  2. Hello, thank you very much for reading this. I have had a 7 week Border Collie puppy for a week now, (I got him when he was 6 weeks). So far he is absolutely gorgeous and I love him very much. I work as a teacher and I have to work for about 8 hours. For the past week (the five days I have been working) he has spent the day in my laundry. I have left him in a crate with a warm, snuggly bed (with the crate door OPEN), food and water, newspaper and pee pads (I am currently toilet training him on the pee pads) and plenty of kongs, socks and chew toys. Every day I have come home, I have snuck in the front door and he has NOT been whining or complaining at all. In fact, he's mostly been sleeping. I have been trying to come home at recess or lunch to give him fresh air, fresh water and a quick snuggle. I am not able to give him a proper walk while I am working because I do not have any relatives or friends near me, and I only see my daughter once a fortnight. I understand when he gets older I will need to exercise him alot, so luckily I have a large park pretty much two steps down my street where I would be happy to walk/run/train him for 2 hours every afternoon. I do not have any other pets. I have a medium sized yard, but it is not completely fenced up (although I could work on that) and I wouldn't be comfortable letting him roam around at such a young age. I will try to move into a slightly larger yard and possibly get a new pup for company in about 6 months. When I come home, I give him alot of love and cuddles! He is so adorable! I have been reading some things online about how damaging it is to leave a Border Collie alone for so long, and I have had trouble sleeping and I have been absolutely worried sick about him. I just need someone to tell me that he will be fine and what I'm doing is not cruel. Please no rude or harsh comments, I really need someone to calm me down. Thankyou very much for your reply.
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