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Everything posted by BarbedWire

  1. dogslife not sure if these pages still work. https://www.facebook.com/groups/227321557364076/ http://goldendoodles-australia.com/rescue.html
  2. Willem you are partly right. There is no such dog as a hypoallergenic dog because it is the dander that causes the allergic response and all dogs have dander but some dogs have less dander than others so some breeds are more recommended for people with allergies. See my bolded parts in quote. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pet-allergy/expert-answers/hypoallergenic-dog-breeds/faq-20058425
  3. Deleted because I'm feeling fragile today.
  4. Try to contact some of the charities who work in the area. Google gave me these: http://www.exodusfoundation.org.au/food https://www.vinnies.org.au/page/Find_Help/NSW/Food/Sydney_Night_Patrol/ They might be able to help or advise you further.
  5. Just wondering what people think about this. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberra-life/sausage-dog-dash-canberras-first-dachshund-races-at-the-bungendore-show-2016-20160129-gmgqla.html
  6. ...I'm not 'turning this thread into an argument' ...I'm just raising my concerns over comments about a 'perfect dog' and a 'shitty dog owner'...such a combination hardly goes together.... and I agree, everyone is entitled to raise (and should raise) concerns about potential animal cruelty, but calling someone 'human' trash' and accusing him of animal cruelty without evidence seems to be at least unfair. And no, while I might not be a perfect dog lover, I didn't stuffed up our recall; our dog has a nearly perfect recall and comes happily with the tail wagging as she knows there is always a treat (no ice-cream so) for her. However, during the obedience and agility training sessions I can recognize from the behaviour of a few other dogs that there might be some 'behaviour issues' that could be possibly linked to 'inappropriate' trainings measures employed when not on the trainings ground...but some are also rescue dogs or rehomed dogs and the real cause for their behaviour might not be the fault of the current owner. Nevertheless, in most cases where a dog is treated badly there are signs in the dog's behaviour that don't just disappear when the owner is not around. I apologize for the second part of my post. I was being mean and your dogs looks gorgeous.
  7. Ive never replied to a thread on here so hope Im doing it right... I normally "sit on my hands" when I read comments on here but reading 'Willem's comment that the owner of this dog "needs some credit for raising such a fine dog" and assuming that because the dog was lovely, friendly and happy with MonElite, meant the owner was possibly a "good guy and loving owner" (my words) finally made me get off my hands.. About 10 years ago we rescued a dog who was being beaten by its owner. We tried RSPCA first but all they did (to be fair it was in NZ and not australia) was go to the house and check on the dog which at the time they went there, was in a kennel and had water so they werent interested any further. Thru perhaps "devious means" (they were selling their house and had an Open Home which I went to solely to see the dog) I went there and discovered that the reason the dog was laying in his kennel was because he could not get up!! I was so upset that that night I sent my husband around to the house with a story that I had seen the dog, fallen in love with him (all true) and would they be interested in selling him to us emphasing the fact that they were moving and it would be easier for them. His answer to my husband? "Yea you can just have him - I was just going to take him out in the bush and shoot him anyway" !! Even after all this time it still makes me cry to think about this beautiful dog and what was done to him - when my husband got home with him that night, myself and our two boys sat on the floor so as not to scare him and that beautiful dog slowly hopped in to a house he had never been in before on 3 legs dragging his shattered hip and leg behind him and went to each person with a loving lick of hello and then curled up as best he could on my knee (I was cross legged on the floor). He had been beaten soo badly and thrown against a fence (his crime? Going near the babies nappies that were on the floor!) and not for the first time but even the vet the next morning said he simply didnt have an aggressive bone in his body. So 'Willem', dogs know when they are with someone who will not hurt them and they enjoy that small "time of freedom and joy" but their happy demeanour at that time certainly does not mean that they are not treated badly or abused when they are with the owner. Going on MonElites description of how the dog acted when the owner arrived I would totally agree with her assumption and I really hope there is some way that that poor dog can be helped before it could be too late. My story did not have a happy ending - the beautiful boy we rescued was so badly beaten the vet couldnt put his shattered hip and leg back together and because his other back leg was weak from old fractures amputation was out of the question. You are a kind person Kazzs. That post has made me cry. That poor dog! And he could still love even after what he had been through. At least he knew some love before he passed.
