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Posts posted by coneye

  1. 19 minutes ago, Tempus Fugit said:

    You would have to ban bully kuttas, gull dongs, kangals, alabais etc etc.

     Think you could add too that , Rottweilers , german shepards ,  all mastiff type dogs , and while were at it  never met a chiwawa  that was'nt a nasty viscous little brute ,  remember when i was a kid , neighbor had a corgi  that used to chase all us kids up the street biting our ankles  , so throw them in has well

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  2. Strange , raise your voice in my house our little dog takes himself outside , drop a cup any sudden loud noise , and he's off , he's a very quiet  dog who loves calm , yet i love to sit outside on the balcony  every time theres a storm  , and being by the sea we have lots of them each year , , he just comes and lies on my lap  watching  the lighting listening to the thunder , and he'll just nod off  absolutly does'nt faze him one bit

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  3. Whats littermate syndrome , what i have read is two pups , two owners , same houshold , dogs  get on well and play ,  dogs  have each bonded with there own owners , just like you would hope  , whats the problem at the moment , i can see two future problems maybee , but maybee not only time will tell .

    problem 1 ---- males they may fight when older

    problem 2---- if houshold splits up , one misses the other .


    Other than that whats the problem

  4. Personaly  , reading botrh sides here ,   i think i would say  no way she getting the dog back , its not going to live a good life , lady thinks she bought a toy ,    probably after recieving nasty messages , i would say  no way she's getting her full amount either , i'd probably advertize good home wanted , sell her to someone for whatever i could get and thats all i would refund , i would state the dog was older  people were not willing to pay the same has they will a pup .


    Then i would recieve more messages and think , get a grip of yourself ,     this woman sounds like a neurotic nutcase  letter writer  on a mission , and just give her  a refund  tell her to go away and witch hunt someone else , because she said herself she's on disability with major depresion , the lady sounds bored and  causing problems is her  outlet , Naaw give the nutter her money back tell all the other breeders you know to be wary , the vet said the dog was fine , its a chiwa wa  if it had not eaten for a couple weeks it  would be dead , it obviously ate a bit of something , just  not enough for her ,


    Give the money back , and hope you get rid of the problem , although i sence until she finds someone else to harrass  its not going away , 

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  5. Unfortunatly your never going to stop it ,  , i own a small dog  thats timid  , and watch him like a hawk always on the leash when  theres other dogs on the dog beach , and i'm constantly shouting get your dog mate , when he's approached  which is all the time ,, But prior to him i owned a massive and i mean MASSIVE rotty , that was  quite freindly with well mannered dogs , but  very unfreindly with ill mannered dogs he would not tolerate them ,  because of this he was ALWAYS on leash unless dog  beach was empty . .


    With the little one , people don't care they let there aggressive dog run up and intimidate mine , yet with the rotty  they always seemed to control theres and put them on leash to stop  them coming up ,   over the years did have a few who did'nt , but i would just shout get your dog mate or i'll let him go , that usually fixed it , sad but true , people just don't care

  6.  i can tell you  the best ever dog , loyal and easy to train  ,


    Springer Spaniel ,,,, Boxers  ,,, English staffy ,,,, german shepard ,  rottweilers   ,,,  blue heeler   little  mongrel cross  shitzu , maybee maltese with a definet bit of  westy in there .

    Each and every one of them has been  loyal easy to train and well behaved , there dogs  and they mould to your personality





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  7. On 20/07/2024 at 5:37 AM, tdierikx said:

    Not sure what you are asking @JessicaLawrence... if you are asking if council has done anything about the dog across the road, the answer is a flat no... obviously they don't have the time or inclination to do their bloody job properly in this case. The dog is still being a complete little menace, and I'm still constantly shooing it home...



