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Everything posted by coneye

  1. Don't want to kick anyone when there down but can't help but think , 2 wolfhounds , BIG DOGS surely you would know if they are dog reactive , , i have mentioned before i spend hrs and hrs and hrs , each week fishing on the dog beach in front of my house , and cannot help but shake my head at the amount of people usually women who have dogs that can be reactive , yet untrained to the extent they need to be , that CANNOT PHYSICLY handle there dogs , , couple of years ago i actually intervened in a dog attack and saved a little dog , one of my favorite dogs a rotty , this one a big one , attacked a little maltese type thing , probably only 10 feet from me , he had the little dog and was shaking it , would'nt let go , the dog would'nt listen to its owner who was just has hysterical has the little dogs elderly owner , the rotty owner could'nt hold it or drag it , holding on to the lead she was just being pulled , i run up grabbed the lead of her and virtually picked the rotty up chocking it , still would'nt let go i dragged it into the sea and then it let go , lucky the small dog survived , the rottys owner , when i handed it back to her still could'nt hold this agitated dog it was pulling her up the beach i took over and walked the dog to her car and put it in for her , it was pulling me all the way but i was strong enough to control it , i also know a couple of years ago my mates 2 big dogs pulled away from his wife and killed a little dog she was just not strong enough to handle them , there was no recourse because the little dog they killed was actually off leash and run up to them , but i just can't grasp why people would take out a reactive dog bigger and stronger than they are
  2. Housing epedemic is / was ALWAYS going to cause this problem , said it on here before i've had a few rental properties , i personaly always allowed dogs , BUT i have had to spend thousands over the years replacing stuff after pets damaged things , be it digging lawns , just creating a track where lawns used to be , , soiling carpets , chewing architraves the list is endless , but bty and large most were great , so given you don't know them at first you are taking a chance and if you don't need to why do it, just say no , especielly when you have 50 applicants for that property and 48 don't have pets . But in days gone by you may have had 5 applicants 3 had dogs 2 did'nt but the dog owner came with a job and a exemplanary record , a good bond and great references , you pick the dog owner However the problem lies right at the doorstep of the govt , WHY its simple , govt housing its gone and going , i know this for a fact , i was a govt housing contractor for years , in 2003 in south Aust us contractors were brought into a meeting shown graphs of the properties owned by SA HOUSING , and shown graphs of the amount that would be pulled down , sold off ect ect over the next 15 years or so ,, we were told be careful with your workers , the days of putting your name down and waiting your turn for your home were finished , in the future social housing was going to be for the needy no one else , that meant alchaholics , the drug crazed , metal health issues , and such , . Now let me explain something , it was written in my contact that i had won a contract for x amount of properties to maintain over x amount of years usually around 7-800 a year , the first year in the first area 350 houses were deleted , i was told they have the right to add or delete properties at will , these 350 had been sold off , now in the past when sold off the tenents got to buy at a reduced rate , not these , they were sOld off to developers WITHOUT BEING ADVERTIZED ,, NOW I HAD AT THE TIME A LIST OF EVERY SINGLE sa HOUSING PROPERTY IN sa , AND CLOSE TO WHERE I LIVED I KNEW EVERY PROPERTY , there not there anymore , even now i drive up the street and its there on monday gone on wed , following month units started to be built by developers , with no warning no for sale just pfffft gone . Make no bones about it the state goverments are 100% at fault the shortage is because they are just not fullfilling social housing obligations . and its not one party its all . example , 2003 SA housing had approx 80,000 prperties across the state , NOT INCLUDING the church housing Aboriginal housing , battered women housing and others , just approx 80,000 properties across the state , now put on average 4 people per property , thats approx 320000 people , living there , that was around 1/4 of the state our population was about what 1.5 million so roughly speaking a quarter of the population lived in social housing , they had plans to reduce the properties by more than half and reduce they did , and whats more STILL ARE ,, Theres where your problem is . Try and get your local pollie to commit to building social housing , unless they get to cut the ribbon its NEVER GONNA HAPPEN , THERES AN AGENDA
  3. I think of rats near my dog , i just think fleas and worms , ,
  4. I' bought a couple of dogs where the breeder would'nt let them go till 10 weeks , them breeders were adamant it may be ok for 8 weeks with small dogs but big dogs must be 10 weeks , and both them dogs were house trained when i picked them up , both had there whelping box inside like a big garden shed , with access to a grassed run , both breeders said they follow mum out to do there buisness and thats what trained them , ,
  5. My sister has a Mareema , she has to watch it close , she cannot walk it anymore , where she lives theres paddocks with sheep , she said when it see's the sheep it goes bunta , and its too strong it pulls her over , she's got no doubt it wants to have a go at the sheep .
