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Everything posted by coneye

  1. Until this dog i always owned 2 dogs , at a time and never had the problem , i will admit though that except for one stage a staffy and a shepard , it was always big dogs , 2 boxers , GSD - rotty , 2 rottys , i also in honesty usually took both out , But when i did take one out it was always quite simple , never grabbed a lead until i had put one out the garden ,they know don't they , then simply gone out ,, mind you like i said they were all big dogs , and they were not clingly like the little one we presently have, Which too be honest clingy is the reason i would never have another small dog
  2. Terriers are great , but they are terriers , i love the Aussie terrier , poodles , don't know much about them , neighbors got two he loves them , although there not show dogs and i was actually suprised they are poodles , i was same has most poodles look gay , LOL . German shepards , great dogs , little maltese cross , rottys , great dane , bedlington , you name it , if he likes the look of it he's a dog lover he's gonna love it because the dog will mould to him and he will mould to the dog , , however when theres little traits you don't want , (long hair ) nose to ground and bugger off , whatever if the dog has these traits he considers undesirable , it will make it harder so my sugestion , and i thought of this before i even finished reading your post was simple , maybee a little bigger but not has active , A RETIRED GREYHOUND , lovely dogs , i will say not for me i would never have them but seems like the perfect dog for him , because he does something i don't , he likes the look of them ,
  3. I'm not sure so i'll ask whats the drug for , if its to help with its obvious anxiety run away from you problem , its not working , so in that case i think i would personaly off gone with the prescibed double dose see if that works , if it did'nt i would'nt waste my money on medication that does'nt work , and definetly give it a go without medication Regards the vet , think i would of just made a quick phone call and said ,, Heh , sorry to bother you , but think you made a mistake with the script , any chance of me picking up a new one , or do you think the double dose will benefit , Thanks for that , i'll wait for your return call , cheers and thanks a lot .. Cost nothing to be nice , yours was more a impersonal email just telling them they were wrong . My local vets are imposible to talk to and would'nt give a shit anyway , they would just tell you go somewhere else
  4. Nothing anyone can say really except , the soon to be parents if they have half a brain wil watch the dog very very carefully to suss out its temprement , and when the babys born , double , treble and quadruple watching the dog with the baby , and that is for all dogs be it the old or the new dog . When my youngest was around 12 months old , i was given a really really nice doberman , it was from memory around 18 months maybe 2 years old , a bit scatty but a very nice dog , it very quickly became my jogging partner , came to work with me and become my mate , but the wife said get rid , and she meant it , the dog had not done anything wrong it was really a good dog , BUT the wife just did'nt like the way it looked at the baby , she said she simply did'nt trust it , i started to watch it very carefully and soon agreed it did tend to just stare at him , it never went to interact in any way shape or form with him , and when he went near the dog , it would simply walk away from my lad , i myself then become a bit uncomfortable with how he was looking at the lad , so , i found a home , gave him away , to a guy with teenage kids , over time i would ask how the dogs doing , they were rapt there boys took the dog everywhere , he said he was the perfect familly dog . but he also said to me i think you done the right thing , we don't think he likes babys and small children , i was sad to see a good dog go , but heh , it was my son , we my wife and i both just had a gut feeling and never regretted it , the dog went to a good home and we were never put in a bad position , , really they just have to watch it and remember , no matter how much you love your dog , they are just that a animal and personaly i feel people have to remember that , there not human sometimes we think they are , but there not . and jeez this just reminds me i'm getting old , the youngest lad is now 36 LOL
  5. It makes me wonder why them vets would use this drug , then the cinic in me thinks , Mmmm , kickbacks . and for anyone who does'nt believe it happens in the animal world , WHYNOT it certainly happens in the human world with doctors
  6. Can't see why it took this long , should of been destroyed on the day after at the latest ,theres no way would that dog be safe to rehome
  7. Suppose if i came to buy one i would have an hard time nowadays , in the past i've bought of breeders its been a simple case of scour every where to see who has any pups , then when i've found someone i go have a look , if it looks good i buy , once i was asked for a deposit , because it was 8 weeks old and the breeder flatly refused to let me take him until 10 weeks old , said breeder was'nt fussed if i bought or not but wanted the deposit or risk selling him to someone else who came along with the deposit .. I paid the deposit simply because i was impressed with the dog and the breeder especielly the fact that she would'nt let him go til 10 weeks old . Suppose times are different now , but paying up front for ANYTHING to me would be a definete NO NO ,