    Instead of shooing it ,, call it over with a buiscuit , when it gets used to you , pick it up , put it in the car , take it to the council  offices , tie it to a post outside with a note on its neck , FREE to good home

  8. Hard one is'nt it , If i was an aboriginal  living in the bush  trying to kep the traditions  and ways of my forefathers ,  along with the dream time and all the other stuff , Think then i would  hate to see  the dingo ,  shot , culled , got rid of in any way shape or form


     But if i was a farmer , with 10 000 head of sheep  and my whole familly's future and livelihood tied up in it , and was reguly losing sheep to dingos  i think i'd want them  , shot  caught moved areas  , whatever  has long has they stopped killing my sheep .


    Suppose if i was in my 4 wheel drive going out  where the dingos lived , i would'nt be  stupid enough to allow my pet or child  wonder off


    So the top two have both got a point the 3rd one  is just an idiot who should have no say .


    But the fourth one , groups who recieve govt money from which the farmer's tax pays for  , should just keep there nose out

  9. Did'nt read it , They could of saved heaps of money and just asked what i' and millions of other older  dog lovers already knew , Labs are greedy buggers who  will eat till they gorge , I can also tell them for nothing . so will my little bitza dog  ,   and feed him the recomended amount once a day say night time , next morning he's looking for food and throwing up white bile , , so he has to have 2 meals   a day  to stop that , lately because were home   more in the colder weather its   split into 3 meals ,  6am 100 grams ----12-1 pm 100 gms  ------ then around 7 pm the last 100 grams  ,   heh presto , no bile , , he's never looking for food anymore  ,  and happy and healthy ,


    There ya go  and that info did'nt even have to be  funded , ,,  can't help but wonder how much it cost for them to state the obvious , labs are a greedy dog   I'm basing that on  owning a few , plus  being brought up with my grandfathers labs , cannot ever remember him not having one ,  every single one of them called prince has well LOL

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  10. On 06/09/2023 at 7:11 PM, Valcor said:

    Thank you I ended up ringing the breeder and saying we just can't commit to the puppy. Not an easy decision for me at all. I hope like the others have said that this is just a misdiagnosis for the puppies sake.

    Think you done the right thing , it could off worked out OK then again it could of been 15 years of problems and heartache , personaly i would'nt  buy that grief

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  11. My sister was given one , she loved it  large big bundle of fluffy white fur ,, Then it got bigger  lucky they live in the country and  had a big backyard  because  walking it became a problem  for them , there is only her and my neice and neither were strong or capable enough to walk him , he just dragged them to wherever he wanted to go , lovely dog though that unfortunatly got some desease and died at around 2 ,,, WHAT IT DID DO WAS MAKE THEM AWARE OF WHAT DOG TO GET NEXT   they got a little sausage dog  (daschund ) , much more suitable to them and there lifestyle

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  12. 4 hours ago, HoneyHound said:


    Like I said, false advertising.  Breeding poodles of different sizes without any DNA rest results.  Unethical breeding.

    Your never going to stop this  because simply theres money involved , I know of a lady ,  i've only spoke to her a couple of times through mutual freinds , she apparantly bred  labradors ,  i have heard her very vocal in the past totaly against  labradoodles , claiming it was byb 's   doing the wrong thing for money ect ect , throwing out all the   against   ideas , not in favor one bit  , got to say i agreed with her a lot and  could'nt then and still cannot  understand why people will pay THOUSANDS for a mongrel  she was always happy to hear my opinion ,  my wifes  freind payed 5 grand for one ,, 5 GRAND FOR A MONGREL WITH HEALTH ISSUSES .


    Anyway that was then ,  now is now and she's changed   her whole ideas and attitudes , now   its great  there introducing a new breed , there doing a great justice for the dog world and all the other associated rubbish , but what changed her mind , thats an easy one  ,  she bought herself  a poodle and now   sells labradoodles   charges nearly double than she did for the labs has well ,   she don't like me any more because i  just casually said   its amazing what 5 grand a pup can do for your mindset LOL .