  6. Too be honest , can't ever remember having a dog that refused anything which is more important now than before with the cost of dog food , Jeez i remember 40 years ago my mother could'nt believe it when she come around every friday i used to go to the meatworks not far from me and get the dogs food for a week kilo a day each of rump or topside staek , spend an hour cutting it up into small peices for them and freezing it ,, good old days when quality meat was cheap , could buy half a cow for 150 bucks , the dogs lived better than we did LOL
  7. Not counting dogs we had when i was a kid just dogs when i've been an adult , weve had , a springer - 2 boxers , mother and son (rescue ), staffy - shepard - rotty - shepard ( rescue dog ) - rotty - heeler (rescue dog ) maltese x (rescue dog ). Every single one has been a terrific familly dog and an all round good well behaved dog , its hard to pick a favorite , which of your children do you like the most , sort of thing , how can you pick , so i would have to ask myself which dog woul i buy again or would'nt buy again if i was to get one next week , First one i would say definetly no to would be the staffy , great dog but he chewed and chewed and chewed very destructive , think he went through a million kids toys and 2 lounge suites , finally stopped at about 3 , No to a GSD just don't like the hunchbacks being bred nowadays , and i would only buy from a breeder with a solid temprement if i got one it would have to be working lines , and i'm probably not active enough nowadays for that , so no GSD . purely me wanting to be fair to the dog regards excercise Boxer --- Great dogs , possible but the two i had slobbered i did'nt like that so probably No Heeler ,, well what can i say absolutly great dogs smart loyal , and mine was and still is at 10 a fantastic familly dog , my son took him still has him , but NO he drove my wife mad , with the malting and since our dogs sleep anywhere they want inside outside , kennel or lounge or bedroom who cares , she would say a BIG NO Springer , well what can i say , our first dog has a familly and what a dog , he came to work with me , he would go outside and play with my boys growing up , if he was'nt by my side , he was either out with the lads and there mates or even just up the road getting a treat of a neighbor , he may has well off been in an American movie that sort of dog a real Lassie , never ever remember actually training him he just knew what to do , my wifes favorite , he was just great but the answer now would be NO , he malted too much then was'nt a problem now it would be , plus i'm older and where i used to go running everyday 40 years ago , i go fish on the beach now . Present dog --- Maltese x Well what can i say he's 8 now , got a good home and will have one till he dies , but would i get another one NO its simply not enough dog for me , he's a great watchdog , when he's awake , the most lovable and timid dog i've ever owned everyone loves Olly , but Oliver is smart he jumps on everones lap , he licks everyone and falls asleep on everyones lap , because he knows he gets cuddles and he does'nt care who's lap , but sleep is what he does best , a walk around the block is enough for him before he sleeps for another 10 hrs , does he come fishing on the dog beach not really , he gets very timid of other dogs , and gets it in his head he walks off we only live opposite , so i've actually just let him walk off and followed , he's just gone home i've opened the door , its food bowl and straight to bed ,, sometimes i think i should of just got a stuffed dog LOL So brings me too the last but not least ,if forced to pick one i'd have to pick the rotty , i've had a male and a female , and could'nt pick between them , but if i got another dog it would be another rotty , just seem perfect for me , i found there natural tendency was to stay close , be aloof and a natural insticnt to protect and gaurd , the female would bark even snarl but never bite , the male would bite but did'nt really bark much , but both dogs seemed to know when to turn the gaurd instinct on and off without training , nightime and alone , both were very confident dogs and good with strangers freindly but assetive when need be , both dogs would come on the dog beach with me and spend hrs ignoring every other dog just lay next to me when i was fishing but yet freindly if approached by other dogs , seemed they both got to around 2 and just became aloof with other dogs prefering to be with me . I have always wanted a bull mastiff but would'nt get one i don't like slobber , so the rotty to me is virtually the perfect dog . Only problem i ever had