  8. Killed a big brownie on my houseboat last year , probably a good 6 foot , went out on the back and there it was sunning itself on the swim deck , thing is both engines were going at the time , noise did'nt scare it off and neither did i walked towards it stamping my feet it went for me , so a big shovel fixed it , but be warned there quick and i mean very quick ... lucky the dog did'nt go outside ansd see it , Murray river is full of them , i see plenty every year , but non this agressive
  9. Jeez that dogs gone full kill mode , something in its brain has snapped completly thats gone beyond aggressive dog its full on savage
  10. Did write a post then thought if you can't say anything nice , keep it shut
  11. Hello , Can you give us your honest opinions on Danes and Mastiffs pro's cons , obviously all opinions differ but whats your experiences
  12. Years ago when i was a kid , mongrels were always renowned to be healthy strong dogs , with few health issues , and pedigrees were more prone , at least thats what i remember everyone saying ,. Personaly except for when i was a kid with the familly dog always owned pedigrees , has an adult that is i've always had pedigrees , then i know what i'm buying , except for the one now , and he will be the last cross breed i ever own , has his share of health issues although i've been lucky with his temperement
  13. Nothing wrong whatsoever , i've got one and thats what makes him interesting , , he seems to have that many personalaties i' think he's past the mongrel , and at the bitza , heinz 57 stage . . One minuite he's the soft gentle insecure clingy maltese , next minuit he hears a noise in his sleep and he's at the window , growling and barking at passerbys , One minuite on the beach he shy's away from every dog , next he wants to play with them all , at night he will not go off my houseboat without me , during the day its nose to the floor follow it and he's gone , you just don't know which of the breeds thats in him your gonna get LOL , I'm more inclined to think heinz 57 ,, seems to have 57 different personalaties LOL
  14. Seem to be a lot of this sort of cross breed around , Suppose people can call there dog , an oodle , a scoodle , a sheepadoodle or a goodle , call them what they want its there dog , But to me its a MONGREL or a bitza , , or in some cases you just can't tell so its a heinz 57
  15. Who trains these trainers , what qualifications can you get
  16. Your Correct , i said it in another post , every other day i see on my local dog beach , people who do not haave the physical strenght to control there dog which usually are not trained , , i see one lady every day with a german shepard thats dog reactive , and it pulls her all over the place , one day something will happen . Regards my freinds dogs , it was a shock to them , the dogs were normally good with other dogs , in fact i had took my little dog around many times , and once he got over being scared of them and there size they played with him very gently , but on this occasion the other dog ran up within feet of them , barking ect and they gave no warning just pulled her and ripped it to bits , like a rag doll , , council got involved and deemed it was no fault of hers , the other dog was off leash hers were on leash
  17. I have not seen many irish wolfhounds , and the very few i have seen have been really nice goofy gentle giants , very very people freindly ,, However my mate had two when out with his wife , a small dog OFF LEASH came up to them barking and they pulled his wife , she could'nt control them and killed the dog , now this , makes me wonder if its something in the breed says do not trust with small dogs or animals ,, I know it can happen with any dogs but are they more disposed to attack smaller animals has prey
  18. Current dog i got from rspca , i knew little white fluffy dogs are prone to problems and he is , (ear infections ) But Heh , i walked in to buy a big bullmastiff they had , i'd seen it earlier , brought the wife back to meet it , and it was coming home with me , but this little fella with the cone on his neck spotted me , HE picked me , and that was it he was ours , and vets bills just come with the territory , . dog prior young girl owned him , was desperate for a home i answered the ad to give away , went around , seen this beut 10 month old stumpy tail heeler , girl was told by landlord dog goes or her she had only a few days left and could'nt find a home for him so was gonna put him down , poor girl was heart broke ,, i took one look at that dog on the floor with a 4-5 month old baby crawlng all over him , seen how gentle he was at that was it , he had a home , 10 years later and my grandaughters have grew up with him , the 3 year old is his best mate , , Both times i did'nt give a thought to expense , they were healthy when i got them so its my job to ensure they stay that way ,, ,be like having kids and saying no docs of food for them i can't afford it
