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Everything posted by Shellbell

  1. I mostly give him carrot and brocolli, sometimes cauliflower. I will try doing as suggested, splitting uo the veggies into 3 meals etc and reducing coconut oil. But for now I will stick with the boiled chicken and brown rice for a couple of days and then add chicken necks back in, then some veggies but cooked ones. Does that sound ok? The great news is that George just did another solid poo that isn't too dark and not too light! So that's now 2 days of normal stools after 4 days of diarrohea! Hope it continues so I can start trying out all of the great advice from everyone and get him back on raw. Other than chicken necks, what bones are people giving their little pups? I don't want to break his teeth or choke him but he seems to cope beautifully with chicken necks. And also, do butchers tend to do the right sort of bones? We are on a mostly vegan diet these days due to my daughter having cancer so we are all super healthy now, so the whole meat on the bone thing is probably easier if I make friends with a butcher, yes??
  2. Funny you should say that Gretal, I've ordered that book! Can't wait to get it! I'm not feeding much veg. Every second day (roughly) i've been processing up about a tablespoon or of raw veg into one of his 3 meals, plus letting him have small chunks of carrot or big thick kale stalks every now and then if I'm chopping it up for us, but as I've said, he's mostly just chewing on them like a bone and not eating it. I've also been adding a teaspoon of coconut oil about twice or 3 times a week and half a teaspoon of spirulina once a week which depending on what I read is either very necessary or a complete waste of my expensive spirulina for our green smoothies!! So...is this too much veg? Not enough beg? Too raw??
  3. Ok, so with the veggies that I've been whizzing up in my thermomix and smashing into his meats, should they be cooked first? I read that raw veggies were best, in the way that they are for humans, that cooking destroys nutrients. Is that incorrect for dogs? I also read that giving chunks of carrot etc was great for treats!! (He doesn't really eat it all but loves to chew it, same with thick stalks of kale, he's been munging on one for 2 days like a bone!) It's so conflicting! It's no wonder most people just buy kibble and canned food!!! Still no loose stools! Still crossing fingers!
  4. I would love to post a pic of my Georgie Porge but I have no idea how!! I'm hopeless with technology and in fact have lost 2 posts that I thought I'd posted but it didn't work, so my apologies if anyone has asked me questions and I haven't answered! I haven't been giving him treats other than chunks of raw veggies because he loves them! (Wierd dog!) i am looking for some raw treats that aren't full of yukky crap so any suggestions would be welcome! He's only had chicken and an organic mix of beef/lamb/offal. He'd been on it for about a week with no problem though, so I thought it was fine for him. I have given him some boiled chicken and brown rice as suggested by quite a few of you on here, and he loved it. So far still no loose stools since the night before last so fingers crossed!
  5. Thank you everyone for the advice. So today I'm doing raw chicken with rice and we'll see how he goes. He did a couple of stools overnight and hurrah, they were firmer!! Just a question about bones, how many chicken necks should I feed him a day. I've only been doing one or two but I suppose I could feed a few more and reduce the chicken and rice mix? I will check out the raw threads today, last nught I was in a mad panic and doubting myself abd just joined and addedmy post straight away! Thank you for all of the advice!
  6. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and have a 12 week old cavalier puppy named George. I'm trying to do the raw diet and it was going really well until the last 4 days where he's had some pretty gross diarrhoea! He had his jabs today so I asked the vet to check him out and he says its a food thing not illness since he's happy and FULL of beans! I've been trying to balance the meat/bone/offal but after speaking with a pet shop owner today where I almost caved in and bought some holistic kibble on advice from a friend who's a vet who doesn't fully approve of raw with no kibble, but the pet shop owner felt that it might be because I'm not giving carbs so it might be too protein heavy?? He's been having 160-170g food per day in 3 meals plus a chicken neck or two. Either chicken fillet minced up with a bit of coconut oil and sometimes spirulina, or organic beef/lamb mince which apparently has the offal and bone balanced in it. Also raw veggies mixed in at least one meal a day. I'm very unsure about what bones are appropriate other than chicken necks as I'm scared to choke him. So today I purchased Vets All Natural blend of oats and natural stuff that I soak in water and add to the raw. The vet said that was fine to try so off I went. George loves it, but he's a cavvie and would pretty much eat anything!! It said best soaked overnight for better digestion but that you can soak for a few minutes in hot water, which I did in my haste to try it!! He ate it at lunchtime but tonight before I fed him again he vomited (and ate it!!! Ewww!) So I'm not sure if that was a vaccination side effect or the food, perhaps because I didn't soak it overnight?? Clearly, I'm very overwhelmed and confused. I'm very neurotic about this puppy because we just lost our 1 year old puppy to cancer which was very tragic and quick, and George is my daughters new little baby to make us all happy again and I'm trying to do the best I can for him!! Please help!!! Thank you!
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