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  1. Hi Everyone, Thank you for your responses and sorry it has been a long time to reply. He looks very much like a dingo and has very similar mannerisms. I did get him from Paws and they informed me he was a shepherd x and that is what he is registered as. Most people that see him always ask what breed he has and can always spot the dingo but also shepherd or kelpie. He was a shelter dog and was treated very badly before i got him and is very anxious and scared of people which at the moment comes across as aggressive behaviour and is in training. other than that he is a sweet loving dog and very loyal.
  2. Hi everyone, Its my first time on here and I am wondering if anyone can tell me if it is legal to own a dingo cross in South Australia and what would happen? We have a very much loved family pet who is dingo cross and work is taking me to South Australia but i have read and heard it is illegal to own a dingo cross there, although I haven't been able to find anything in the legislation that outlines clearly the law. I will not under any circumstances give my dog up and if I can not take him I would have to leave my job and not move, but I'm wondering if anyone knows or could point me in the right direction to find out. When calling the council they wouldn't give me answers just wanted to know my details which i would not divulge. thanks in advance for any help or advice.
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