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Everything posted by Neigh55

  1. Update - I would like to thank absolutely everyone that has put in a statement encouraging and helping me with Bobby. I know I've said this a billion times, but I'm fully aware that my circumstances aren't fantastic, and I got him at a young age, and I will be leaving him alone for long periods of time. But it's taken this forum to make me realise how lucky he is to be in a loving, caring home. Like many people have said, compared to the neglect some dogs get, my puppy will be raised in a nurturing environment. I have been told by some relatives that he was a 'mistake' or an 'impulse buy' and it's absolutely torn my heart apart because this dog already means so much to me. Thanks everyone for contributing and even reading this (almost 2,000 views ). I hope everyone has a wonderful night. If you have any tips about preoccupying him during the day, toilet training, mental/physical stimulation, purchases that will benefit him or any random tips, feel free to comment on this forum :)
  2. Thankyou for all your help and references to good websites to help train him. I will definitely be coming back to this and I will spend hours upon hours researching and finding amazing little training tips :)
  3. If you were not doing everything well enough, you would be talking differently. Your questions would be why does my puppy bark all the time, scratch the door and why is my puppy not happy. But you have told me ( and the others) about the hard work you are doing to make sure Puppy is fine. For his age, he is doing the normal, good puppy things you want him to do. That is great for you, and for his future. Some people just buy a puppy & think it can live outside or be ignored. You are asking for what to do to make life great for him. That is a caring, loving parent. Keep asking to learn, and to have even more fun. Thankyou for being so encouraging. It makes me works harder to provide the best environment due to the circumstances. I really do feel like a puppy parent. No, I can't spend time with him during the day, but I will put the effort into providing snuggles, warmth and love. I can't wait for this beautiful dog to spend the rest of his life with me. I was so stressed before about his health and safety, but I didn't stop to think that everyone needs to work, everyone needs to leave their dog on it's own now and then, but that's ok, because I will love him so much, unconditionally :)
  4. Thankyou for the detailed response. This will be so helpful. I really truly don't like leaving the poor thing in the laundry. In fact, I feel absolutely awful, but if I can take him to classes I will feel alot more confident about how I am raising him. Once again, thankyou very much for your help!!!
  5. I think both you and the new puppy are going to be very happy. You are making such a good effort to do everything OK. Been great to read the the thread. Good Luck. Thankyou very much for taking the time out to read this - This forum was such a great idea and I have talked to some brilliant, kind people. Have a great night
  6. I live in Sunbury currently, but I will try to move closer to my daughter in 6 months or so (Mornington, Rosebud area). It will be a struggle to find a rental that allows pets but I am more than prepared to go the extra mile to get a nice, secure backyard. That is my highest priority. Like you, I will try to take him to new places as much as possible. As for the friend subject, there are a few people around me that would love to socialise THEIR dogs more, even a doggy catch up perhaps? :) Thankyou for the reply :)
  7. Thankyou for the note about desexing - That is something I will definitely want to do for Bobby's health and well-being :)
  8. Thankyou for the tips about the exercise - I will definitely take it easy until he is a bit older. At the moment I am feeding him Supercoat Puppy with Real Meat. http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/supercoat-puppy-with-real-meat?gclid=CNnagvqQ1r8CFZCSvQodr24Aig&gdftrk=gdfV25674_a_7c2113_a_7c7895_a_7c86214#.U8zi0fmSwXw
  9. Thankyou very, very much. It's comments like these that really help :)
  10. Thankyou very much for this - I will try to socialise him as soon as possible :)
  11. My breeder no longer keeps puppies until 12 weeks unless they are being exported. But she knows the families inside out. Not sure many othr breeders retain them that long anymore. :) Yes - I think your right. Unfortunately he came to me at a young age, but I will put in the work to make up for it :)
  12. 8 weeks for any medium to large breed is quite fine and there is no issue with it. We cannot let them go before 8 weeks of age. 8 weeks is actually a good age. It is in between two fear periods and gives time for the pup to settle into a routine before the next fear period starts. Owners just have to be careful about taking their pups out in public until at least the second course of vaccinations at 12 weeks. Some small or toy breeds there may be a need to hold them longer due to size/weight. I guess if you're sure the person you're giving the pup to has half an idea about owning a dog/puppy then 8 weeks would be fine - but it's clear there's people out there that wouldn't have any idea about exposure before the 12 week shots, so it's safer for the breeder to hold onto them until that at least :) Things, I'm sorry, but I can't let this one go. It's quite misleading information, especially for any pups other than very small breeds. When you read the literature about bonding with new owners, socialisation - i.e. getting used to the world outside the original family, the generally accepted ideal time for the rehoming is between 7 and 10-11 weeks - as Mystiqview says, between fear periods. The reason 8 weeks has been set into purebred registries Code of Ethics and State legislation is that with the older type vaccines, it was the age at which there was a fair chance that pup's first vaccination would have taken effect. To the OP - like Piper, I didn't comment on the age as it was a done deal, and the pup looked to have landed in good caring hands. Thankyou for the kind comment - he will be very well taken care of :)