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  13. Mmmm ,, Like i've said numerous times , i don't  now or ever , breed or show dogs , but looking at your post of what you have to go through , if i wanted too  i just would'nt be bothered with all that , makes me wonder in there aim  to stop byb  are they throwing the baby out with the bath water  , it looks to me that there actually encouraging it ,I can feel sorry for the person  up the road with a genuine love for there breed on what they would have toi go through , it would be very off putting  ,


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  14. I think Honeyhound is just pointing out , the lies and deception that some breeders will go to ,  this paticular person i would'nt call a breeder , but still theres some  for want of a better word , proper breeders out there , who's only concern is the dollar , the dogs  come second and thats A FACT .

  15. I don't have this  dilima  , because  i break it down  to easy   choices ,  if i want a dog its simple , i ask myself do i want a big or small dog  , in the past its usually a big dog , then i ask myself what type ,  ,  ,  pedigree or mongrel  , to me theres only two  types  a   purbred which is a   pedigree  WITH PAPERS  (prove )  or a mongrel ,   a dog without papers or prove , it could well be a pedigree  , but it could also have something else    without papers , (prove ) i would'nt know sometimes 


    I then look and its simple ,   theres the dog wheres the papers ,  no papers , i'm not paying top dollar , they can sprout all the rubbish they want about   mains and no mains  registered ,  , Far has i'm concerned   if i'm buying a pedigree I WANT PAPERS , why am i so adamant thats easy , because that dog is MY POSSESION  and if i want to show the dog , or breed the dog  then i will  simple has that , but in order to do so i need papers (prove )  its that simple , now with saying that i've had some beutiful dogs over the years  (pedigrees )  and i've even had the breeders ask me  will i   bring my dogs back and breed them  they have turned out so good ,  , but    breeding and showing  has no interest for me  so i've never done it my dogs are purely pets .


    All in all   its a pedigree with papers or its  not a pedigree ,   and that should reflect in the price ,   want to buy the offsprng of last years cruft champion , be prepared to pay top dollar  , want to buy a dog of gumtree with no papers , well you pay what YOU think its worth ,, don't give this backyard breeder your money ,   me i'd say heres my phone number  give me a ring if you get stuck with 3-4 puppys , i'll take one and give it a good home  but only for free .


    Don't encourage bad breeding ,  these people obviously  don't know what there doing  its about the dollars . 


    Suppose while i'm ranting i'll mention another pet hate , Breeders who    have dogs , breed from them  3 -4  whatever times , make good money on them and when there older  , want to0 get rid of them to make room for more breeding stock ,  then advertize them has wanted  a good home  to take care of this precious dog , ,  yeh right that precious  its got to go , but then ask thousands for someone else to have the privilige of then bringing an older dog into there home , having to usually house train it often not being able to becuase its lived its live in an outside kennel  new owners  getting an older dog , which is not going to live that long and will come associated with higher vets bills ,  ,  but they still want thousands ,


    Grrrr it pisses me off  ,   when looking for an older dog because were now  becoming an older couple this is what i found , so called breeders who love there dogs but loved there dollars even more , ridiculous prices   for   dogs they did'nt even want anymore ,   personally  i don't have a problem ranting about this BECAUSE   to some  (ME ) a dog is like familly IN FACT IT IS PART OF THE FAMILLY AND I COULD'NT GET RID  NO MORE THAN I COULD GET RID OF ONE OF MY KIDS  , to others a dog is just a buisness , when i was working  i sdid'nt have any problem or conscience about getting rid of a worker if they did'nt suit  could'nt do it with my pet though

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  16. When at the vet , last week , had a good chat with the vet  , he said    he's happy with his diet , this batch   mixed veg ,    and roo mince , has long has i cook the mince , which i always do  cook his meat ,   i asked if   it would be better to give human grade mince , he said no he's happy with roo provided its COOKED ,, he also suggested ,   give him a  egg once twice a week ,  which i already do ,  and every now and then poor some olive oil on his food ,  i already cook the meat in olive oil and do sprinkle a spoonfull over his food every now and then , so all in all good to know i'm on the right track .