with my rottys was the wife , with both a would'nt allow her to walk them on her own ,they were both lead reactive but only with her , and that was simply her fault , my wife would have them on a lead and be so scared of dog fights if she seen another dog she would always tense up and both the rottys would sence it and go into protect mode it was 100% her fault easist thing was they only left the house with me or one of my sons where they were 100% in control off lead with her they were good , but they had the instinct to pick up on her fear . Yep for me i'm an outdoor person , dog jumps in the ute and comes everywhere with me , fishing on the dog beach , visit the familly , we spend a lot of time on our housboat , and its important the dog does'nt wonder , and stays by my side ( sheep and snakes ) we also have an onsite caravan so the dog comes there and bneeds to be freindly yet aloof because they have to be tied and my rottys were perfect because evryone loved the big goofy freindliness and wanted to pat them Its the Rotty all the way for me . mother and son rescue dogs
  8. You can only bring the puppy in and try it , My wife loves cats personaly i don't like them , but the boss says we have them so have them we do , over the years we have had a few cats and because they live so long there has been quite a few dogs been brought into the familly with them , every cat has been mainly inside , and every single cat has got on well with the dogs all have been aloof when they wanted to but not scared or fearful once they got used to them , the dog we have now is a sook , i take him to my sons if we go on holiday , he has a blue heeler and 2 cats , who get on real well , them cats at first when my dog approached would run and give him a snarl , because he was boisterous around them , but after a while he stopped being boisterous they stopped snarling and he prefers to curl up and sleep with them , yet outside he will run up to them and they run inside there mates ,, brought a 8 week old rotty into the house with our cat and he grew up best mates and very protective off the cat , Alls you can do is give it a go but make sure you get a pup , don't make a big deal of it if the pup gets put in its place at first , they will get used to each other , like i said the main thing is only bring a pup in , i've done it perhaps 7-8 times and never had an issue whats more done it with a staffy that hated other cats but loved his mate at home . regards the anerican bulldog nice dogs , my mate has one and he owns 2 cats there all fine but they are a dog that needs training , Sometimes i think a new owner to dogs is a better fit , becuase if they find a good school the trainer will teach you how to handle the dog has well has taeching the dog , wherehas i see every single day on the dog beach when i'm fishing real animal lovers who have owned dogs for years , not able to control there dogs because there not firm enough they think its there baby , and thats something you cannot do with a american bulldog , regards breeds what are you and your husband likely to be like , example you have it on the leash , it gets reactive to a dog walking by , would you likely be , to the other people ,, Aaaaw sorry , he does'nt like strangers , hold it tight , and say stop being naughty , and make excuses , they should'nt walk there dog past mine , then walk away saying sorry i held you tight Fido . Or would you be like me , give it a stern reprimand , and say to myself i got a problem here i'm gonna fix it , and start immiedietly traing it No means NO If its the first one , get a maltese terrier , but regards cats you can only try , BUT GET A PUP definetly not a full grown dog
  9. Think the really big issue is , will your landlord allow it , Times are changing lots of landlords will not allow even one dog , 2 is i suppose lucky , 3 might just be pushing it , check first , last thing you would want is to suddenly be looking for impossible acomadation for you your familly and 3 dogs