  13. I completely understand the concern about him being so young, but it has been longer than a week and the breeder is NOT going to take him back. He will be 8 weeks in 4 days. Every Sunday a place near me has dog training. I can assure everyone, as SOON Bobby has had his second vaccinations, taking him to the dog training place is my FIRST priority. In fact, I am prepared to take him to agility classes every second weekend, as well as taking him to farms and large areas so he can have a proper run around. I have lots of dogs living near me and I will definitely go the extra mile to socialise him as much as possible. I know that my situation is not ideal, but this puppy will be showered with so much love and care, as well as exercise and mental stimulation. I am very confident I will raise a beautiful dog. Please no more comments about taking him back to the breeder. It is just not a possible option. But apart from that, thankyou all for the positive comments. I was in a bad state and you have no idea how much help this has been :)
  14. I live in Vic but he has been vaccinated, wormed and microchipped and I trust the breeder :)
  15. I don't think it is illegal, it might be against guidelines though. Having said that I wouldn't be too concerned by it. I have three BC's. Two of them came to us from their breeders at 12 weeks, one of them came to me from a pet shop at 6 weeks. While there is no way that I will ever source pups from anywhere other than a breeder again (for whole variety of reasons) I can honestly say that while all three of my dogs are amazing if I could clone one of their temperaments/dog to dog interaction and general demeanour it would be the one from the pet shop. I'm not saying it is ideal or even desirable that puppies are taken from their mum earlier than 8 weeks just that the OP should not worry too much if their pup is doing fine. Thankyou for the reassurance - I've read alot of things targeting owners with puppies less that 8 weeks but Bobby is doing absolutely fine and does not seem to miss his mum or littermates :)
  16. Thankyou for the concern but he is perfectly fine and has gotten used to our home. The breeder said that he was fine as long as we took extra care of him. I am feeding him 3 times a day.
  17. Thankyou very much for the advice on the leash - that will be very helpful :)
  18. Thankyou, I will try and find a clicker in my nearest pet store. That sounds really cool! I never thought an animal could be so smart and responsive. I am really looking forward to spending alot of time teaching him tricks! I really appreciate the time you have put into helping me. I feel alot more confident in myself and I think I will raise a beautiful, kind dog :)
  19. Ditto to all of this. It depends on the border collie but their energy levels vary. The most important thing is mental stimulation. Lots of training games (short, fun sessions with high levels of rewards - basic behaviours, tricks, hide and seek - anything to keep the mind occupied) with you when you are home and also spending most of that time with you. I would even have the crate in your room at night. Dogs are pack animals and as your puppy is spending lots of time alone during the day, you need to balance that out by spending as much time as is possible with the puppy when you are home. I will really try to put alot of effort into mental stimulation. Thankyou for your reply :)
  20. Yes, he is most definitely a very good listener! I have tried to walk him around on a leash outside but he jumps around and pulls back on it... any ideas?
  21. Thankyou very much for your kindness. I am starting to relax a little bit from all these positive comments. I truly believe my puppy is the best dog in the world! I can't wait for the wonderful times we will have together :)
  22. I will really try to fence up the yard ASAP so he will be able to roam around. Yes, I think Bobby likes to play more than treats as well! Haha :) Thank you very much for the advice about the tug of war. I was not aware of that at all! So I'm guessing Border Collies like lots of mind games? I will research and provide him with heaps of little tricks. (This is my first Border Collie). Thankyou very much for your advice, you have been very kind and helpful :)
  23. I understand this is a long time to spend in a laundry. At the moment he sleeps in his crate next to my bed. When should I let him in the backyard during the day? Thank you for the advice about the second puppy. Yes, sorry, I meant I will take him for walks when he is older. When I am home, I play tug of war and run around with him to exercise (because he is so young) and I have already trained him to sit and I will be very persistent in training him tricks :)
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