  19. Don't want to kick anyone when there down but can't help but think , 2 wolfhounds , BIG DOGS surely you would know if they are dog reactive , , i have mentioned before i spend hrs and hrs and hrs , each week fishing on the dog beach in front of my house , and cannot help but shake my head at the amount of people usually women who have dogs that can be reactive , yet untrained to the extent they need to be , that CANNOT PHYSICLY handle there dogs , , couple of years ago i actually intervened in a dog attack and saved a little dog , one of my favorite dogs a rotty , this one a big one , attacked a little maltese type thing , probably only 10 feet from me , he had the little dog and was shaking it , would'nt let go , the dog would'nt listen to its owner who was just has hysterical has the little dogs elderly owner , the rotty owner could'nt hold it or drag it , holding on to the lead she was just being pulled , i run up grabbed the lead of her and virtually picked the rotty up chocking it , still would'nt let go i dragged it into the sea and then it let go , lucky the small dog survived , the rottys owner , when i handed it back to her still could'nt hold this agitated dog it was pulling her up the beach i took over and walked the dog to her car and put it in for her , it was pulling me all the way but i was strong enough to control it , i also know a couple of years ago my mates 2 big dogs pulled away from his wife and killed a little dog she was just not strong enough to handle them , there was no recourse because the little dog they killed was actually off leash and run up to them , but i just can't grasp why people would take out a reactive dog bigger and stronger than they are
  20. Housing epedemic is / was ALWAYS going to cause this problem , said it on here before i've had a few rental properties , i personaly always allowed dogs , BUT i have had to spend thousands over the years replacing stuff after pets damaged things , be it digging lawns , just creating a track where lawns used to be , , soiling carpets , chewing architraves the list is endless , but bty and large most were great , so given you don't know them at first you are taking a chance and if you don't need to why do it, just say no , especielly when you have 50 applicants for that property and 48 don't have pets . But in days gone by you may have had 5 applicants 3 had dogs 2 did'nt but the dog owner came with a job and a exemplanary record , a good bond and great references , you pick the dog owner However the problem lies right at the doorstep of the govt , WHY its simple , govt housing its gone and going , i know this for a fact , i was a govt housing contractor for years , in 2003 in south Aust us contractors were brought into a meeting shown graphs of the properties owned by SA HOUSING , and shown graphs of the amount that would be pulled down , sold off ect ect over the next 15 years or so ,, we were told be careful with your workers , the days of putting your name down and waiting your turn for your home were finished , in the future social housing was going to be for the needy no one else , that meant alchaholics , the drug crazed , metal health issues , and such , . Now let me explain something , it was written in my contact that i had won a contract for x amount of properties to maintain over x amount of years usually around 7-800 a year , the first year in the first area 350 houses were deleted , i was told they have the right to add or delete properties at will , these 350 had been sold off , now in the past when sold off the tenents got to buy at a reduced rate , not these , they were sOld off to developers WITHOUT BEING ADVERTIZED ,, NOW I HAD AT THE TIME A LIST OF EVERY SINGLE sa HOUSING PROPERTY IN sa , AND CLOSE TO WHERE I LIVED I KNEW EVERY PROPERTY , there not there anymore , even now i drive up the street and its there on monday gone on wed , following month units started to be built by developers , with no warning no for sale just pfffft gone . Make no bones about it the state goverments are 100% at fault the shortage is because they are just not fullfilling social housing obligations . and its not one party its all . example , 2003 SA housing had approx 80,000 prperties across the state , NOT INCLUDING the church housing Aboriginal housing , battered women housing and others , just approx 80,000 properties across the state , now put on average 4 people per property , thats approx 320000 people , living there , that was around 1/4 of the state our population was about what 1.5 million so roughly speaking a quarter of the population lived in social housing , they had plans to reduce the properties by more than half and reduce they did , and whats more STILL ARE ,, Theres where your problem is . Try and get your local pollie to commit to building social housing , unless they get to cut the ribbon its NEVER GONNA HAPPEN , THERES AN AGENDA
  21. I think of rats near my dog , i just think fleas and worms , ,
  22. I' bought a couple of dogs where the breeder would'nt let them go till 10 weeks , them breeders were adamant it may be ok for 8 weeks with small dogs but big dogs must be 10 weeks , and both them dogs were house trained when i picked them up , both had there whelping box inside like a big garden shed , with access to a grassed run , both breeders said they follow mum out to do there buisness and thats what trained them , ,
  23. My sister has a Mareema , she has to watch it close , she cannot walk it anymore , where she lives theres paddocks with sheep , she said when it see's the sheep it goes bunta , and its too strong it pulls her over , she's got no doubt it wants to have a go at the sheep .
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