  10. Vets should of warned them how much its going to be , i'm afrais i just don't feel sorry for the vet , 37 grand thats a lot of money , the usual person would never imagine thats going to be the cost if they paid it the vet is lucky that they had that sort of money around .. wE HAD A GREAT VET WHO WAS VERY FAIR WITH HIS PRICES , AND always BANG ON WITH HIS DIAGNOSES only probelem you had was getting to see him he was so popular , he unfortunatly moved , and what a bunch of rip off artists , the rest of them around my area are , Lucky i just found one who was'nt to bad , but after taking my dog to 4 local vets , for his ears being infected , and after a 4-500 dollar consultation , just given steroids , CREAMS AND TABLETS sent home and back again wwithin weeks , i asked one vet to put him under and take a proper look ,, vET DONE THAT COST OF $750 i specificly said CHECK BOTH EARS WHILE HE IS UNDER , after all they were both inflamed , but one worse than the other , i picked him up was informed he had a bit of gunk in one ear but not too bad ,,, i asked what about the other ear , OH we did'nt check that one , would you like another appoinment , WHAAAAT he was took in with 2 inflamed ears , another $750 to do it again , i was'nt impressed , Anyway after 4 vets , no solution and a dog with constant red and sore ears , i loked up DR COOGLE came across a vet on u tube who said a good home made remedy is apple cider vinigar diluted , before i done it because he still had one red and inflamed ear i took him back to where i had just paid %750 to fix it , , because of the mix up they reduced the fee knocked off the $70 dollars consultation , just charged me $350 dollars for all the other rubbish , while there i asked him , what do you think of cider vinigar to clean and fix them , his answer , Cider vinigat you put that on Fish and chips don't you ,, anyway next flare up probably a week after he finished his expensive course of steroids and tablets and opiti stuff which by the way cost $45 from pet barn and $85 dollars from him . well next flare up , i tried the cider vinigar mix , and presto cleans them up withing a couple of days , , now i've found change his diet , a weekly dose of that opti stuff , and when going inflamed a good clean with diluted vinigar he's a happy dog no mor rubbing his ears . Just a shame its cost me over 3 grand , to find out how to fix it on the internet , the vets only seemed interested in there $80 consultation fee . $80 dollar swab $80 bottle of opti stuff $80 tablets $80 steroids $80 creaM ,, SEEMED TO ME THE ONLY THING THEY KNEW WAS $80 37 grand is alot of money for some its a years wages , they should of sat them down and told them not once but a couple of times people will get emotional when they think a familly member is going to die , it would need explaining more than once , not just sign here and we'll send you the bill
  11. Don't think there less likely to bite in winter , just fewer of them around ,, I did'nt know theres a higher mortality rate in winter , but that would be easily explained , quite simple they just woke up thats when they can be aggresive , chances are its not a dry bite and maybee multple bites injecting more venom . Snakes are something i'm always wary of with my dogs , i've said it before i spend a lot of time on my houseboat , hope one day to live on it full time , , but when we pull up and the dog goes for a walk off the boat i'm always careful ,, Its the actual only reason when thinking of a dog breed suitable for me i would rule out previous dogs which have been great , definetly rule out the staffy , and all terrier breeds , Heelers too ,labradors too they don't mind to scrumage and jump in the water in fact any dog that has a tendency to explore , and or jump in backwaters , . I'm more inclined to go for a dog that does'nt want to leave my side or explore too much , rottys and mastiffs are a good start
  12. Probably a bit of all the above, plus i'm not sure of the prices now , but i think the outrages prices , demamnded and quite often recieved for dogs especielly designer dogs , for a period got the dimwits thinking they can breed there staffy cross , with there mates kelpie cross and recive the same , too dumb to relize that staffy and kelpie crosses are in abudance down the pound , and its the oodles people were paying top dollar for ,, still are , wifes freinds daughter recently , well few months ago now , paid 7 grand for a oodle puppy ,, which by the way is neurotic ,, seeming impossible to house train , timid , and looks like its turning into a bit of the worst kind of dog , a fear biter ,, One i suspect that will probably end up in the pound once her husband puts his big boy pants on , and calls her bluff , on the if the dog goes you go situation . When there all having the mothers meetings in my kitchen and talking about the problems with this dog , i keep my mouth shut , when i really want to say , I told ya so , i told ya to go to a proper breeder and get a pedigree dog especielly for that price ,, facts are and theres no denying it , even though most dogs well good dogs are always described in a similar fashion , you do have a general idea of what your going to get , a gaurdian , dog a working dog a herding dog a gentle dog whatever , bred correctly you already have a general idea .