  8. Willem: Turning this thread into an argument just for the sake of it is very insensitive and inappropriate. The OP posted because he/she was upset and wanted to know what others thought and wanted some support. When someone keeps coming back to justify his/her position as you are doing makes me wonder if your dog behaves like the dog in the OP when it sees you and you need to explain its behaviour to expunge your own unease.
  9. Is it okay to use a photo from the net that you liked as wallpaper on your computer? Do you need to get permission?
  10. If I saw an otherwise friendly dog cowering and terrified when its owner arrived I would be coming to the same conclusions as the OP. True there are scared, nervous dogs out there but they are scared of all people, not just their owners. This dog was happy with the OP and I think there are grounds to think there is a reportable issue here. Seriously if my dog was afraid of me, even if only sometimes, I would be mortified and doing whatever I could to rectify the situation.
  11. Willem I am not sure if your post was referring to my post or the OP. My post was meant to be more general and moving beyond finding a loose dog. I guess if the dog in the OP had a tag I would be trying to contact the owner but I don't always carry a mobile so maybe I would just play with it and hope that someone else would report it. My post was more about knowing a dog (for example a neighbour's dog) was being abused and what should be done about it. Animal abuse of any sort really distresses and haunts me.
  12. I personally know how haunting and distressing it can be to know (or have a strong suspicion) that a dog is being beaten.This thread has made me think about people who beat their animals (and they do exist) and what can be done about it. I did some googling and found this on the RSPCA Australia website. http://www.rspca.org.au/animal-cruelty/what-animal-cruelty It is appropriate to report to the RSPCA inspectorate if you suspect an animal is being beaten. Many times on these forums I have seen it posted that it is a waste of time reporting abuse or suspected abuse to the RSPCA because they won't do anything about it. If this is true why accept it? Ask them why they are not doing their job.
  13. Next time you see it take it to a pound and if no-one comes forward then you can legally adopt it.
  14. You rang so you must have some record of his number. I would definitely be reporting to the RSPCA and insisting that an inspector visit, also the police. I feel for you and I would also be so angry. Stay strong! The dog needs you to stand up for it!
  15. Just wondering if Google can also access OffTopic or other forums on here that you have to sign in to be able to access. Does signing in protect you?
  16. Andrea is Maremma Rescue. Steve and Espinay are Maremma experts. Thanks. There is more than one maremma rescue. It is maremma rescue victoria that have offered to help him. https://www.facebook.com/Maremma-Rescue-Victoria-Inc-155734967813887/timeline I don't know which rescue Andrea is with.
  17. I believe he was adopted and escaped the day after - I've seen very limited mention of them otherwise. That would have been several years ago now, and they may have moved. He came from DAS so he would have a chip and they would be the registered owners. I believe they would have to be contacted if it were decided he was to be euthanised. I hope he goes to maremma rescue.
  18. I have actually heard of a bitch that needed mismate (abortion ) injections because he 'hot' to her. Can't verify its true but from a friend who works in the local Ve thee. Wouldn't surprise me. If he isn't desexed it would have to have happened sometime. No doubt there are idiots in the neighbourhood who would deliberately allow their in season bitches to run with him so that they could get some cross breed pups and make some money.
  19. This is the maremma that no-one can catch.
  20. Okay there must be dozens of maremmas in Canberra atm. They can all roam as they wish. After all they are a special breed. Oh and what about the crossbreeds or lookalikes, I suppose it's okay for them to all roam too. As for regular dog owners, well bad luck you just have to abide by the rules and pay fines and have your dogs registered.
