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Everything posted by fabel
I dont have any wooden spoons. I have been a bit busy and only just read all the responses. thankyou
gidday everyone. I dont want to start an aurgument here but i often read on here and in other groups that breeders dont breed for the money they breed for the love of dogs and the love of their chosen breed and improving that breed. ok good. But just curious to know why some breeder's especially those breeds that have large litters charge so much for their puppies? Up to $2000 or more for puppys in a litter of 10 pups is a hell of a lot of dog food. Times that by 2 bitches or 1 bitch having 2 litters a year and that's a good profit. Even if there are vets bills such as health tests, x-rays, ultra sounds, or cesareans involved Im sure it's not $20,000 worth. ?
so we had our dog x rayed a few months ago cause I have always been a worrier and his hips concerned me. I also suspected his hock. so anyway when we are at the vet we say xray all joints, may as well while he is sedated, partner remembers this well and backs me up. Over $200 later vets says all look good in xrays and stop worrying. That was 3 months ago. the other day things go from bad to worse as poor digby cant even put any weight on his hind leg, so back we go to the vets. Vet now also suspects hock issues so goes to look at xrays to see if there's anything he missed, and yeah well they didnt even take xrays of the hocks, just hips and knees. So now I'm peeved off, may cost me more $$$ to get the hock x rayed, in my opinion they should do it for free as we did ask for all 3 joints to be done in the 1st place. Also would it be possible to get just the hock done without sedation? my dog is extremely a relaxed, cruisy boy. Its my understanding that most of the cost involved is the sedation rather than the xrays themselves,does that sound right?
not sure at this stage. Just putting the feelers out there thanks
We are moving to adelaide soon. Who are the best vets to deal with? I need one that can do extensive x-rays and someone who is really good with large dogs and hock/bone issues as still having problems with our dog.
I been watching those heeling videos. They are wonderful. But my question is - is it possible to have good heeling without using food? I prefer not to use food.
Someone kindly gave me a bag of dog kibble, their dog died and they forgot they had it. 20 kilos. It has been opened for a few years apparently, but was closed up with staples. Still most of it left. But I am not sure if we should use it or not. I have looked closely and can't find a use by date. Should I use it?
yeah I've been reading that other thread about the GSD. Interesting. I have decided to wait and see with mine. Heaps of people have told me he seems fine and I'm being paranoid. Also heaps have said gangly is normal for his age n size. Other dogs sit like frogs too. I've noticed now since I have one that does. Will keep a close eye on him nevertheless. Thanks all
Nah I dont think he is in pain. Just the wiggle and frog sit. Perhaps teela is tight and I am being a worryer
Oh sorry Dame Aussie forgot to add yep been to the vet twice, for needles, but vet never said anything and I didnt have my suspicions till a few days ago
Yeah sorry I forgot to add he is a lab cross. A big solid dog, so we suspect he may be crossed with a rotti or mastiff. I was talked out of getting xrays as they may only tell me what I already suspect, then someone else said he's too young. I dont have huge amounts of cash to get hip replacements (I read $8000 a hip?) neither am I poor but $16000 is just cash I do not have. i want to try other things like physio, or supplements. I guess what I'm really afraid of is the vet telling me to have my puppy PTS. Is there anyone who has tried other methods other than hip replacement surgery? What symptoms I am seeing...sits like a frog, waddley walk. Could it be normal? I have only had one other dog and that was a kelpie. This is my first big dog.
Hi. this is my first post. My partner and I have a pup who I strongly suspect to have hip dysplacia. He is 4 months old and shows alot of signs and symptoms. I have been recommended to come on here by a friend who says there are many knowledgeable, kind people who may help me. I have been doing alot of reading up on here. I am scared for my pup, we have grown to love him so much. What can I do? I dont want to have him PTS, I want to try everything within reason before I go down that road. Others tell me he is way too young to tell yet. I know to keep his weight down, he is not fat. I have been reading about different supplements like Ester C and fish oil capsuals. I have read so much my head is spinning. Please, I dont need a lecture on not buying from a registered breeder, I already got a rather lengthy one from my mother. so please just advice. Thankyou