  13. I just copied this post i made a couple months ago Posted March 22 (edited) Well i've just been up there AGAIN terrible experience , talking about this shelter just made my wife say once again lets get a playmate for our dog , we have always owned 2 dogs makes life easier they keep each other company if were not home . So knowing that i have been turned away before no people walking through policy , i done the right thing , rang the 1300 number went through 4-5 prompts and was told i don't need an appoinment just go up there , told we have reverted back to our old walk in policy to try and bring the numbers down , Great , i said are you sure i said i don't want to get there and be told i need a booking ,, No you will be fine said he lady , but go early she said to allow yourself plenty of time with the dog if you want to adopt , so off i go . I was working 80 klm away today so took the day off left the job and drove the 80 klm , although i only live 5 klm away i tdid drive 80 klm from work and arrived early , well i arrived , waited paitently at the front desk for approx 5 min , then asked can i go see the dogs please ,, to be told walking through is no longer allowed , WHAAAAT i said i was told an hr and 8oklm ago i can , no not here you need an appinment , i said thats not even what your web site says now , she answered you want to look at a dog , look at them pics and pick one then arrange a time to spend some time with it ,,, I said you don't pick a dog or a pup from pics , you see whats on offer and THEY PICK YOU ,,, well sorry but if you want one from here thats the way she said , , you can't pick from pics , you look and see if there freindly with you . So i asked lets make it clear you want me to pick a dog of the pics , tell you which one , and then make an arragement to meet it , YES she answered , and what about what i was just told fro head office i can walk through , and choose , don't know why she told you that was the answer , what about the 80 klm and an hours drive i just done , sorry she said ,, Ok i said if i have to chose from a pic , wheres the other pics of the other dogs , i asked ,, she said theres the pics on the board , i answered i don't want to choose between 6-7 staffy and bully crosses , how about pics of the other 128 dogs up for adoption , posted in the news by this shelter , why only then half dozen dogs ,, sorry can't help you your not allowed to walk through and look she said . So in theory if they have 120 dogs , i have to make an appoinment to see them all before i say , lets go back to number 48 he was really freindly and liked me Guess what they can stick there dogs up there proverbial , i'm done with that organization , seems reading reviews i'm not the only one to come across this stupidity , no wonder there getting crowded , talk about make it hard , its put me off getting another , and if i do i'll definetly go to another organization Which brings me to there kennels for boarding , most were empty you can see them from the road , so why are they over crowded , they have around 200 boarding kennels nearly all empty , after all they are supposed to be a rescue home not a boarding kennel thats what the grants are for
  14. Do trucking companys transport animals or are you stuck to planes
  15. Thanks but no thanks , i will say if i was to ever get another small dog a aussie it would be , we had one yers ago great dog , but being a terrier , he done what terriers do , dug under the fence , went ito the neigbors yard and in there shed , there he ate a hearty meal of rat poison , you know the terrible result .He was actually the first small dog i ever owned , but i often forget about him because we only had him a few months , the one i have now is the second small dog , and too be honest has much has i love him , i've never bonded with him has much has my wife has . Has much has i love terriers on the housboat is excatly where you need a dog/ breed who is less inclined to wander or get too independent and chase a roo , go wandering and scrumaging and snake bit . not to mention see a sheep and want to play with it . know matter how much i rack my brains , i keep coming back to the dog being the best for my lifestyle would have to be a rotty or a mastiff . had two rottys before and they were both perfect for me anyway , both were aloof yet freindly , both never bothered with other dogs , both would'nt leave my side to wander they were perfect , mind you the little one we got now is like that , but definetly not a hardy dog , and night time he will not go off the boat he gets scared unles i take him lol
  16. So really just another load of crap put out by people sprouting crap ,, On a cold winteres night , a man and wife go to bed and both are cold and the lady says , come closer , put your arm around me . lets keep warm , , Then summer arrives and the man comes closer puts his arm around her and gets told , Bugger off your hot , get over there , guess thats EPIGENETICS
  17. whats epigenetics in laymans terms
  18. Your last paragraph is actually interesting , Wonder how many breeders who wanted to sell there last one or two , $4000 dogs would refuse to sell it to someone elderly , say in there 70's especielly a dog that would usually live to 14-15 ,, after all chances are when than dogs old , maybee frail itself and needing expensive medication to live a good life . Well chances are finding a home will be very difficult . Makes me wonder how many breeders would take the 4 grand or refuse to sell it to someone elderly ,
  19. I've got a , well too be honest i don't know what he is , first glance you would think definetly maltese shitzu cross ,,, when his hair grows , he resembles a westy , but defo not one , A groomer said to me he's definetly 100 % alph apso certainly resembles one , temperament , he's lazy and sleeps , but a good watchdog when he's awake , BUT he can be timid around other dogs , sometimes he'll mix sometimes he will not he'll get scared and run from them . Given there situation with other dogs and cats , i would'nt be concerened over leaving them for the day when they have each other , but i would be concerned over getting a dog that might have timid traits , so that would leave one dog only for me the one small dog i owned once that thought he was a big dog , would be more than suitable for that scenario and thats the AUSSIE TERRIER . Said i would never get a small dog again but if i did it would defo be another Aussie . such a hardy dog .