  21. Re bolded part: Curious to know what maremmas who have no contact with humans for weeks or months at a time eat.
  22. I think he is better of where and as he is - the chances that someone nasty will hurt him is remote because he wont let them get close to him unless he knows them and already trusts them and why would anyone want to hurt him more than any other animal? He is living exactly as he is happiest - why poor boy? How would he be happier in rescue ? He is a guardian dog not a pet and clearly he thinks looking after the neighbourhood is his job - where is the harm? Chances of him getting run over are slim- he has managed to avoid it for a hell of a long time so far and just as a roo or a stray dog or a cat or even a child can be at risk jumping out in front of cars I don't see a greater risk for him. they are usually pretty smart road wise. No one who lives in the area is threatened by him or doesn't like him and I bet they are happy when they hear him bark at anything or anyone out of the ordinary . there is one in the states in similar situation that guards the whole town and they havent seen a Kyote for years. If your concerns are truly about what is best for the dog Id take the way he is living over being trapped and locked up and in unfamiliar company and circumstances. My oldest Maremma has been 17 and none have died of natural causes before their 15th birthday. Firstly I will admit that I am not an expert and know nothing about maremmas except that they have been bred by people to protect sheep etc, but they are still dogs who have evolved to be dependent on people (Alexandra Horowitz - 'Inside of a Dog') and they need to belong to someone. They are not well equipped by evolution to fend for themselves. Secondly I say 'Poor boy' because he has no regular place to sleep, no-one to feed him regularly, and no-one to watch out for him in case he becomes unwell or is injured. I also say 'poor boy' because some selfish people are exploiting him to fulfill their own emotional needs by talking about him as being 'free' (whatever that means) and 'beautiful' and 'elusive' and describing him as a 'white ghost' i.e. trying to make up stories about him and to make him part of the folklore (along the lines of the 'Red Dog' story or even the Man-shy myth created by Frank Dalby Davison) of a new suburb with no stories. I have no idea what their motive is. I hope it is not to promote the value of their real estate investment. Next how do you know that he sees 'looking after the neighbourhood as his job'. Have you asked him? Even if he did the suburb Franklin is not a country town it has big houses on small blocks and busy roads. The boundaries between the suburbs are roads. I don't know how a dog (even if it was bred to look after a neighbourhood) could determine the boundaries if he was trying to guard and protect it. Similarly how do you know that he is happy? Have you asked him? Can a dog be happy as we understand it or is that being anthropomorphic? How do you know no-one in the neighbourhood is threatened by him? Many people have expressed concern about the safety of themselves, their children, and their dogs although I see that his facebook page (controlled by those promoting the urban myth) has been cleaned up this morning and their comments removed. Finally I found this video posted on DOL in September 2012 http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/241630-livestock-guardian-dogs/page__p__5959734__fromsearch__1#entry5959734 and I think it is interesting.
  23. I also fear for this dog. As Powerlegs has said someone nasty could harm him or as SG has said he could be poled by the rangers. I don't know how old Franklin is or the life expectancy of maremmas but I believe he was a mature dog when he was first at DAS and he has now been on the streets of Gungahlin for a few years - possibly seven or eight years old. I hope the people who have befriended him will show how much they care by making sure he finds his way to maremma rescue with as little trauma as possible. Poor boy!
  24. Sadly I think Franklin is going to be fending for himself for some time. The Canberra Times published an article about Franklin on January 19 including a poll about what readers think should happen to this dog. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberra-life/how-do-you-solve-a-problem-like-franklin-the-gungahlin-maremma-sheepdog-and-do-you-need-to-20160115-gm6r6c.html Poll: Poll: What should happen to the Maremma sheepdog on the loose in Gungahlin? Nothing. We should leave him alone. He's fine. 49% We need to find his family, and return him home. 6% He needs to be re-homed with a loving family. 35% Domestic Animal Services needs to catch him. 10% The ACT government has just had a reshuffle of ministerial portfolios. Meegan Fitzharris is the new minister responsible for the pound and she has already said on her Facebook page that she supports leaving Franklin alone. https://www.facebook.com/MeeganFitzharrisMLA/ My underlines and bolding
  25. This is Franklin with the title post saying 'Love is in the air'
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