As stated by a lot of people on this issue. Parvo should be treated by proper veterinarian specialists. This is a very serious issue. And also just a correction Parvo Virus can lay dormant and survive in untreated surroundings for up to 7 years. so it is a very scary prospect on where do you take your puppy safely? Puppy Preschool is a must for puppies, i prefer one run at a vet clinic as they use the proper treatment to make it safe for all clients, but that is just my personal choice. Most puppies are more at risk between their 1st and 2nd vaccination this is where care must be taken... Goodluck and safe schooling... Socialization is big on my list as it makes life much easier to share with your companion and others with their's. Costing for these things should of been accounted for before buying a companion if money is an issue than not enough serious thought has gone into it.