  20. Sounds like you have it all sorted then ,, You don't do refunds , payed for the return freight and just about ate the refund , so whats left you'll keep anyway ,, what you charge for rehoming dog you say is ate up by desexing fee ,, plus online training course , whatever that is, is it a u tube subscription to teach a pup to sit, an lifetime breeders support , thats not worth the money you pay , has demonstrated they got non . Too be honest you don't sound like the sort of person who will sell dogs cheap , doubt transport costs run into more than you got paid for ther dog whats left over pays for de sex , dogs ok why does it need a training course , I would guess your still making money , Be careful small claims court , you can represent yourself ,no lawyers even allowed ,... it will only cost a hundred dollars or so to get the ball rolling , then a trip down for the day of court , fair enough if you have all recipts from reputable places with genuine charges then that could be knocked off your payback costs , but there airfare and costs could be added on , has long has it does'nt exceed the small claims court amount You only need a magistrate to think you were being a smart ass and you will be out of pocket ,, price of dogs now a days i would summise they would deserve some money back , if you did'nt want to refund anyting , should of said NO RETURNS not no refunds and then sell again ... why do you have to get the dog desexed before 2nd sale , why can't the new owner pay for that , after all i would assume since youv'e been paid once two full amounts is not your objective , or do you want two bites of the apple. If i was a magistrate , it would be simple , why did you feel the need to send an older dog to be assesed for issues , when only 4 weeks before you sold it with no issues , why was'nt the desexing and issue sorting all done before it was sold the first time , Cmon , pay the transport costs 50-50 give them the remainder back , no you've done the best you can it was an older dog probably did'nt liked being sold to strangers and behaved different than with you ... just do the right thing share the transport costs and refund ,,, Then if you choose to sell it again be wary it may end up coming back charge according Thats if you can sell it to someone else being registered in there name , you both have each other by the proverbial #$#'s bite the bullet and split the difference , , after all you can't make them sign it back you've not paid gfor it have you
  21. Who paid for transport costs for the return , are you selling the dog to the 2nd person , if they paid to return it , GIVE them there money back , if the 2nd person is paying for the dog give them there money back . Perhaps you can get the 2nd person to speak to them and come up with a price that suits both , and let them do the deal between each other , from the sounds of it i highly doubt your giving it to the 2nd lot of people , otherwise you would of said , maybee you can elaborate on that part
  22. It is funny to watch a dog who enjoys itself , my current dog , looks cute but really has the personality of a dead fish , and he's getting worse has he gets older , he je's very intellegent , but really just waked up goes to his food bowl eats and goes back to bed , when we settle down for the day or night he wakes up , jumps on someones lap and goes to sleep again , , it is funny when we watch him and count how long from jumping on your knee to snoring so loud you have to turn the tv up , on average about 20 seconds we have counted has low has 10 thats his record . Love him but really i say we should of just got a noddy dog that goes in the back of a car . Previous dog a Rotty , great dog freindly with everyone who came while we were there and introduced them , only though when they were introduced by familly , outside you could approach him , but on his home turf he was very very protective . , very very intense always in gaurd mode , and could go from 0 - 100 in seconds , he had no patence could be very reactive , and people would get licks if he was intoduced to them , but were never ever allowe to play with him , i simply did'nt trust him not to go into reactive mode at unpredictable speed ,, suppose you could say he was more of a guard dog than a social dog , so i had to treat him accordingly , great dog but you just had to watch very careful when strangers were about . Now my mates got a german wire haired pointer ,, thats one funny dog , he's big , but you look around and he's stood on the kitchen table , what for , who knows just decides to jump on there , , you look around , and he's behind the curtain jumped on the window ledge and keeps falling off he's too big , go outside and you watch this dog just zooming around and around and around , , its full of energy and will not stop playing , climbs the kiddys slide and slides down playing on his own , see's something he does'nt like 100 mph he's off goes hides under there bed , until he decides he wants to come out , will not drink out of his fresh water bowl , its the constant supply he goes to , the toilet , , give him premium steak ,Naaw he won't touch it , finds a dead bird devours it , funniest dog i've ever seen , and a great companion and freind , funny dogs are perfect .