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  17.  I'll try human grade meat ,  more of it less veg ,   tried pet chicken mince , couple hundred dollars  vet bills later , vet said it was no good too much bacteria giving him problems , better on cooked roo mince ,  but  human grade mince is'nt much different in price , don't really care about cost ,  vets are not cheap , i know today  before i even get there , its going to be   consult walk in door $90 ..  take swab of his ear and look at it $80  ,  antibiotics $80   steroids $80   and if he can catch me out again ,  which they will not  . ear wash  i can buy at  petbarn for $40   his charge $85 . 



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  18. Remember has a kid we always had dogs ,  they were mine so my job to feed them , and  i cannot remember anything except opening a can of pal , chappie , chum , i suppose  we were poor so they got the cheapest plus any scraps  left over .my old man would always say  good enough for us good enough for a dog , and if they turned there nose up at it  they got the same treatment has us kids ,   eat that or nothing be grateful  for what you got .Very strict  parents who really believed in the old saying s , like   get what your given ,    be thankful for what you got , ect 

    Point being i can't ever remember having a sick dog ,  later on in life ALL MY DOGS , have been healthy  eating   kibble mainly ,  except for 2 boxers i had  in the good old days of cheap meat , a friday  on way home from work and pop into the abattoirs  , pick up  20 kilo or so of rump steak ,   spend a couple hrs cutting it into chunks and feed it the dogs , my mother in law used to go bunta , she thought it was sacrilige because in England where she come from , she said they could'nt afford meat ,  changed has'nt it .


    Fast forward to now and i'm at the vets AGAIN  in a couple of hrs ,  poor dogs got  more licking paws , shaking head and    lay down feeling sorry for himself  , probably another ear infection ,  , i blame it on partly bad breeding and partly  dog food , reason i say dog food , is because  although he still gets it  , the symptoms don't come has often since i now make his food , usually  ,  3-4 veg  pumkin  / sweet potatoe  / beans / carrotts ,  and cooked roo mince  usually mix up  around 3 kilo of veg with 3 kilo cooked roo mince . . If this is a bad diet i'm  open for suggestions , he gets distictivly worse on kibble ,,


    Personaly   i'm at wits end with this dog , he's 10 now but will definetly be the last small  dog i get if i ever get another that is , facts are  if i was to  jump back  30 years  i could'nt afford this dog ,  he's cost more in vet bills  than all my previous dogs put together

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  19. 7 hours ago, Dogsfevr said:

    Start walks onleash around the area teach skills ,teach good leash manners & more importantly teach being offleash is a privelage not a right including that mindset for yourself 

    Agree 100% with this , ,  my little dog , in fact ALL my dogs    has been taught leash time is fun time , this little fella soon has he see's his leash  wants t get on it , if i let him off he runs around me  jumping up , wanting to get back on it , if he is off , i only have to hold it in the air wave it and shout  walkies , and he's back like a shot sitting down wanting it on , very very important you teach a good recall , then  you can put him back on BEFORE the play  becomes over whelming for him ,  But personaly  i would just never go to a dog park , with saying that i do go to a dog beach but   thats 3 kilometres long  and  only really really busy in summer , and i NEVER go then  , say  3pm to 7 pm , to much of what your describing going on .

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  20. I think your correct  , people do not relize a lead is not natural and just do not spend the time with them to teach .  I know  EVERY SINGLE PUPPY i have ever owned ,   has had a leash put on it for a short while   daily  just to drag around ,  get them used to it ,  every single dog   to start with has never gone out  unless on a leash with a big deal made out of  get your lead , get your lead , walkies ,  i have always spent a lot of time   teaching them lead time is fun time we go out , even going to the car , its lead on , get in car  lead off  , before we get out its settle and lead on , My  current dog  will rarely walk without his lead ,  , he gets excited , and wants it on , when  on my houseboat and out bush where he can go off and run around , he will not go off the boat  unless i put him on the leash and take him off . I can walk him out of the house , off the boat wherever , and  he just walks jumping up at his leash he wants it on


    However i do use a retractable lead with him  , but  never on the road  , then its short  ALWAYS ,    on our own ,  on the beach i use it   because  he simply  will not    move away from me unless he's on it  crazy really , , but long leashes  ( usually  long long rope , tied to the leash ) i've always used    to teach a dog recall. .


