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    I have been involved in German Shepherds for 31yrs which yep all my life I am now a registered breeder with my prefix being Vandemhaus kennels,my mother has been in GSD for many years with her grand mother owning them and also her mother,her prefix is Janeme kennels,we mainly show specialty and not too many all breeds,but enjoy it greatly,I also have a strong passion for Rotties and hoping to have enough room one day that I can purchase one oneday.
  1. Hi,I also have a fussy gsd bitch,when she first went fussy I took her to the vet and she had what they said a secondary infection,she healed and ate well again up until her first season,too her back to vet incase she had this infection again and she was fine,they thought she might have been preg which I nearly died but thankfully she's not so anyway she has remained fussy I started putting some tin pal food in with her biscuits,about a table spoon or two and she eats that quite well,although I have started her on missing link and sprinkle that on her food and she is eating her meals with that on top.
  2. Hi,my gsd had anal problems and was treated with some Flagyl tablets and Neocort cream,my vet has successfully removed anal glands from dogs as bum problems are very common in gsds.so might be worth putting it to the vet and seeing what they say.good luck anyway.
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