  23. Think you hit on something there ,, my current dog was fro the pound , previous dogs all been pedigrees from breeders , but like i said when looking for another shepard i gave up , the breeders dogs i looked at has far as i;m concerned were all ugly , unhealthy looking jackel faced hunched backed , short legged , BAD EXAMPLES , that cost an absolute fortune and i think the only gaurantee i would of got is i'm gonna get huge vet bills ,, However the one or two i did see that were good looking dogs came from European stock and were very very expensive and being bred more for security , price was out of my reach ,, But if jane up the road who had a nice one , decided she was going to mate her bitch with peters nice dog , provided both parents had a good temperment i would'nt hesitate to buy and could'nt care less if they were so called BYB , 9 times out of 10 its them owners proud of there dogs and want to see some offspring , course there are exceptions ,, but the thing is they are breeding there dogs to there expectations of what the breed is , not some show standard that keeps changing largely depending on who in power shouts the loudest and wants change to suit there own dogs
  24. Lots of problems here , can they be fixed probably not , well not 100% anyway , but if you do want to fix them how would you do it by lesgislation probably not , theres too many out there who don't care about rules ,regulations and such , because the dollars to easy available , So what would the best way be , . Too be honest i don't know i'm not a breeder ,i don;t show dogs i'm just an average guy who has owned dogs all his life , never been without one since i was a 8 year old , because they really are mans best freind . But i do have an opinion , some may agree most probably will not , i'll share it anyway , so lets talk about the only breed i personaly have had which has been dramaticly affected , , the GERMAN SHEPARD . I bought one around 32 years ago , from a breeder , this breeder had a lot , fantastic set up in the country , they all roamed free on the property and spent most there time swimming in the dam kennels at night , Anyway i went and told her i wanted a large one , preferably long haired , she led me straight to a litter and said take your pick , this litter was actually cheaper she said , , explained to me because there long haired and there going to be too big to show both traits she said didsqalified them from the show ring , , who cares they were great looking dogs , but a couple of other litters she had were all show quality and she was selling them to show homes only , i suppose for a premium price i don'y know , Sam cost me $300 Now fast forward 19 years , Sam died at 18 lived a long life i had already couple years before bought a rotty and had the 2 dogs , actually Sam out lived a staffy who was two when i bought Sam , then a rotty , who only lived 9 years , and was 14 whan i bought the second rotty , Anyway point i'm making is this , when he went i thought i'm going to get another GSD to keep the Naz the rotty company , and i set of looking . and boy was i suprised ,, even though i live right in front of a dog beach and spent hrs and hrs there , i used too and still do go down with my rods and fish there , always took the dogs and they would spend 4-5 hrs running around and playing , but even though i seen them everyday , i would just think Sams the best looking shepard that ever comes on here i never noticed the confirmation was changing , Anyway , i start looking for another GSD and was i suprised every where i went , the breeder would tell me , we breed them Fine , i failed to understand what that meant , because what i was looking at was not a big strong sturdy dog alert and confident with a striking posture , i was looking at skinny , jackel looking things with long thin snouts , banana shaped backs , and deformed looking back legs , where had all the big strong dogs gone , , i seen dogs that had parents , who really were just one step from dragging there back legs , it was terrible , breeders had changed the definition of a shepard to suit themselves , YET these dogs were entering shows , so whats that mean it become acceptable to class a skinny looking jackel with a banana back in the shows has a good example of the breed , and therefore over time educating the uneducated that this is the norm ,, . now theres a reason for it what that reason is i can only assume , and i quickly assumed that the reason was money , the show scene is clicky , not everyone has money to import or buy top dogs , so they changed the confirmation to suit mary and josie up the road , over time they changed the confirmation of the mighty GSD , now if these dogs were to all start losing at the shows and judges insisted , no hunchbacks with back legs so out of shape the dog can hardly walk , no long skiny snouts that looked like a fox , and started awarding medals to good strong healthy dogs , then thats what the breeders would breed , thats what the public would want in a shepard , because lets have it right i bought Sam 32 years ago and he and his siblings were absolutly perfect examples of a shepard , just too big and long haired so could'nt be shown and i could'nt find one like him anywher , If i was to buy another shepard it would have to be a European import ,, but the point i'm making be it pugs , shepards or mastiffs if the judges say what the confirmation should be thats what the breeders will follow , ... Just my thought right or wrong
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