    I may also add this current dog is a small  little white fluffy thing ,  mixed breeed of  some thing or another , and not very strong , i have never and would never  use a retractable lead with  any of my previous dogs because they have all been large , them i just taught to love being on lead because it was fun and lots and lots of recall training


    ,  i think a lot of people  don't know the fun you can get from training your dog ,  to come , fetch , sit , down,  heel , ect ect . Got 8 grandkids  various ages , and the youngest ones now , love coming around  , and hiding  , while i send the dog to find them ,   and its something that the older grandkids used to love ,  when other dogs i owned  , used to do it with them ,


    I used to do it with my boys when they were kids , tell them to hide and send the dog to find them , In fact i can go back to when i was a kid , and used to do it with my mates  , play hide and seek in the scrub and send my dog to find them  , always border collies , they were the only dog my old man would have in the house , people have forgot dogs are fun


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  21. Now thinking about it , I wonder what percentage of dogs leash reactive are just sencing and passing on there owners nerves , I'm saying this   because   my wife and I over the years have had thousands of walks on the dog beach  and you can bet your life if my dog has been off leash or even on leash ,if another dog approaches , my wife gets nervous and  will tell me   grab the dog,  grab the dog , i will say leave it let them sniff  let them socialize   , course i've always kept a close eye for  bad body language  and  on the very rare occasion   stepped in  put mine on leash or  said to the other person  grab ya dog mate , but thats been pretty rare .


    Also   two rottys i  owned on different occasions i actuallu banned my wife from walking them , she would come home and tell me  they were aggressive with other dogs  and sometimes people walking towards her , i actually followed her one day to watch and straight away spotted the problem , SHE  not the dog was getting nervouse if others approached , she said she was scared to death of dog fights , but facts are   i NEVER had the problem with me both them dogs would totally ignore human or animal , with her i think they senced her nerves and went into protective mode .


    I've also noticed  when i'm there , (dog beach ) its easy to tell the confident dogs, there usually with confident owners , theres a lady  who  first time  our heeler  went  to round up her ridgebacks , 4 or 5 of them  , i apolagised , she just laughed , said its ok   he's only a pup , and there loving the running  ,  she was just has confident has her dogs were , in fact she was the first one who noticed he was no longer with me often ,  .


    Dogs can sence when owners are scared or nervous ,  makes me wonder if there reactive to other dogs , or going into protective mode ,  plus its amazing how  dogs can quite often settle down and mix ok , when there off leash and just left to sniff , course you always get the odd one who spoils the party , but  if people know they have a biter they should stay away

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  22. Think the answers to this question are has long has they are varied , its not one thing its lots of reasons , . But i think right up there is bad manners , from owners ,  that  let  little fido do has he wants , and  do not  disciplne or teach there dog manners just like they don't teach there kids ,  sign of the times


    I'm not a breeder or shower of dogs  , nor am i a trainer of dogs , so i don't claim to know everything   we can all learn , but what i am is a guy who has had dogs all his life , and i've never had any problems really , ALL my dogs  have been behaved  had a couple  perhaps not so much , BUT  every dog has been under control  usually by  a look , a call , or speach , and  i  have never  ever hesitated to leash any dog that is remotly reactive to other dogs ,  , my dogs have been my mates  and i don't want to see them bite or get bitten by another dog , but above all i have always treated them  has what they are ANIMALS , and  you need to control them , I think   too many people nowqadays treat there dogs has babys ,  , even thats OK has long has you relize , babys grow into todllers , --- into children --- into teenagers , and manners need to be taught early ,   giving a dog a tug and saying a sharp NO is not cruel its quite often needed .

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