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Everything posted by coneye

  1. Had a Shepard for 18 years , beutiful long haired shepard , who shed a shopping bag of hair a day and drove my wife mad ,, around the house , but i've had a lot of dogs over the years we have never been without one , and for me the best dogs i've ever had were the rottweilers ,,, they just seemed to be a bit aloof with people and other dogs , which makes them easy to control ,, another great dog i had was a stumpy tail blue healer ,, fantastic dog , but he was to energetic for me , i wanted to walk him he wanted to jog , sort of thing , so i gave him too my son who would go jogging with him every night and he still has him , he's the best familly dog with the kids you can find . End result suited to aussie climate , easy to handle i say a heeler or a rotty , ,,,,
  2. Had a Rottweiler that was like him , so much so that i was beginning to think the Breeder had conned me , , he looked like a energetic boxers build , skinny , like yours he was active i'd had 2 other Rottys and they were no where near the energy level this one had , he started prancing around from morning to night non stop ,,, But has he got older , he developed into a strong sturdy good looking dog , in fact everyone commented on him , no fat just out and out muscle and very toned with it ,, Worm your dog , don't give him has much rice , he looks good , my vet would say perfect
  3. Couple of years old probably resolved by now , but my take on this after owning rotties , sheperds and other big dogs ,is simple this owner bought a breed that are big bold and can be agrresive and simply just cannot control it , how it acts in the house proves this put simplyy they just shoulld,nt own this sort of dog
  4. Lol,,, The rottys died years ago i certainly never blamed any of the dogs, i blamed my wife , i think her nervousness when out on her own the dogs could sence it and got protective, she was always very nervous especielly after the female attacked another dog , when its owner stopped for a chat , it did get to the stage where i stopped the wife walking the dogs in the street on her own ,and instructed her only to take them to the dog beach and immidietly unleash them , just walk and let them follow and play with other dogs , both the rottys would generally ignore other dogs and just casually follow , but were trained to come back when called off leash there was never a problem , only on leash when walking in the street and only with the wife never with me
  5. Just wondering how you did with the dog , was it fixed , Made me wonder if it was you not the dog ,, reason i say that is in the past i've always had big dogs , 2 boxers who were so obeidient i did'nt even need a leash , then a massive sheperd , who was good with or without the leash ,, then we had rottweilers , one a male , the later one a female , each and eveyone of these dogs were great on and off lead , they were all gentle giants ,, but when the wife took the rottys for a walk , they were different , epseielly the female rotty , she was such a loving gentle dog , we found out after she died , even the neighbors kids used to jump the fence to play with her when we were out . But when out with the wife , she would get very protective , one day a guy stopped to talk to the wife , and she attacked his dog when it came in for a pat of the wife , EVERY other time she was gentle with dogs cats and people , just changed when the wife took her out on leash , I always told the wife they could sence her being nervous , and stopped her walking the dogs
  6. Don't know if you got a dog yet , But for mr the ideal dog for you would be a blue heeler , fit the match superbly , except they do shed a lot , we have a maltese cross , great companion , but is a bit needy and a bit too much of a suck , although getting better , actually chooses to sleep in its bed now rather than wanting to get on ours ,, well to be honest we have been told it could be a Lhapps Apso , which would be the reason ours is a great watchdog , a suck but he barks only when theres someone there never yaps ,rest of the time just wants to sit with you or on your lap , loves excercise though , , If the heeler is too big , go an Aussie Terrier , great personalities , hardy and tough , not prone to too many health problems , not to yappy ,, But the heeler would be my choice ,, Got one at 12 months old , but gave him to my son and grandkids , after they looked after him for 6 weeks he fretted for them , that much , we did'nt have the heart to seperate him from my son and the grandkids ,, best dog i've ever seen
  7. I think a lot depends on the dog , I owned a long haired german shepard , which was the BIGEST and i mean BIGGEST shepards you have ever seen , it was like a small lion , But yet i seen that dog run grab a bird , when i seen it and told it to drop , the bird flew off , only for Sam to lunge and grab it again in mid air , i said drop and he did the bird , (sparrow ) flew off . Supose we have been lucky , my 2 year old used to ride him , he grew up with my youngest , and lived till he was 16 , the dog used to lie down while he sat on his back and then get up and walk , Next 2 dogs were rottys which were just has gentle , non of them were good watch dogs , they would'nt bat a eyelid when people came to the door . Next dog was a stumpy , we got has a give away 6 months ago , i only took him to save him from the pound or being put down , I found its an absolutly great dog , but unfortunatly needs more excersise than i'm willing to give , the dog made me relize , i'm not has young has i was , it does'nt need to be took for a walk it needs to jog , So lucky enough my youngest lad has took him , and he now has a bigger back yard , and 2 youg girls to play with , he loves it , when my lad used to mind him , for a weekend he would go off his food when brought back , Its important you get the right dog , i loved that little stumpy , and if he was older and less active he would be perfect , or even if i was still working where i could take him on building sites , in the ute it would be perfect , but i'm retired so its not happenning , It all depends on what dogs you like big or small or medium , . For me its back to the drawing board , but i still tend to think the rottys are a good choice if your not over active , they do tend to be a couch potato and prefer to walk than run , they will chase the ball , but are quite willing to watch tv .
  8. I think your going to be happy with any dog , sounds like you will be a good owner , In a previous post i recomended a stumpy tail cattle dog , but unless your going to be home with it , i'm not too sure i'm finding mine likes to be with people all the time and is getting a bit destructive if left alone for too long . So going back to the draweing board , i would reccomend a Rottie , that is based on the fact after owning 2 for a total of 16 years they are a good dog and do not mind being on there own during the day ,, at least mine did'nt ,
  9. I've had 2 shepards ,, 2 boxers 2 rottys , 1 staffy over the last 40 years or so ,, the rottys were my favorite , because they were the best behaved , shepard used to go other dogs , but if they nipped him he would run away , which was good , the staffy was great but too freindly , if he seen someone a mile away he would be gone and wanting to play , boxers were both terrific dogs but they were scrappers , which made it hard to take them for walks seen another dog they wanted to fight , The royttys were great , noble alert and aloof , , the Aloof part being the best because they did'nt bother with other dogs or people , freindly enough , but also very good housedogs , and i would'nt of trusted any of them not to have a go at a stranger coming on the property , being a country farm situation not ideal . But now , 6 months ago a young girl wanting to rehouse her dog she could'nt keep , could;nt find a home for it , she was in tears when i seen her because she was going to have to put him down , so i felt sorry for her , and said i would take him , , he was a 12 months old Aussie stumpy tail . I kid you not , he's the best dog i've ever had , intellegent , i walk him mostly in a dog park and don't need a lead , great with the grandkids , good watch dog , will not leave my or my wifes side , excellent with other dogs , the dog ticks every single box , perhaps a little bit active for me but he loves the back of the ute so comes every where with me . I have a dilima now , my son wants him , and being so good with the grandkids , 5 and 7 year old girls , i'm tempted to let him take him , reason being is were not has active has my sons familly and he has a big back yard , When my son watches him for us , the dog has a ball running around the big yard and playing with the girls , , its funny has to see him on the trampoline , with or without the girls . He sleeps with the youngest one , and rests his head next to hers , when she is put to bed he gets up and goes with her . For me its a dilima , I walk him and take him everywhere , but i don't jog with him what he wants and likes , in a country type situation , i could'nt think of a better dog , and i believe from what i've been told , he is just typical for that breed ,
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